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Modding with my own image that I want to use
Lord Chris, ? I'm sorry I posted this twice, and didn't realized I made a mistake. So I just want to retype it. I hope you disregard the last 2 posts. Can I mod with any image that I want to use for stronghold 2? I want to know what to do step by step how to make the armor shine through or make the black come through. I want to know how to save it correctly. When I use the alpha channels nothing seems to Stronghold 2
Request: Let's make our own Skirmish Trail
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Want to make some small maps?
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Own video, text and sound Messages in Scenarios.
Sorry for my bad English. I hope, that a Stronghold Fan write this Tutorial in better English. Your can make own video, text and sound effects in your Stronghold Scenario. This is great, when you will have a better gameplay atmosphere in Stronghold Scenarios. 1.1 Theory over the Messeage The Message is great and amazing, when you will have a better atmosphere in the game. Remember you're the original Stronghold Mission, and the LOTR Mod for Stronghold. The Mission have own Sounds, Videoin Stronghold 1