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Modifying Team Colour

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I'm reopening this topic because I just realized that no-one solved it. So far, all we have deduced is that the files which determines the shading colors are located within C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\shaders due to Lord_Chris' earlier attempt to find the shading file.


By going to the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\shaders\UI\Default.FX you will see this screen when opened up with notepad:




By changing the "COLOR0" value to "COLOR1", we find that:








Furthermore, we have identified that the scripting is in C++ and coding in Hexadecimal as the orange color has the Hexadecimal code of FFBF00

This is a subject which I have been very interested in because I hate the default red color and love the bandit black color.




So far what we've done is"a temporary success" :D



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Right, just had a look and I can see this line occurring frequently within the shading files:


float4(0, 0, 0, 0);


Using a bit of C++ myself, I can see that it is stating 4 variables, and these could be a vector, position, color (red, green, blue values), etc.

In addition, I think the more obvious and most probable solution is located within the "TeamColour.FX" so I think some trial and improvement will be involved to changing the color, however I see one potential problem - that changing these variables will change every player color. I'll poke around with this, change the constant variable values and see what I find. In the mean time while your computer is down, I would appreciate you finding similar forums and references because this one was really useful. :)



"To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield." - Alfred Tennyson

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - Wilfred Owen

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I'm guessing yes. But I'm honestly not sure.


Someone at Firefly was supposed to have said years ago that changing the colour would mess up a lot of game files but no real progress was ever really made on this.


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IT is possible to change the Team colour for maps which you only play in that map in that colour and this works fully without coding, with savedgames?;).

Edited by Tokamaps

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Well this certainly is a breakthrough!


Good work in completing this long worked-on task. For those users who have not seen the thread @Tokamaps is referring to, it can be found here: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/post/6869/#p6869


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