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New Tutorial - Modifying Crusader 2
I've posted this on the main site under a tutorial, but since this helps people to modify the game files which wasn't possible beforehand, I'll post a link to it here: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/article/167-enable-viewing-all-game-files This can be a help thread in case people need assistance with it :) -
Modifying Stronghold 3
I've posted a tutorial which tells you how to unarchive the game files from the '.v' format which they are in. This now means that modifying Stronghold 3 is finally possible. To do so, you must download the following modding utility: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/349-modifying-utility/ Here is the tutorial: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/article/195-unarchiving-stronghold-3-files Let me know if anyone has any issues :)in Stronghold 3
Join Development Team
Hey sir ! I am a software engineer , I am playing stronghold 2 since many years, Can i be apart of stronghold developers team ? My expertise is Java c++ javascript Dart now I am working on Native apps mobile development and I am interested to have SH2 in mobile Phone . -
Teal Player Colour Maps?
Would anyone be able to upload some large size (400x400) blank invasion maps for Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader where the player colour has been switched to teal? I tried downloading the map pack by Jalis from Stronghold Heaven but all the maps were tiny size, and when I tried to resize them I can't place any buildings outside the original tiny borders. Not sure if that's a bug with the Mac version or what, but in any case it would be great if someone could help me with getting those maps