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Economic Game: Calanais
Hey folks, I've just completed the stand-alone economic mission, Calanais! It's something of a grind - you cannot grow or buy food apart from hops and ale, and there are no trees. You are constantly assailed by bandits. Your only economic recourse is to sell stone, keep your peasants drunk and religious, and tax them. The aim is to gain (and maintain for a period) a large population (118 at normal difficulty). The early stages of the game in particular are tricky. The bandits willin Stronghold 1
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Has anyone around here made any freebuild maps for Stronghold 3? If so it'd be great if some could be added to the downloads section on this site. I just had a browse through and it looks like there are none here currently. I'm a fan of freebuild but was getting a bit tired of the original 4 in the game, and let's be honest some of the landscapes on those 4 maps don't look very natural... I know there's plenty of talented map-makers in the Stronghold community so I'm sure someone out there hasin Stronghold 3
"The Contract" An economic custom map by Mathew Steel
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