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Multiplayer Siege That Contest

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As it happens, we have to reschedule this battle for next week.


Lord Fail sent me a note that something came up which he could not postpone.

Well, Real Life comes first - thats how it is. I will keep you guys posted.

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I am glad that you and other players like those sorties and skirmishes.

The add quite bit of an tactical element to the sieges.


Maybe one day it may also be interesting to set up a field battle, where two big armies have to fight each other in an interesting terrain with hills, rivers, forests, swamps and other land features.

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That's a good idea, we could use that as the next competition, designing that map.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Lord Fail did his attack on Upway Castle last night - what a batttle that was.

It lasted for over 3 hours - the longest Crusader2 game I ever played.


The daring lord had decided to take up the challange posed by Sir Blobka: taking this castle with 10k gold and 3 trebuchets only. Indeed those conditions would prove to be the absolute edge for this map.


Lord Fail moved his army with skill and caution. He protected his 3 trebuchets well and no matter how hard my skirmishers tried, they jut could not get a shot near them. He also managed to apply the teachings of Sun Tsu, when he tempetd me to place my own defensive trebuchet at the wrong time and in the wrong place, where it was utterly useless. "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting" :)


But yes, the battle was on the edge and after an extremely long siege I was so desperate, that I went on the offensive and made an all-out charge with every swordman I could muster. The clash was hard and left both our armies in tatters.


After some more cat and mouse play around the last defences of the castle, Lord Fail challanged me to a Lords Duel and I felt this was the proper way to end this battle. So we moved our last archers back, lined up our remaining swordmen in spectator ranks and with a salute we both stepped into the ring. Blow fell upon blow, but Lord Fail remained standing in the end.

Edited by Nigel

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So this contest concludes with a very unusal end of an unusal battle.

With that, King Richard has decided that there will be two titels to award:



Sir Blobka recieves the title of Greatest Conqurer. He truely deserves it as he has been the best lord throughout all the battles. He has shown meticulate skill at commanding his army, uses his troops wisely and has a true eye for the exact strength that is needed to take a fortification. I placed the duty of first battle on him for 2 castles and he has handled the challange with great honour and chivalry.


Lord Fail shall be known as The Strategist for his feat in this last battle. His skill of command is matching that of SIr Blobka and last night he really gave him a run for his money. His clever strategic use of different troop types and siege engines make him a power in King RIchard's army and the title, which he chose himself, is truely deserved.



But let me say that every lord put up an excellent fight. We all remember Lord Paul and the heroic and certainly intentional charge of his lord and his brave quest to eliminate the rival court jester. The siege engines of EaglePrince worked with mathematical precision and Lord Chris showed extraordinary fighting spirit at the last castle, not giving up in a seemingly hopeless situation (we also quoted Sun Tsu - the old master would have been proud).


You have all brought honour to your names by showing chivalry and good sportsmanship.

Now is the time to join King Richard at his table to feast, drink and be merry. :D

Edited by Nigel

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Hearty congratulations! Well deserved titles :)

Thank you Nigel, for your valiant defense and for a memorable contest - that was a lot of fun and if a similar competition is on offer again in the future I would certainly love to sign up to fight again :)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Thank you, it's a great honour to recieve this title.

Thanks to Nigel and the other creators of this competition because it was awesome and I loved doing those tricky battles.

If there will be more similar competitions I'll definitely participate.


But for now the time for fighting is done and its time to join King Richard at his feast!

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Congratulations to the both of you!


Well deserved wins indeed. I've changed your user titles to reflect your new positions in the Nation. Thanks for playing! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Indeed this challenge was a worthy one. Rarely do I ever take on similar strategies when I go into combat against people who I have played before. Thank you to those of you who created this challenge and helped to support this great contest. To all the participants I thank you for the milestones you set for me to overcome as I was the last Lord to take on Upway and I worked hard to keep up with the group.


My Best to Blobka, you are certainly a worthy adversary, I enjoyed your challenge which pushed me to the absolute limits of this contest. Shall we ever meet on the battlefield, I shall salute thee.


Nigel- Thanks for the fun nights of metal on metal, blood, gore, and honor. It was truly a worthy cause to take your keep. I enjoyed our last siege. I can only recall one time where I had a longer match- it was not nearly as tactical as I was pushed to do so this time.



I shall wear my title with honor. And if thou shalt need aid. Do call.

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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For those that did not take part in this contest, and have not yet seen the castles properly, you may now download the maps in the download section.


Below are the links to the three castle levels:








The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Thank you, Lord Chris, for uploading the maps.


And many thanks go also to Lord Vetka, for making them in the first place. :D

Without his good work, this contest would not have been possible.



I am glad that you all enjoyed the game and I am very happy about the way it turned out.


In case you wondered what happened to me; well, King Richard was to kind to allow me to take part in his feast. Late in the evening he eventually came round to the lower end of the table, where I had been seated, and sat down to talk to me. However, whether it was the good ale or the long time that had passed, it turned out that neither of us could really remember what it was, that had caused us to start this argument in the first place.


We emptied a few more mugs together, and finally I apologized anyway - I am sure there must have been something that I did wrong - and he accepted and invited me back into the ranks of his knights.



So all is well now and I am back into the king's good graces. I will need a bit of rest now after these battles. But there have already been some ideas for a new contest and I am looking forward to a new adventure at some time in the future.

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