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Multiplayer Siege That Contest

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Yes, I was very surprised that the towers fell so easily and with so little resistance. After those defences fell, it was much easier to slowly eliminate targets. It seems luck was on my side tonight!


he also has held the title of Court Jester, which was a very prestigeous and highly esteemed position in that place.
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Perhaps we could restore the title here as well! :D

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Now when you mention it, I would like to add that I like how they made catapults in Crusader 2. If I'm not wrong, now it's even better then in Crusader 1 and Stronghold 1. Your catapults doesn't hit all the time, and when it hits, it doesn't always deal the same damage. I'm I right about this one?


It is really great thing that we have a competition like this here, it helps me to learn some more stuff about the game. Also, sometimes I don't have much time to play, so I delay my playing, but when I do play, I'm having a great time. :)


Thank you guys for coming up with this idea, and for making it into reality. :)

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After a 2 hour siege, it is I, Lord Fail who conquered the keep this day.


My Lord walked triumphantly into the keep and slayed Lord Nigel where he stood.


I challenge all Lords to take the King so gracefully!


Good game Nigel.

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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Indeed, Lord Fail succeeded.


After a long and gruesome siege, he himself entered my castle and confronted me on my keep.

My head still hurts from the bash of his mace. The day was truely his.




This is his screenshot to memorize his victory on his Steam page. :cool:



And a great vicory it was. Lord Fail recruited an army worth 15'353 gold pieces, leaving 2'647 for himself.

With the reward from King Richard he earned a total of 3'647 gold pieces from this battle, which makes him the second most successful lord of this contest. Sir Blobka may yet get some serious competition :)

Edited by Nigel

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Upway Castle Level 3


The brave lords have defeated Sir Nigel again, but the stubborn knight is still refusing to yield to the king. Lord Vetka has improved the defences of Upway Castle further and Sir Nigel is making preparations for a last defiant stand.


Your scouts have been able to get around the castle to the East side and show you the view.




As you can see, more fortifications have been added to the outer and inner perimeter and the castle now holds room for about soldiers. Your men have also spoken to a travelling student, who had visited the castle recently. The young lad tells you, that the men of the castle had shown a particular interest in his book on ballistics.


King Richard is giving you 20'000 gold pieces. What you don't need to recruit your army is your's for the keeping. The baggage train contains 220 bows, 220 spears, 80 crossbows, 200 armour, 80 swords and 40 pikes. There is also a fair amount of food and a few building materials.


There are also a few problems.

The long wars in this area have drained the country of skilled engineers. While there are enough apprentices to move the mantlets, catapults and other simple siege engines, senior engineers who are able to operate the complicated trebuchets, are hard to find. You can only build 6 trebuches max. Think carefully where you place them.


In addtion to this, King Richard is currently preparing for another campaign and needs all the weapons he can get. He is therefor asking you not to sell off the weapons and resources you don't need, but to return those to his quarter master. But that said, you are free to take as many weapons as you need from the ones that are there.


So don your armour once again and get ready for the final siege of Upway Castle. Good Luck.


Edited by Nigel

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This sounds pretty good, looking forward to pay another visit to that castle. :)


PS: I hope this time you will have some more of "less useful" troops. By this I mean on troops such as spearmen, macemen, etc... which are not much strong, but which are pretty useful when trying to confront small enemy troops outside the castle. Those small battles were interesting in out last siege, I hope to see more of them. :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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I look forward to the perilous siege ahead Lord Nigel. May your walls crumble and you mountain shake!


Onward valiant steed! :D

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Awesome, look forward to it (hope I fare better than in my SHC game against Charles last night - 'demolished' doesn't quite cover it!)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Awesome, look forward to it (hope I fare better than in my SHC game against Charles last night - 'demolished' doesn't quite cover it!)
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Hehe, you should have seen what Blobka did to Upway castle in the last round.

I never knew there were so many stones in that castle until he "re-decorated" it. :P



In any case, Sir Blobka is still the leading lord of this contest and as such, he will have the honour of the first attack.

We are playing tomorrow evening. You will hear how it goes. :)

Edited by Nigel

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Sir Blobka proved again his skill and power at attacking a castle.

Still, it was a hard and long siege that lasted for 135 days.


Sir Blobka had made it a point to be precise about the money. He saved exactly 8000 gold pieces from this battle.

Together with the reward from King Richard, this earns him a stunning amount and the call is now on the other lords now to catch up or at least do as good as they can. :)


But who knows - we may sitll be in for surprises.

I will hopefully be able to get one more battle in next week before I will go offline for a little vacation until the end of May.

All going well, the lords may be celebrating their final victories in June, while I better think of something to say to King Richard.


But that is still a few battles away.

Until then, more challanges are awaiting. :cool:

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That indeed was a very long and hard siege but again in the end I managed to put Sir Nigel down.

In the beginning I wanted to safe some money and engineers for King Richard only using 10k and 3 trebuchets but after Sir Nigel managed to take out 2 of those trebuchets I decided to use those few extra engineers I had and make some more offensive armaments leaving me with 8k left for King Richard.


Thanks for this great battle Sir Nigel and good luck to all the other lords who are going to besiege this castle.

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Yes, it was a very noble attempt by Sir Blobka to try to take the castle with 3 trebs only.

But in the end he did need the full 6 trebuchets that are allowed for this castle.



Well, there are no prices for it, but it could be a nice little challange on the side: If anyone manages to take this castle with less than 6 trebs he will certainly have King Richard's gratitude. :)

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Lord Paul did his battle today. He also managed to take the castle, but he needed all the strenght he could get for it.

He had to spend almost all the money he had and saved only 930 gold pieces for himself.



I managed quite a few good shots against his trebuchets and at one point in the battle it looked like I could lean back and just sit it out. But his final assault came hard and coordinated and I just did not manage to pull my defenders together fast enough. So he did pull through in the end.


With the gold from King Richard he is still getting 1930 gold pieces out of this battle. :)

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Yes, I didn't expect to win that at all after Nigel took out the best-positioned trebuchets - my archers and crossbowmen took a real pounding as well. The final push left me with quite heavy casualties, notably my valiant squad of sergeants-at-arms who destroyed the inner gate house but were entirely wiped out before my army of swordsmen could relieve them.


Brilliant fun once again, thank you :)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Hi guys,


Just to let you know that I am back from my vacation and picking up on things again.

Watch this space for further updates :)

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If all goes well, EaglePrince will do his battle next week.

There is a small chance that we will have to reschedule - but hey - such is life.


To remind us of where we stand:

Sir Blobka is far in the lead. With his brilliant attack skills he managed to save 8000 from this battle.

Lord Paul had a hard time. But he bravely saw it through and still managed to win on first try saving 930 gold pices.


Let's see what the other lords will do:

Try to position themselves in the middle? Play it safe and use their money to the most? Or take a risk and try to top Sir Blobka's brilliant result?


I am certainly looking forward to the battles to come. :)

Edited by Nigel

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Well, as it happens, we did have to reschedule the battle. Real Live just comes first.


Now, all going well, EaglePrince will ride his assault next Tuesday. Closely followed by Lord Chris on Wednesday.

It should be an exciting week :D

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EaglePrince made his assault today and he was not taking any chances.

Spending almost all his money, he ony kept 56 gold pieces in his treasury when he attacked.


It was a good fight with quite a few interesting skirmishes in front of the walls of Upway Castle. But on day 107 the castle had fallen to the forces of the Prince :)

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Lord Chris had his battle today.

He also managed to take the castle, but you would not be able to put a sheet of paper between his victory and his defeat.


We began with the "usual" opening moves: he lost a few siege engines, I lost a few towers - you know how it goes.

Then he managed to place a trebuchet in a critical position and I did all I could to take it out - and actually suceeded !


Now he was short of siege engines and a big part of my castle still standing. We both thought this had been the turning point in my favour. But Lord Chris did not give up and when he launched his melee assault, he managed to surprise me by finding an unexpected way into my inner defences, while my men were waiting at what they thought to be the only way in. In the end he had quite a few men left standing.


Well played, Lord Chris. This was a really deserved victory !! :)


I should mention that Lord Chris only had 1 goldpiece left when he eventually entered my keep :D


Now Sir Fail Session will be the last knight to go into battle. And a strong fighter he is, so this will be another very interesing one and Sir Blobka may still get some serious competition.

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This reply comes a little bit late, but better ever than never. :)


Well, after the battle it may be that I have build too many melee troops, but like you said - I didn't want to take any chances. :) You castle is pretty strong, and I was in doubt all the time if I am going to take down your lord or not. :) It was a good fight, and I always love those skirmishes. :)

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Yes - the castle is really quite daunting now - Lord Vetka did a good job on the final fortifications :)


Also, now that the forum is back up and has been revamped by Lord Chris, I am able to update the scores table myself. You can check it out in the first post of this thread.


We can now put a date on what will possibly be the final assault: Lord Fail will do his attack next Thursday (25th).

He has his very unique but also quite effective attack style. Let's see how he will fare against this castle :)

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