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Multiplayer Siege That Contest

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Ok, Lord Chris has done his assault : and the castle is still standing.


But only just. This was the closest attack I have ever seen. Towers were crushed, gates were broken, houses were burned and his troops got their feet onto the carpet of my keep. My healthbar was disappearing quickly and I wonder how I managed to survive that one. But in the end his attack was just not enough and he will have to go fora second assault.


This was amazingly close. I wonder how Fail Session is going to fare later tonight.

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Well played Nigel. I shall have to re-attempt assassination on your life once more. I will be knocking on your door soon enough!

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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What a night :O


Fail Session, that was a very close one, too.

At one point I felt that everything that can be hurled, shot or thrown in this game was flying at me - dead cows included.

And your troops also made it onto the keep.


But yes, I survived this one, too, and I shall have that door repaired in time for your next visit :cool:

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I think you could repair the door, but now that people have had a chance to siege the castle, the second try should be the one to get every one to the next level. And get the needed 500 in gold!


Nigel, do you have time to fix the door? I would think you might be busy cleaning up on the keep after having several Lords looking you in the eye upon your keep as you defended:-)


Good Luck to every one on the second attempt!


A quick question, do you plan on showing a picture procured by your scouts of the lvl 2 map when you get to that point?

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Yes, my idea is to show again a picture of the upgraded castle when we get to it - along with some information in text form.



Meanwhile, you are quite right. I have lots to do now, to tidy up the keep.

I whish the Lords would ask their men to take of their steel boots before stepping on my carpet. I know it is a bit much to ask, but it would be a very nice gesture ;)


There is time, in any case. The next battle will be EaglePrince on the 18th next week, followed by LordPaultheDubious on the 19th and Lord Chris on the 26th. Quite a schedule of visitors :)

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EaglePrince played his battle today and he, too, almost took the castle at first try.

His men were having at me on my keep and only some of my crossbowmen who had managed to get themselves into a good position, rescued me from having to hand the castle over.


This leaves Bolbka in the lead for now, as beeing the only one to take this castle at the first try.

A respectful salute to him - he truely deserves it :)



Tomorrow, LordPaultheDubious will make his second assault.

I wonder what strategy he has devised.

Edited by Nigel

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Ok, the noble lords have started their second wave of assaults.


LordPaultheDubiious leads again and this time his chosen strategy pays off.

He manages to take the castle saving 144 gold pieces for himself.

Together with the 500 gold pieces reward from King Richard, he now has 644 gold in his treasury.


It was again a very exciting battle, but the one moment that really made me smile was at the very beginning, when I was looking down on his siege camp from my walls and suddenly heard his scribe shout in an anxious voice: "No m'lord, I advise you to remain within this nice, cool keep. We can handle it!" :lol:

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... but the one moment that really made me smile was at the very beginning, when I was looking down on his siege camp from my walls and suddenly heard his scribe shout in an anxious voice: "No m'lord, I advise you to remain within this nice, cool keep. We can handle it!" :lol:
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:) Thought it would amuse you - great game, and glad that my honour is restored after the 'overzealous lord' debacle. Good game, and on another note, it's reassuring to see how well the game copes with synching issues - other games would just boot you if your connection got lost.

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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For it is I, Fail Session, who claimed the keep from Lord Nigel this day!

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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Indeed it is so xD



In fact, both Lord Chris and Fail Session managed to get into the castle and wrestled the castle keys from my hands.

Very exciting battles both of them and both using quite different strategies.


Also, Lord Chris maxed out his bugdet to the most and spent every single penny. With the reward from King Richard he now has 500 gold.

Fail Session kept 30 gold pieces for himself and so with 530 gold in his treasury he tops Lord Chris by a tad.

30 gold pieces, what is that? The price for 5 kegs of ale :)



GG to both players. I look forward to Eagle Prince's second assault next week (March 31).

Edited by Nigel

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EaglePrince assaulted the castle for his second try today.

I can say that his engineers have certainly done their homework. They moved their siege engines with mathematical precision and when EeaglePrince came in to storm the keep, I had not much left to oppose him with. The dust of shattered stone still grinds in my teeth xD



With that, the first round of the contest is now completed and Bobka takes the lead from taking Upway castle at the first try.

The full score is here:


Lord Chris................500 gold....[2/3]*

EaglePrince..............522 gold....[2/3]*

Blobka...................1000 gold....[1/3]*

LordPaultheDubious...644 gold....[2/3]*

Fail Session..............530 gold....[2/3]*



One more thing I can say: it was very interesting to see that every lord designed his own strategy.

I did not have to fight the same battle twice :)




Now the Easter break will be good for me to take some time to recover.

But Lord Vetka has already designed the next level, with a stronger and better fortified Upway castle to test your skill.

I will upload a picture and some more information after next week and will be interested to see if someone manages to take that one at the first attempt. :D

Edited by Nigel

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It was a great battle indeed! Nigel fought really well, and although I besieged his castle carefully, he did make it to surprise me with small bands of his troops to destroy some of my siege equipment. His macemen show to be pretty useful as well! Luckily, that happened after those equipment finished their main tasks. I don't know what defensive systems are we going to have to defeat next time, but perhaps giving Nigels some mounted knights, or only few stables in addition to the knights he already has. This could give him more options, in his attempts to surprise the enemy.


I look forward on continuing this war after we heal those wounds and rest.

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Upway Castle Level 2



King Richard is furious. Although his brave knights have managed to storm Upway Castle and Sir Nigel has recieved a good beating, that rebellious knight is still not willing to apologize. Instead Lord Vetka has come to his help and improved the defences further and his hideout is now even better fortified than before.


The king is asking you to assault the castle again. According to his sources, Sir Nigel now has between 200 and 300 men under his command. There is also the rumor, that a group of foreign scolars of alchemy have come to the castle, bringing with them a smelly and oily substance which they are carefully keeping away from the fire.


Your scouts have managed to climb the mountain to the East of the siege camp and show you the view of the South side of the castle here.




To fit out your army, King Richard is sending you 18'000 gold pieces as well as a baggage train of 220 bows, 220 spears, 80 crossbows, 160 armour, 40 swords and 40 pikes.


Furthermore, to honour your deeds in the first assault, the king now grants you the right to collect taxes from the local peasants for the duration of the siege. This may further enhance your finances. However, please keep in mind that you shall not exploit this new privilege. If you are holding your men back and are deliberately prolonging the siege only to extort more taxes, the king will make you pay this money back after the battle.


There is another small problem which may pose an extra challange. Unfortunatley King Richard is no longer able to afford giving you unlimited food supplies. The food in your siege camp is still plenty and should last long enough to raise your army. But if you are recruiting a bit slowly, you may find that you have to spend money on purchasing food. On the other hand, if you plan well ahead and recruit your army quickly, you may now be able to sell food for some extra money. So it is also possible to turn the situation to your advantage.


With that, my lords, once more unto the breach and best of luck.

Edited by Nigel

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Glad that you like it. It took me a while to find the right position for the camera, but eventually it turned out pretty well :)



Now, since Sir Blobka is currently the leading lord in this contest, the honour - and the duty - of riding the first assault falls on him. Next Wednesday is the day chosen for the battle. The other lords will be sent invitations in the coming days.

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Sir Blobka is a truely masterful commander of sieges.

He did his battle today and even the fortified castle was not ablle to withstand his thorough and methodical siege tactics.


Sir Blobka needed 13'120 gold pieces to recruit his army. Out of the 18'000 he got from King Richard, this leaves 3880 of unused gold and with the 1000 gold reward he is now 4880 gold pieces richer - an amazing, but well deserved amount.




There were some other interesting aspects to be learned.

On top of the money he saved, Sir Blobka collected a huge amount of taxes from the peasants. Even without delaying or slowing his attack, the taxes he was able to collect summed up to some 7'000 gold pieces. When King Richard learned of this, he started to have second thoughts about his generous offer to allow the lords free reign on taxation. Maybe that was not such a good idea after all.


Noble Sir Blobka immediately volunteered to return the tax money to the people. But King Richard is now, slightly embarrassedly, asking his lords to refrain from tax collection in this country. It is bad for a king to go back on his word, but even worse to stick to a bad decison. The lords will hopefully understand this.




LordPaultheDubious will ride against this castle tomorrow.

It will be very interesting to see how he will fare. Although Sir Blobka's tactic proved superior today, this castle is by no means an easy one and I am exited to see how his battle will go. :cool:

Edited by Nigel

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After a second and even more challanging siege I managed to put Sir Nigel down once more.

He had tried several things against me I did not expect but in the end he again had to kneel down before me with all of his soldiers dead beside him.

After the siege I looked at my treasury and found out that I had more then 10k and once I realised that I knew that I had to make a deal with Sir Richard determining how much would be fair for me to keep.


It will be interesting to hear how the other sieges will go and wish all the other lords the best of luck in their attacks.

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Lord Paul the Dubious did his battle today and after a long and hard siege, he too emerged victorious.


It also appears, that King Richard has made the right decision by revoking the taxation rules. Without taxes, but with an adequate amount of money and weapons, the lords should be fitted out just right for this battle.


Lord Paul ended up spending 17'260 gold pieces, leaving 740 for himself.

But with the 1000 gold revard he is now 1740 gold pieces richer.



Aside from that, he could not resist the chance to take a few shots at an old enemy of his - the Court Jester of Upway Castle. :D

That man, however, walked off the battlefield with his health bar still yellow - which is more than I can say of myself. xD


Eagle Prince is the next lord, who will assault the castle on Tuesday. Good luck to him.

Edited by Nigel

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Another thoroughly enjoyable game, thank you Nigel - I'll get that Jester!

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'
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VERY Good saying, Lord Paul! :lol: :lol:

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Hehe, to tell the full story: Lord Paul has been a regular of the old Stronghold Knights fan site and there, apart from beeing a mighty Lord, he also has held the title of Court Jester, which was a very prestigeous and highly esteemed position in that place.



Meanwhile, EaglePrince fought his battle today and it was a very exciting fight. Trying to save quite some money at the start, he eventually had to spend almost everything and was left with 33 gold pieces in the end. Still, he won the day and will recieve the 1000 gold pieces reward on top of it.


Great game EaglePrince :cool:

Lord Chris will have his game tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how that will go.

Edited by Nigel

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When we went into the battle today, Lord Chris still remembered his two assaults on the first castle.

This time he was taking no chances. He used every gold and resource that was available to him - keeping a single gold piece as token of good luck in his pocket.


And it payed off. After a siege with some extremely good shots from his siege enginges and a well orchestrated assault of his main army I found myself surrounded on my keep, while my men were still scambling all over the place in a futile attempt to come to my help.

The day was his.



Fail Session will be the last lord to attack this castle next Wednesday.

Good luck to him.

Edited by Nigel

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