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Multiplayer Siege That Contest

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Greetings my Lords,


For some time I have been thinking about a new idea for a multiplayer contest. It is inspired by the Siege That competitions of Stronghold 1, that are held at Stronghold Heaven.


To summarize what a Siege That is: one player designs a castle in the map editor, including troops and all that is needed for a scenario, and uploads it. He then challenges other players to siege that castle. Other players can download the map and see if they can beat it with the troops/gold, that has been provided for the attacking army.


With Crusader 2 now it is possible to do a Multiplayer Siege That game and the battle in multiplayer should be much more interesting and fun than in singleplayer.


With the help of Lord Vetka and other members from Stronghold Nation we are now going to try out a little contest with this and are looking for interested player.




This is how it works:


A castle has been build on a map with the map editor (including defending troops). I play the defending lord and try to hold it against the challenger.


The map also contains a "camp" for the attacker, which includes barracks, mercenary tent, stables and everything he needs to build an army. He is given a certain amount of gold and can choose himself, which troops to buy. We meet online to see if he can capture the castle with the troops he has chosen.


There will only be the starting troops for the attacker and the defender. It is a purely tactical game - no economy to take care of. Any economy buildings on the map are just for decoration (or "natural obstacles" to provide cover from archers).



Each player has 3 attempts to assault the castle.

1. On the first assault he only knows the castle from a screenshot that is posted plus some additional information that is given in text form (by his spies). He gets the map when we meet online and that is the first time he can see it all.

2. If he does not succeed, he can try again one week later. Now he has the full map available and can study it and design a new strategy.

3. If he still does not succeed, he will be given a larger amount of money to build a stronger army for his third assault.



The game will run over a series of 3 different castles (once I have been beaten, Lord Vetka will rebuild the castle bigger and stronger xD ). Thus, there will be 3 different SHC2 maps with castles getting bigger and more difficult.


If you join in and take command of the assault force, you will be given some weapons and a good amount of gold. But you don't have to use all the gold you get. What you don't use to recruit your army will be be yours and is added to your personal treasury.


You will also get some additional gold (as reward from King Richard):

- if you take the castle at the 1st assault, you get 1000 gold pieces.

- if you take the castle at the 2nd assault, you still get 500 gold pieces

- of course you will get no extra gold if you need a 3rd attempt..


You will collect your gold after a successful assault and you will take this gold along with you from one castle to the next. The player with the most gold from all 3 castles will be the Greatest Conqueror.





The game is looking for players now. To sign up you can either post here, or send me a PM or contact me on Steam (feel free to send me a friends request).


Since I have to do all the defending and I am not sure how many players I can handle, there is a maximum number of 10 players. You can sign up while the battle for level 1 is still ongoing but when we move to level 2, the sign up time will be closed.


List of Players


Lord Chris




Fail Session

.....................................Level 1........................Level 2......................Level 3......................TOTAL

Lord Chris.................500 gold [2/3].........1001 gold [1/3]............1001 gold [1/3]..................2502 gold

EaglePrince................522 gold [2/3]........1033 gold [1/3]............1056 gold [1/3]..................2611 gold

Blobka.....................1000 gold [1/3]........4880 gold [1/3].............9000 gold [1/3]................14880 gold

LordPaultheDubious....644 gold [2/3].........1740 gold [1/3]............1930 gold [1/3]..................4314 gold

Fail Session...............530 gold [2/3].........3647 gold [1/3]..........11020 gold [1/3].................15197 gold

Edited by Lord_Chris
Updated scores at user request

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Upway Castle (mission 1)



Sir Nigel has angered the King. The insolent knight is hiding out in Upway Castle, a small fortifcation somewhere in the new lands of Outremer. The fort is big enough to hold 140 men. Your task is to capture the castle and bring the rebelleous lord to his senses.


Yours scouts show you the view of the castle from a nearby mountain.





There is some more information:

Your men have captured a peasant, who is trying to get from the castle to a nearby market town. After some "persuasion" he tells you that he was sent out to purchase more pitch. The castle has only 18 pitch in the stockpile - Sir Nigel thinks that this is not enough to provide a good defence and had therefor sent the peasant to try to buy more.



The armoury of your own siege camp is suppied with 100 bows, 100 spears, 40 crossbows, 80 armour, 20 swords and 20 pikes. You have 6.500 gold pieces to recruit troops and purchase more weapons as you see fit. There is also a mercenary tent and a few men, 8 swordmen and 20 archers, who are already there, guarding the camp.



Trebuchet Rules:

As trebuchets are much too powerful for this kind of game, this mission is played with immobile trebuchets, meaning that once you have set them up, you are not allowed to take them down and move them again (like in Crusader 1). The attacker has to plan carefully how many trebs he brings and where he places them.

Edited by Nigel

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I am glad you like it, EaglePrince. Shall I take this as a "Yes, I will join" ;)


In that case we have 2 players already. I am wating for this week and hopefully at least 3 players before we start. Then hopefully we can have the first battle next week.



There is one thing I forgot in the rules. Micha had pointed out that trebuchet are likely to be overpowered in this game and should be restricted. And indeed, a skilled player could, with careful micromanagement, turn a whole castle to dust with just a handful of trebs.


So I would like to play the first mission with immobile trebuchets, meaning that once you have set them up, you are not allowed to take them down and move them again (like in Crusader 1). The attacker has to plan carefully how many trebs he brings and where he places them.

Edited by Nigel

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Now I saw what exactly this is, that's map for the competition. Yes, you can cound me in. Also, I wsn't following much what you were talking about the rules, as I am new Crusader 2 player, so I am still unaware of what might be overpowered, and stuff like that. I will just read the rules later :) , and regading trebuchets, like the idea of being able to unpack your trebuchet only ones like in Crusader 1 or Stronghold 1 and 2...

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One fo the FireFly employees commented on the Steam thread and asked when we would start this contest.


I told him, that we are basically ready to go and now looking for players, but also that, if FireFly wants to give some input and involvement, we will be more than happy about it. :)


It is actually very good news that someone from FireFly took notice of this contest. I would like to give them this week to discus it internally and see if they indeed want to get involved.


Also, it would be nice if we could get one more player before we start. But I dont want to wait too long either. So I am now thinking that we should aim to start our first battle sometime next week. Sign up will not be closed. People can still sign up while the battles for Level 1 are ongoing.

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That's great to hear Nigel!


I've also posted this on the site's Facebook & Google +, maybe it will draw some attention there.


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We have a 3rd player who sent me a PM a the official SHC2 forum. :cool:


With that it is a good time to get the first battles going.


Is there one of you who wants to step forward and say: "I will go first" ?

Otherwise I am just going to draw lots and send out invitations.

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Hi Nigel (and Hi everyone!)


Thanks for your message on Steam, this looks like an excellent contest. I am afraid I can't commit the time to this until after Thursday (I have an essay deadline), but otherwise I am interested in taking part. :)



'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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Welcome to the site Paul! :)


Not a problem with me, I'm off the next week so I shall be able to play any time. Of course this is Nigel's contest, so it is up to him in the end, just letting you know ;)


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Wellcome Lord Paul,


glad you are joining :)


Don't worry about the timing. We try to accomodate players real-life-schedules as much as possible (and my own one can be quite busy at times, too).


I have added you name to the list and will let you know when your turn comes up.


We still have 6 more free seats, if any one else is interested.

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Well well well... It seems I have found my way to the battleground. Nigel, do let me know when an appropriate time to take your castle shall be. Thanks :D

"A wolf does not concern himself with opinions of sheep"

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Good to see so many people eager to siege my castles, all 3 castles levels are done now, level 3 needs one more test to be sure. -Fail Session has been added.


This has been a long hard project, many hours went into making the 3 levels and testing them and making adjustments to get them just right, I believe that you will be comfortably challenged, each level gets harder but none are to hard that a good player can't win all levels. But who will have the most gold at the end for the win!


Good Luck to all contestants!

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Fail Session, good to see you have found your way here :)


Wellcome to the game. The admins will add your name to the list of players shortly.

And my men are sharpening their swords in anticipation ;)



Lord Vetka's castle designs for the later levels are quite impressive. "Comfortably challanged" I like that expression. :lol:

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It looks like we have our first battles lined up :cool:



All going well, LordPaultheDubious will have the honour to ride the first assault on Wednesday, followed by Blobka on Thursday.


Further invitations will be sent to the other Lords over the next few days.

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We did our first battle today. I can say: the castle has stood firm.


But barely, Lord Paul made a very valiant attack and almost got through xD

That was a close call for me.

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That was a lot of fun - though my brave, if foolhardy, Lord decided to join the assault (I had selected him in error) and was killed in action - next time I'll leave him at home. No spoilers, but it is a fun castle to lay siege against and I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone else fares :)

'...But be not afraid of jesters; some are born jesters, some achieve jesters and some have jesters thrust upon them'

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That's too bad @LordPaultheDubious, very unlucky! Best of luck next time :)


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Yes, Lord Paul, that was some very brave action - going in with the troops like that.

I could actually see his eyes blinking through the visor of his helmet - he got that close to my keep :lol:



But now blobka has made his assault and .... The castle has fallen !!!



Congratulations go to him for beeing the first over the wall and taking the keep.

I shall tell nothing of his tactics. Only so much that he spent all but 2 gold pieces to recruit his army.

But Richard the Lionheart rewards him with the promised prize of 1000 gold. So it was well worth the effort.


I will ask the forum admins to update the original post on page 1 to keep track of where everyone is standing.

EaglePrince will be the next one with his battle on Tuesday. Good Luck to him. :)

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After a long and hard siege I managed to take Upway castle from Sir Nigel.

I spent all the gold that Lord Richard gave me wisely and managed to use it all.

Some citizens however paid me their taxes hoping that they would not have to fight for me.

After the battle I removed their 2 coins from the treasury and put them on their bodies as a token of respect for the fallen.


Sir Nigel did a very good job on defending a very well designed castle and I wish the other contestors good luck with besieging it.

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To bad about the Lord coming along by mistake, Lord Paul, I have made the same mistake in testing, sounds like you would have won on the first try!


Congratulations on your victory Blobka, you managed to get the victory with all of the gold used, good win for the extra 1000 gold going towards your final score:-)


I'm very happy to hear that you guys enjoyed sieging my castle, don't worry level 2 will be harder, but we do give you more gold to play with.

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Hehe, Lord Vetka, maybe you should have said: do worry level 2 will be harder :lol:


But yes, the gold will also increase and while we have tried to design the castles with increasing difficulty, none of them is unbeatable.



Sir Blobka, your kindness and token of respect to your peasents and soldiers is well noted. This indeed brings you much honour.

I look forward to the coming battles.

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Just to let you guys know what is happening: EaglePrince was meant to have his battle yesterday, but something came up in Real Life which he had to take care of. So we are looking to re-schedule his battle.


My own RL is quite busy for this week, too, and I will be traveling from tomorrow until next Tuesday.

The next battles are coming up on Wednesday next week with Lord Chris and Fail Session.

I will provide updates as soon as they have been fought. :)

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