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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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Goodman stood in the doorway. Looking at Sir Lloyd he announced "We have several problems, my friend." Goodman slipped his hand into his robe and pulled out the Assassin's knife. Handing it to Sir Lloyd he continued, "That man I left with, was no man but a dog of an Assassin who not only stated The Duke was dead, but that he was responsible for His Lordship's father and brothers murder. His soul is in Hell, but his body is in our wagon". Goodman handed the piece of paper he had retrieved from the body of the Assassin to Sir Lloyd. "I need a drink, what thinks you of this?"

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"Is it true? Perhaps it was a mere bluff, perhaps for ransom?" Sir Lloyd felt faint, the Duke was the only person who was there for him in his time of need. "We must tell the others, we're clearly not safe here, we need to pack up and move soon, without bringing too much attention to ourselves."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Steel up, Lad." Brother Goodman tells Sir Lloyd. "We will tell the others and get rid of that cowardly creature in the wagon". Let's go inside and look at what this paper I took from him says." In truth, Goodman did not know if the others would stay, or even if the peasants could be trained to fight. He needed to gauge the othe's opinions first.

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"You're right, we need to stay calm and keep optimistic" Goodman and Sir Lloyd walked back inside, sharing a nervous laugh as if to remain unnoticed or out of the ordinary. The two sat down at the tables, faces with no expression. The group remained silent for a few seconds, until Sir Lloyd placed the scroll in the centre of the table. Every member gazing at it, unsure whether to touch it, as if it were sacred.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Walking over from where he had been talking with a few of the locals, Julian reaches out and grabs the scroll to read it...


[OoC: Right, I should have a bit of time to myself this upcoming week, so I'll try to keep up on what's going on here.]

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"Oh dear. My eyes aren't quite as good as they used to be..." Mutters Julian as he squints at the writing. After a minute or so of turning the paper every which way, he lays it down on the table. "Bloody illiterate peasants... You're supposed to use the pointy end of the quill, not the feathered one..." Then, speaking to the group he says "The note was clearly written by someone with a very limited understanding of how letters work. However, the general intent seems to be that this person was to eliminate a guest, or perhaps a group of guests, the Duke was expecting. If that is correct, it can be assumed that whoever is currently in control of the castle knows that the duke was expecting company in the next few days. I would put little faith in the man's story -or, for that matter, his sanity- however, I would suggest we move quickly before he is missed."

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"Men, look!" whispered Sir Lloyd, nodding his head in the direction of the doors. "Why has he decided to leave in such a hurry?"


Sir Lloyd and the others knew they had to leave now! If not, they risked compromising their disguises and the mission. Upon placing a few bronze coins on the table, Sir Lloyd shouts to the inn keeper "thank you for having us good sir!"


The group stood up and made haste for the door. Trying to remain subtle was difficult given the current situation. "Where did he go?" asked Sir Lloyd.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman spoke up. "Caution, gentle friends. First let us go to the wagon - calmly. I noted the Market Place. We shall make our way there and set up our wares. On the way, I saw a small bog near the forest. We shall relieve ourselves of my "guest". Julian, what did the note say? Is The Duke dead?""

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"I highly doubt it. As far as the note goes, it is merely instructions to 'dispose of the men called Goodman, Loring, Lloyd and ... ' I assume the last name in that list is supposed to be my own, however whatever illiterate wrote this seems incapable of spelling it. I would suspect that whoever the bandit's inside man in the castle was, he was also aware that Duke was expecting us to arrive shortly."

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The group paused and thought. Then Sir Lloyd spoke, "what if we were to attack sooner than they thought?" the group looked at Sir Lloyd confused. "Think about it. Julian himself said they're aware that we're coming. They'd be expecting us to wait it out, wait for them to lower their guard, what if we did the opposite? Attacked before they get a chance to even raise their swords, not wait for them to be sheathed." Still, the group looked at Lloyd as if he were mad. "If you will allow me to explain, I've been working on a plan."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"If you look on this map, we can follow the route using the wagon to arrive at the Duke's castle much sooner than we anticipated." Sir Lloyd paused a few seconds. "Then we can enter through the back, less defended part of the castle. Using a distraction to keep the guards at the front away from us...perhaps a group of men who aren't too happy about the high taxes."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Sounds good and fits with our disguse of beeing merchants in search for business.

But let us see if we can find out some more things, such as what the mood of the peasants is like.

Perhaps we can strike up a conversation with our "friend in the straw hat". He is just outside tending his horse.

I will go out and try to talk to him. Perhaps one of you may join me."


With that, Sir Loring steps out and casually walks over the the man in the straw hat.

"A fine horse you have there, Sir", he speaks in a somewhat heavy Latin tounge.

"Pray can you help us - strangers to these lands - with some guidance. We are merchants seeking new business. Would you know what wares the people around here are in need of? Or if here are any intersting rare goods to purchase for a fair price?"


Charles Loring eagerly awaits the man's response. Will it be friendly or hostile?

Edited by Nigel

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"Thank you sir, she's a grand horse. But I'd stay clear of setting up shop here. There's already a group of merchants in town, and I don't think they'd take too kindly to competition. People are also starting to think it strange that the merchants showed up not too long after the Duke's castle was taken. I suggest you leave this matter to the good people of Riverbourne," he says. He talks slowly as if choosing his words carefully, and he keeps his hands near the pack on his horse.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"Charles, a word!" called Sir Lloyd. Sir Loring steadily walked over to Sir Lloyd after making acquaintances with the merchant. "What is it?" he asked. The group stood within listening-distance.


"I feel that we'd be better off not meeting the locals. With an army and a bit of gold, you can bribe anyone to gain information."

"What do you propose?" Sir Loring asked. Sir Lloyd thought, looked at the merchant, then walked over.

"Thank you for the information good sir, and may you be successful with your business" upon giving the man a few bronze coins, Sir Lloyd returned to the group. "Let us be off men!"


The group climbed into the wagon. "We head here" said Lloyd, pointing to a small village on the map. "I have a few friends there, who may be willing to aid us on this adventure."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Charles would have liked to talk to the man some more, but then he thinks to himself: "Maybe Sir Lloyd is right. Who is to be trusted? Who can tell?"


He watches the man in the straw hat disappear down the road. "I wonder if we will see him again or if he will play more of a role in this mystery". He then settles back in the wagon, ready to follow the group of adventurers.

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Goodman quickly returns to the departing wagon, having "disposed" of several large bolts of "moth eaten cloth". He was also carrying several chamber pots. "Wait, Lads. I had to dispose of my Guest. Suitably weighed down, he will be no further problem". Goodman ponders to himself. "We need to begin our plan and attack soon".

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"Agreed Goodman" replied Sir Lloyd. The wagon began to move. As the night settled, the fog became apparent, it was sure to slow them down on their quest. "Keep your eyes peeled friends. This fog would make great for an unsuspecting wagon."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The wagon with the intrepid warriors moves on. With the rising fog and mist, their visibility was greatly hampered. Goodman mused to himself, "We must see the back side of The Duke's fortress to see if their are any Posterns. Such a break would aid us greatly". The group spies the rising wall through the fog. "Be mindful of Archers, Lads" Goodman speaks aloud and softly.

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Almost imminently, the one thing he had feared came into a reality. "Who goes there?" yelled a voice in front and the wagon grinded to a halt. Several soldiers, in the form of mercenaries, came forward from the trees nearby.


It wasn't long before they realised they were completely surrounded by troops and had no choice but to co-operate or perish.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"Now this is something I did not foresee" muttered Sir Lloyd to the group. "Let us co-operate. We're outnumbered and who's to say our disguises are compromised?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"We say again! Who goes there? - We will not ask a third time!"


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"Merchants, Afendi, Merchants"......Goodman spoke in his best "Middle Eastern twang". "We bring fine bolts of cloth and spirits for the Lord of this Castle". Goodman hoped that the promise of free gifts would at least warrant an audience with the Guards Commander.

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