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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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Brother Goodman calmly looks at the young Lad. Over-cautious and unskilled in the sword (by the looks of his rusty blade). Still, something reminded him of....HIM. Years before the Crusades, when Goodman was still a teen. Aching to join The Order, serve God and Church. "Very well, Young One - we will temper caution....For now."

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"I've been thinking... " Started the Duke. "With my head on every coin, and so many people knowing me, no matter how disguised I am, I will only be able to take you all so far without giving the game away. If you can do this for me, I will grant you all 120 acres of land each."


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Brother Goodman turned to The Duke. "My Liege, your presence was never needed. I have no doubt that your visage would be immediately known."

Goodman stated further, "Take us a far a you dare. With a map, disguises and cunning, God willing - we will prevail". Brother Goodman thought on the Duke's reward. Land. Something of value.....land meant wealth and means. But, he wondered....would his companions feel the same? Would the Duke's offer of material wealth spur them?

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"Land - such a valuable commodity", Sir Charles thinks to himself, while he starts daydreaming of a newly established Charlian branch of the Loring family, rich and powerfull, even surpassing the status of his brother's estates.



A nudge from Brother Goodman brings him back to the reality.

"What, yes, yes, sure. I an with you. You can count me in".

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"Good, Sir Loring...I am glad". Brother Goodman motioned for Loring to come closer. "I see by your bow, that you must have some skill. It may become even more important to out plan" Brother Goodman called over to the Duke. "Sire, a word".....

The Duke approach intent on hearing more of Brother Goodman's plan. "My Lord, once we infiltrate your Castle and make merry with the bandits, have you and your remaining knight draw as close to your Castle as possible without being seen. Perhaps within a stand of trees. Be armed and ready to enter under arms. When I have gotten the "attention" of the brigand leader, I shall have Sir Loring fire an arrow of fire as a signal. Cross over and provide support." Goodman knew that he and his companions (while most tested in some form of combat) were only few.

"The surprise of your thundering knights" Goodman continued "Will create confusion".


Now let us prepare our disguises and props needed for this ruse!

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"Well, it seems we have a solid plan... shall we march out and act upon it now? Or is there more business to cover? " Isaiah asks as he grows slightly impatient, "I'll follow your lead, Brother Goodman, as thou art the one who formulated the plan."

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"Indeed we shall" Goodman states. "Let us confirm the Duke's knights are positioned as needed." Goodman announces to his companions. "In the meanwhile let's get our disguises together. Upon confirmation of the Duke being ready, we may move as soon so as to still take advantage of the night."

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"Excellent plan, Goodman. We shall indeed by ready for when the signal is given, I will make sure all my Knights are rallied and in position."


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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The Duke distributes a map of his castle to his new followers ...


{OOC: The adventure is open once again! :D Download Aleks's winning map here: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/post/3853/#p3853 }


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Looking at the map, (and for any weakness) in it's defense to exploit, Brother Goodman announces "What say you, Fellows....do you notice anything of interest with The Dukes Castle?" Brother Goodman noted the villages at the opposite side of the Castle (noting no bandits). "Perhaps Sir Loring might be our infiltrator from there, while the rest of us go through the front....as Sellers of Wares. I could offer the Brigand Leader free grog and wine. That would get us inside, to his Keep no doubt.....Opinions?"

Edited by Crusader1307

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Our first task should be to assess our opponents. What are their numbers, morale, and skill? Between us and the town I see only this guard post. I suspect three travelers would attract little attention. Most likely there will be only three or four bandits collecting a toll for any seeking to enter the town, if they are willing to risk making their presence known to outsiders. Once in the town, there are a plethora of places to seek information from the locals. The church, the apothecary, the market, and of course the inn, although the latter is also likely to be swarming with... unwelcome guests. Now, the only issue I see with posing as merchants is that we are notably lacking in wares. Unless we've come to purchase fish, in which case we'd also need a means of transporting them, a wagon or cart, since I have yet to see a merchant rolling barrels across the countryside - and I suspect a paranoid bandit might have the same thought.


(OoC: that's all dialogue, and I just realized this thread was open again. :P )

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"Ah, good friend...you forgot the merchants across the stream. If the Duke can "convince them suitably" for some wardrobe to be used in our scheme, as well as some carts, good and animals....our plan may work".

Edited by Crusader1307

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Sir Charles Loring looks at the map.

"Well, as far as I can make out there is only one bridge across the river, guarded by a tower - but no gates.

From there the path leads around the castle and passes a wooden palisade before arriving at the gate of the castle proper.

The river, I recon, could be crossed swimming by an unarmoured man, to arrive behind the wooden palisade. But this still leaves him outside of the castle courtyard. Also, there is no way the knights of the Duke could cross the river swimming. Their only route seems to be across the bridge and around the castle path.


Either way, I think our plan is sound and and the first thing is to enter the inn, which is right behind the bridge. From that we should learn more and can develop the next steps in more detail. I will, in any case, bring my bow and some pitch soaked arrows."

Edited by Nigel

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"Then The Inn it will be, Sir Loring." Says Brother Goodman. The group of warriors wait for The Duke to arrive. The Moon is at it's highest point in the starry sky. They is still plenty of time.

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] Slightly confused on the location. From what I gather, you are waiting for the Duke to return to your group before you head to the Inn, to prepare for the infiltration on the castle. Am I correct? I will create my next post accordingly to your replies :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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(OOC) Yep, I unfortunately jumped the story a little and had to re-write. "We" are awaiting the Dukes arrival with our disguises before we head to The Inn to infiltrate.

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Upon hearing voice with a "strange accent", Brother Goodman turns around. Again (in his typical suspicious manner), his hand lowers and rests on his blade. The other in the group turn, too - to see who this person is that so expertly creeped up on their position. "Your help would be welcome, if you be friend, or your undoing if your a foe"......Goodman studied the man. Tall (and not too young), he carried a bow. He could be useful (if friendly).

"And who might you be, Sir. Judging by your speech, you be Welsh?"

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"Your ears have not decieved you, I am indeed Welsh. Uncommon in these lands I'm sure" Sir Lloyd lowers his bow to show he means no harm. "Sir Dewi Lloyd, at your service. And who might you and these other fine gentleman be?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"I am James Goodman, late Brother of The Templar Order and Syria. I served under good King Richard for a time as well. I will let my companions introduce themselves. What finds you in these woods, Sir?"

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"Perhaps there's no time. From what I overheard, we must move fast" Sir Lloyd said, slowly taking his bow to hand. "If it's any help, I know a thing or two about a bow"

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Fear not gentlemen, I have returned!" states the Duke triumphantly. "And I have quite a collection of things with me as well." The Duke pauses, then signals to some of his Knights to move a cart full of disguises and goods over. Another knight follows with some animals at his disposal.


"This should be more than enough, gather round so we ...." starts the Duke, before he suddenly stops and notices the new face. "Who might this be? - and what business do you have here?"


The Duke now seems tense so two knights come over, ready to draw swords if need be.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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[OOC] Chris, I imagine your character sounding a little like Sir William from Stronghold 2 :D


Upon instantly recognising the voice, Sir Lloyd, falls to one knee "Sir Dewi Lloyd, at your service, sire" seeing a confused face, Sir Lloyd stands up, straightens his posture, "You're Duke Christopher, the Duke of Riverbourne. Sire, it's an honour"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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As Sir Charles watches the scene he turns to Brother Goodman: "I know my friends chiede me for beeing a trustful and unsuspicious character, but if this man's motives were bad, why would he come out to us in the open? It would have been easy for him to remain in hiding and continue to watch us secretly, should he want to do us harm.


But let us see what the Duke and our other companions think"

Edited by Nigel

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Considering Loring's words, Goodman speaks low to him. "Let us watch and see. Trust is earned, still..... let's watch him well." Goodman gazes to Loring "Agree?"

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