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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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Goodman listened. ?Very well, Sir Loring. Be it as you wish. But I will take 5 of my best men with us. Your Archers are excellent, but a Sword may well be needed. Perhaps a small Force.? Looking back at their most recent ?prize? (the Conspirator) ? Goodman continued.... ?'Rescuing The Duke will no doubt be bloody work. As I stated at the beginning of our Quest, The Sword will be our true equalizer. As we have already seen, we cannot trust too many. The Prisoner is yours. Get whatever information you see fit by whatever means you deem proper.?


Goodman gave instructions to his Aide-de-Camp. Having picked 5 of his best (and giving them their instructions), Goodman said to his subordinate ?To be clear, send our best Scout behind us. He is not to be seen. If we encounter problems, he can get back to The Company so they can march on our position ? should we run into problems.? The Aide-de-Camp nodded in agreement. Goodman made his way to his tent ? to prepare for yet another day of ?frolic?....................

Edited by Crusader1307

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Glad to have Brother Goodman's agreement (even in grudgingly), Sir Loring started to organize the move.


The set out quitly at night - deciding not to tell Lord Richard about their plans, lest he be indeed a traitor. If Lord Richard turned out to be loyal and Glynn and his friends, the traitors, they would have some explaing to do when they got back. But that was a taks for another day.


Now they moved off, a couple of melee men led by Brother Goodman and their prisoner walking between them.

"Take us to the Duke and while we walk you can tell us a bit more about your story. But do not try anything funny. Remember, Brother Goodman's sword is right behind you. And you have seen what he can do with it."


No one in their group - apart from Goodman and Loring - knew that Sir Lloyd followed them secretly with a group of archers.

Edited by Nigel

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"I will take you, monsieurs, to the last place I knew my master to be, the same place where your Duke was hidden, and may be still." He looks around, with no sense of nervousness on his face, scanning the number and strength of his captors before being prodded along.


"My master Glynn spoke truthfully. Your duke is held in a cave, a mile within the forest, northwest of here. I shall take you on the easiest route, and I swear that none of my comrades will ambush you for my life's sake ... but before I bring you there, you must know this. You knights of Riverbourne have served both sides in this war, whether you know it or not. I trust that when the Duke is found all your worries and concerns will be answered."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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With that the little group moves on and after a few hours of march through the forest, they reach the entrance of a cave.


Sir Loring leaned over to Brother Goodman:

"Now this is the tricky part. Up to here Sir Lloyd's archers have been covering our backs, hidden away in the forest. But if we go into that cave they cannot follow us without getting noticed. What should we do:


- notify Sir Lloyd to come out of hiding and join us in the cave, thereby making our number larger?

- notify him to stay in hiding at the cave entrance, where he may still emerge for a surprise attack, but leaves us on our own inside the cave?


Good Brother, I would reall appreciate your advice here."

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The adventurers see flashes of light come from within the cave. Expecting trouble after several exhausting battles, they draw their weapons.


The light nears, and an armored man leading a retinue of ill-armed peasants comes towards the entrance. He removes his helmet, revealing - The Duke!


"Hello my friends. Thank you for coming to get me. My leg is feeling much better now ..."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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With curiosity and relieve the lords come forward to shake the Duke's hand.


"How great to see you, Mylord. But now you must tell us the story. We are burnig to know it all.

Who was it to capture your caslte? Is Lord Richard really an usurper? Who is this fellow, Glynn and who are his friends?

And whom did we help more, your Lordship or your enemies?"

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[OOC]: Chris, let's plan a crafty response. ;)


[back to the Game]

Somewhere, many miles away in the north of England ...


"Have you succeeded in bringing Duke Christopher to his knees?"

"Yes, of course. My agent has caused enough chaos for our plans to soon be under way."

"Excellent. Our ally has sent word that the king will soon be taken care of. At this rate, we will be in London by the end of the year, and all who have opposed us will suffer!"

"Ah, yes, of course, my friend. Surely you will not forget those who have helped y-"

"I will not. You will get your pay ... all in due time ..."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Suddenly a nearby door could be heard creaking in the distance, and footsteps could be heard. A few seconds later a cloaked figure enters the room. The others instantly kneel before him.


"Has the plan of attack been executed?"


"Yes, my lord. The Duke is exactly where we want him to be. " replies the second. "It is as you foretold, your highness. Everything is coming true that was in the prophecy." replied another.


"Good ... good." he commemorated. "Soon, The Duke will learn who his allies, and who his foes really are ...."


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Meanwhile, in the forest near Riverbourne ...


Duke Christopher looks the adventurers up and down, seeing the questioning looks on their faces.


"My friends, I'm afraid we've all been betrayed. But it is not by Lord Richard. He has been an incredible asset these past weeks. As soon as he knew the 'merchants' camped outside the castle were actually mercenaries hired by an enemy, he advised that we summon all loyal adventurers available in the realm, you all, and take action immediately.


"When we all met and rallied the army, I made sure some knights stayed behind. They inspired the villagers and, without a single man killed, were able to chase those mercenaries out. Meanwhile, when you all were captured by Lord Richard's forces, Richard had already informed me of a spy working in our ranks, that man named Glynn. Apparently he was leading some rogue rangers and clearing the roads of bandits who rose up when it seemed the castle was about to be taken by the mercenaries.


"I lead a division of my own to probe for enemy forces, but after we were ambushed I immediately fled with my remaining forces to this cave. The wounded knight you found volunteered to serve as a distraction, to mislead anyone that might pass by, claiming that I had been captured. I sent a messenger to tell Lord Richard of the treachery that I learned of when I realized it wasn't just bandits, but professional soldiers we were fighting. By then it was too late, as Glynn had escaped, but somehow he was able to tell his allies all of our positions. I assumed that since Glynn knew that we thought the castle was in peril, he thought I would march with my remaining forces to the castle.


"But, it is good that you all were able to fend off the rest of that invasion force with Lord Richard. Glynn's riders found our cave and harassed us with arrows, driving us deep within. It is true that my leg was injured in the fighting, but only at the skirmish in front of the cave. Lord Richard told me via messengers that he was distrustful of you all, and that is why he did not give away my position. That was to test your loyalty, which has by now been proven many times over.


"I am glad to know that you all are loyal to my cause, because trying times are ahead. Glynn must be found, and from there we can find this master he has talked about. We must put an end to these warmongers, and deliver them to the king so justice may be enacted on them!


"But first let us go back to the castle. After such strain we all need much resting, and a little feasting ..."




"Master, I beg to report ..."

"What is it you knave? What news do you bring? Where is the Duke - you promised he would be in my prison cell by yesterday."

"These adventurers of the Duke's were to clever for our plans. They have rescued the Duke and defeated the Imperial Wolverine guardsmen you called in to support me."

"Hmph. Can you not succeed at anything?!"


Glynn shook, looking at his master with fear.


"How much do they know?"

"Little my lord. They only know of my allegiance now, but they do not know your name."

"Excellent. But I cannot have them learn my name, can I?"

"No my lord."

"In that case you serve no other purpose. I have plenty other agents of equal skill. Guards-!"

"No, please wait sire-"

"Take this man to the dankest dungeon cell and dispose of the key."





Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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