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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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It was as quickly done as said.


The rangers dropped the body of the poor man they had found and sure enough the wolves were over him in a second.

While they were fighting each other over the prey, the little group of Sir Lorings men used the time to put enough distance between themselves and the pack.


Soon the camp was seen in the distance.

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Brother Goodman slowly inhaled. The air was crisp. Although stiff from several days of resting his injured leg ? it felt good to be up.....and soon in battle! To his front was a line of 15 Archers arranged in 2 Rows. He looked forward from the second rank, seeing Sir Loring and his men in their ?scramble?. He spoke loudly. ?Aim high and over men. Wait until my command and let loose!?


Goodman timed the distance in his head. Seeing that Sir Loring and his men were at a safe distance, Goodman shouted, ?LOOSE!? Suddenly, a cloud of arrows sailed up and over Loring and his band ? and straight into the oncoming Pack.

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Many of the Wolves who had been following the pack were instantly killed, and other retreated back to the nearby trees. Goodman did a good job in training those troops ..... a few more seconds and Sir Loring and the others would soon have been no more.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"That was a narrow escape", Sir Loring grabbed Brother Goodman's hand and shook it heartily.

"I am so glad you are back on your feet, good Brother. Join me in Lord Richard's tent and hear of our adventure."



After telling the story of their findings and their encounter with the wild pack, Sir Loring concluded:

"It is obvious that the bandits were taking our Duke towards the castle and that their forces, depleted and weakened by the battle with his troops and the inferno ligtened by Brother Goodman, were not strong enough to fight off the wolves but instead had to run from them.


But this leaves the following possibilities:

- The bandits have imprisoned the Duke in his own castle dungeon.

- The bandits and the Duke have not reached the castle and are hiding from the wolves in some cave in the forest.

- The bandits and the Duke have neither reached the castle nor a safe hideout and .... I don't even want to think of it.



Either way, I suggest that we move our army to a position between the forest and the castle. Our troops are strong enough to defeat the wolves and if the bandits are trying to reach the castle, we have a good chance to intercept them. But if they are already in the castle, we need to find a way in, either by force or by stealth."

Edited by Nigel

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Brother Goodman weighed the choices. ?Fine, let us form up into two groups. Yours will consist of only Archer's and Spearmen. You will be able to form a ?Melee? of sorts. With multiple lines of Archers to create many ?clouds? - as it were ? we should be able to keep the enemies head down. I will take riders and good Swordsmen to exploit your ?breach?. We should take a North and South approach. This way,? the enemies Front and Rear can be attacked at the same time. Will God's Grace, they won't know WHICH way to defend.?


Goodman paused. ?What do you think??

Edited by Crusader1307

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"Sounds like a reasonable approach to me." Sir Loring nodded his head in agreement.


Clearly the old knight of the order was by far the more experienced one when it came to battle strategies.

Charles Loring and his brother had, of course, been tutored in the art of war. Charles had been in several skirmishes, but never in a full sized battle. He had read several books on strategy - but nothing compares to the real thing. He was ready to follow the seasoned warrior and learn.

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With the plan agreed, the men started to get moving.

Lord Richard divided the troops according to Brother Goodman's suggestion.

Sir Lloyd joined up with Nigel and the archers. The other companions remained with Brother Goodman and the shock troops.



OoC: Mattew, I am taking you with me if you don't mind :) I know you are too busy to take part right now, but feel free to come back in, whenever you want.

Edited by Nigel

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Goodman checked the 30 odd Horsemen. Tall in their saddles, every one was a seasoned rider. Each had seen some form of combat. Several in the ?War of The Cross?. That was good. The coming onslaught would be great (and tragic). Some would go to God, other.......Brother Goodman sighed. It was always the same. Good men die. And Bad men thrive.


They must coordinate their movements well if they were to surprise and take the location of The Duke's imprisonment. One this for sure, they WOULD get The Duke this time.


Goodman sopke loud and clear. ?Men, check your equipment one last time. We will ride in a quarter hour.? Turning, he went over to Sir Loring to see how his preparations went.


Goodman said ?How goes it, Sir Loring? Glory or Failure??

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Before Sir Loring could open his mouth, Goodman heard a scream from what sounded like a few clearings away. "Look out! We're under attack!" Shouted the guard on top of the wooden guard tower outside the tent.


Goodman and Sir Loring quickly darted outside with Sir Richard, eager to see exactly what was happening. Seconds later, flaming arrows came hurtling towards the tower and then a small pause, a giant boulder appeared flying towards the tower. In a split second, the guard jumped from the 30 foot tower to the lower level, smashing his shoulder against the wood floor.


Sir Richard headed back towards the tent, with Sir Loring and Goodman behind. "Oh no, they must have followed you back to the camp. These are the Imperial Wolverine guard, not good news at all." he remarked, with urgency and much alarm in his voice. "Catapults are far more than we bargained for - even without Imperial Wolverine guards. Without tower protection they will annihilate us. From the direction and speed, I assume they must be near Darkington by now. A city so foul that no one dares to speak of it. Keep your wits about you."


Sir Richard paused for a moment and turned his back on the group, feverishly scratching his head thinking for a plan. Seconds later, he turned around again. "Goodman, you go through this exit to the tent and attempt to flank them - take out their men, but unless you have no choice do not destroy their catapults and mangonels. Also attempt to capture any officers that may be present. We will need them for ourselves if we are to make any kind of leverage in this war. The Royal Guard are waiting for you outside in case of any emergency such as this. Any questions?"


Goodman quickly shook his head. "Go, quickly" Sir Richard replied, pulling up the curtain and giving Goodman a quick signal to get out of the tent towards the Royal Guard. "Sir Loring, you face the men head on through the trees. Attempt to Ambush them near Foaming Cave Rocks, take this company of men with you outside. I will hold them off here the best I can. If all should fail, fall back to Crenaganna. Move, quick!"


Sir Nigel ran out of the tent and saddled up his horse, along with Sir Lloyd. The two of them galloped off with a company of a few dozen soldiers. At a glance behind, Sir Richard could be sent withdrawing his sword and leaving his tent, directing any remaining men to defensive positions.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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(OoC) AND Here we go!............




Goodman removed his cloak. Withdrawing his Swords, he held them at waist level. ?Company, Follow!? The range of men was 20. Not much of a force, but (as Goodman always said) ?Deo Volente?. The Company rushed out of their camp and towards a stand of fairly dense trees. The smoke and debris was thick and it was hard for Goodman to see. Suddenly several men rushed him, both with spears. The first man (somewhat younger), thrust his weapon straight for Goodman's chest. With a feign left, Goodman dodged the thrust and spun ? right. Coming out of this move, he thrust his Sword squarely into the soldiers chest!. Withdrawing his blade,? the man fell. The 2nd? soldier (a bit older), brought his spear parallel to his chest (in a ?Port Position?) and charged. Brother Goodman recovered from his thrust and brought his blade up into the ?High Guard? position. He brought it down in a left arch ? and took the man's head!



The Company inched forward. Smoke and cries echoed throughout. This man and that fought and died. Some fell quickly, others were found horribly mutilated (missing arms and legs). Goodman kept yelling at his Company, ?Forward Men!? forward. He was proud, they fought like Lions.


A large ?beast of a Man? charged Goodman, sword on high. In the smoke, Goodman saw a sight that he did not understand. Glancing at the soldier's tunic, he saw a Red Cross.....just as his! The man stopped as well. In the fury of the battle, here were two warriors ? standing in the midst of battle, united by a sign.


?Brother?? Said Goodman. ?Go another way. I do not wish to kill another of The Order?. The soldier replied. ?You go another way. Your blood or mine will stain this field today!? With that he flew forward. Swipe after swipe. Thrust after thrust. The two ?Lions? fought ? totally unaware of their surroundings. Being trained the same, it was like seeing a ?mirror image? of Goodman. Finally, seeing an opening in the soldier's defense, Goodman exploited it. Removing his Arming Sword, Goodman thrusted low ? into the Orderman's belly (and up through his Mail Skirt). He let out a scream of pain and fell. Goodman could not stop and mourn his enemy. He remembered were he lay. He pushed onward.


Goodman saw that most of his Company was STILL alive. He continued to hack his way through the enemy ?Wolverines?. Then suddenly, Goodman saw a cloud of flaming arrows fly over. It was Sir Nigel and his Archers. They had taken aim at the Catapult. Hearing the thud of his arrows, Goodman saw the device begin to catch fire and burn. ?Deo Volente? indeed.

Edited by Crusader1307

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Sir Loring cursed under his breath.


"Damn, Lord Richard wanted us to capture those catapults, not to destroy them. My men really went over the top here. Oh well, it cannot be helped. We may have to find another way to get into the Duke's castle. At least the camp should be safe now."


Then in a louder voice:

"Men, shoot again and aim for those men with the Wolf's Head on their tarbards. Those Wolverine Guards are best taken out from the distance."


Another volley of deadly arrows came flying and the men of Wolverine Guard, tall and broad-shouldered as they were, made easy targets and fell by the dozen.



OoC: LoL, I noticed that we have been mixing up Charles and Nigel, starting with my own post #307 above. I guess it does not matter. After all, they are both more or less borne from the same pen. :)

Edited by Nigel

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(OoC) Still not tired, Nigel....okay :)



Recovering, Brother Goodman rallied his Company. Remembering an oft used tactic, he formed his Company into the shape of a Square. Goodman yelled, ?All shields to your fronts, make a wall in front of yourselves!? Doing so, Goodman furthered, ?Each man, place your swords out towards the enemy. On my command, we move one quick step at a time ? forward. Any enemy that approaches, repel with your shields and stab!?


The strange sight no doubt caused The Wolverines to take pause. Here was this moving square of men ? rushing forward. Goodman stayed in the center of the shape. It was his task to ?prop up? any faltering and advance the Company. Goodman saw an undamaged Catapult to their front. That was his point of halt.


Ordering his men forward, Goodman adjusted for direction. Line after line of the enemy ran haphazardly into this side and that side of Goodman's square. Each time his men slashed and thrust. Each assault was met with dead and dying Wolverines. ?Forward!? Goodman cried.


On several occasions, Goodman's square ALMOST gave in. Each time, he would bolster the back of the 2 or 3 soldiers at that part of the square. He noticed a Lance (dropped by some dead Wolverine). Picking it up, he sheathed his blade. ?Much better?, though Goodman. The Lance was much better to go between his own soldiers and the enemy.


Reaching the Catapult, Goodman cried ?Halt?. He ordered his men to encircle the device. Now, the enemy Catapult stood in the center of Goodman's square. Goodman also noted he had lost not one of his men. ?Deo Volente?!

Edited by Crusader1307

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Charles Loring stood in awe.


As son of a noble family, he had of course been tortured with translations of Cesar's Bellum Gallicum and other Latin texts. He had read about the Testudo formation, the fameous "turtle", but had never believed it could be made to work.


After school, he and his brother had tried it out with a group of peasant boys as soldiers. But the village bully had just laughed at them and had smashed through their formation with brute force and a big stick. Bruises and bleeding noses has been the trophies of that day.


Now he watched in amazement how Brother Goodman organized his men and repelled charge upon charge of the Wolverine Guards. Their bodies kept piling up with every wave until finally their commander gave the order to retreat.


When the field was theirs, Sir Loring divided his men into two groups.

"Half of you spread out and cover our backs. Goodman's men are far to exhausted to do anything after their great ordeal, so it is upon you to make sure we get alerted if thei should come back for a second attack.


You other guys, search the filed for men who are wounded but still alive. Anyone who is still able to talk is to be brought before Lord Richard for qustioning. I know it is not a pleasant busineess to separate the living from the dead after such a battle, but it has to be done."

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Goodman looked at his men. Valiant and brave were they. ?Men, rest in place ? be mindful of another assault. This device we have taken is ours now. Guard it with your lives.? Goodman could see Sir Loring forming his men as well. He was unsure of their loses (if any).


Surveying the immediate field, Goodman saw many spears (some broken, other not). He remembered another tactic. He announced in a loud voice to several of his men near by. ?Gather up as many of these spears ? broken or not. Drive them into the ground in front of you, as deep as you can. Make an outline of our ?Square?. In this, we will create a Fris to help us ? should anymore ?Wolverines? attack. The men went about and did as their Commander asked. Soon, a bristling wall of uneven spikes surrounded ?Goodman's Square?.


Goodman and his men stood by at rest. And waited..........

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Three men on horseback had watched the battle from the shadows of a wooded hill.


"That man, he is an outstanding commander, and an excellent fighter. What did you say his name was again?" asked the first.


"Brother Goodman," answered the third. "From my time with him he seems to have a pure heart. He was a Templar too -"


"A fellow brother? I have long since left the order and their ideals, but it is good to see such a man on our side," responded the first again. "It is unfortunate that some have fallen so far that they join the enemy. Go, ride with the winds behind you, and warn them."


The third man nudged his horse onward, down the gentle slope of the hill and through the branches of the pine trees. Once he broke the clearing, he raised his right hand in the sign of peaceful salute, like an old soldier of Rome, and all the Duke's men in the clearing saw a strange figure. A man wearing a straw hat with a bow and quiver on his back. Was it, could it be ... Glynn? [OOC: he's the guy from a lot earlier in the adventure].


"Hail, servants of Duke Christopher! I come in peace! You have no reason to trust me, but I will tell you the truth - what I have seen with my own eyes. The Duke did not make it to the castle. His captors were ambushed en route by myself and my comrades. He is in a lightly guarded cave, deep within the forest, where some loyal peasants, armed with makeshift weapons, and a few yeomen with bows protect him. His leg was wounded and he is unfit to travel on his own, so we must rescue him. Enemy forces scour the forest as we speak, trying to find him, they have even sent trained wolves and dogs after us!


"But, my friends, that is not the worst of it. A certain corrupt lord has hired foreign mercenaries and local brutes, these bandits we've been dealing with, to capture the Duke and stage an uprising. That man is none other than Sir Richard!"


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Brother Goodman listened quietly to the Courier who had just brought him the news of Sir Richard. Indeed, grumbles from the men were spreading through the battlefield. Goodman assumed that the ?Wolverines? were either finished or had retreated. He did not think they would return. He looked at his men. Veterans all. But many were loyal to Richard. The question was how loyal? After the past hard won fight, Brother Goodman did not wish to become embroiled in a civil war.


Goodman called over to a tall, older man from the front of ?The Square?. He was one of the last of the original questmen and survivor of ?The Battle of The Burning Grounds? (as Goodman named it). He trusted the man. Approaching Goodman, the man said....?My Lord??


?I am placing you as my Aide-de-Camp. Have the men rest in place. Feed them, but watch and listen. ANY sounds of rebellion or discontent, send word to me IMMEDIATELY. I am going to learn some more about this ?tale? of Sir Richard. We should be careful. Sometimes ?traitors? can be ?invented?.

IF Richard is indeed a ?traitor?, I myself will thrust a blade through his throat. If he is not, then the ?Teller of The Tale? will lose his head!

Edited by Crusader1307

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"Very good sir." The guard replied. He immediately walked over towards Goodman's battalion and signalled for them to move down towards a tent he setup. The three men on horseback continued along the track and put their horses at rest in the stable, for now.


They then proceeded to walk slowly towards the Tent where the other troops were being held and paused. "Now?" One asked. "No" replied the second. "Not yet. We'll wait until the time is right. Do you think he bought it?"


"Yes. I'm pretty certain." Replied Glen.


"But what if he does find where the Duke is being held?"


"Then by that time, the Duke will be far away and they will be so convinced Richard is their man, they will panic and get overwhelmed, losing track of everything. I must go. I will leave you in charge William. Make sure he receives the additional information."


Glen pulled his horse from the stable, and mounted it. "I will meet you where we agreed. If you pull this off, the amount we agreed upon will also be waiting for you there. If you are 1 day late, only half will be waiting for you. And if you are 2 days late, you shall be killed. Do not fail me. "


The other two gave murmurs in agreement before watching Glen ride off into the distance. After a few seconds of thinking, they slowly approached the Tent ....


[OOC]: How's this for betrayal! Now Goodman won't know who to believe when he finds out :P


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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The Boy was tall and lanky. He appeared as would any Page or Steward that traveled with an Army. Leaning behind a tree, he heard the entire conversation. Brother Goodman could well use this information, he thought. Even more ? the reward would be great! He aspired to being a Knight. What better way to show others that he was a trusted asset. The boy ran fast back to where Brother Goodman was. The ?run? was short ? he ran into Goodman presently!


?My Lord!?, the boy said in a hurried tone. Goodman ?caught? the Lad square into his chest. ?Careful, Boy! You run too fast? - Goodman said. The Page spoke in a hurried pace. He told Goodman all that he had heard. Goodman paused. He knew of the boy. He was a faithful Page. He would not lie.


?Go back to my Formation and relate this to my Aid-de-Camp. Afterwards, find Sir Loring and do the same. Tell Loring to ?quietly? move his Archers to form next to my Square. If I am correct, another battle is a'brewing!? Goodman saw the boy run about his task. Goodman withdrew his Templar blade and moved towards the stand of trees where the Page had stood.

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Goodman waited until he saw the Horseman ride away. He could not quite tell who it was. No doubt a fellow Conspirator. But Goodman remembered the mount (and saddle). It would come in handy later. He noted the two men standing with their backs to him. ?Foolish tactic?, he thought. Goodman could see his Company moving forward across the field ? towards the tent.


With cat-like speed, Goodman charge from the trees. His blade (at the highest he could hold it), he brought down with terrible force. His blade cleaved through the man's Barbute cleanly ? and kept slicing through! Somewhere between the poor souls upper rib cage and heart it stopped. The effusion of blood and gore was terrible. It was by not fair luck Goodman was spared from being covered it it.


Withdrawing outward, the heap that was a man fell parted. The other Conspirator (now alerted), quickly turned his blade towards Goodman. He swung his sword in a wide right arch. Goodman countered with his own blade to create a mighty twang of metal upon metal. Goodman lowered his form towards the ground (to present a smaller target). Sweeping right with his blade, his enemy quickly darted back to avoid the swing (clearly aimed for his shins).


Goodman rose. He grew tired of this dance. Began to swing and arch his blade in a pattern of the numeral ?eight?. Over and over (back and forth) ? creating a moving wall of cutting death with his blade. The enemy kept moving back to avoid the wild arch of Goodman's blade - and fell over a log!


Goodman stopped his swinging. He instantly aimed his blade toward the throat of his foe. ?Now, wayward one! Let's us have a talk. And be mindful, if you do not answer or lie ? your corpse will rot by nightfall!?

Edited by Crusader1307

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His deep voice comes out with a French accent, as he speaks in a slow, calm voice. "Spare me your threats, old man. You have killed my brother! What should I tell you? You have just found the end of the the tangled string of corruption in the Duke's realm. Now, if you would kindly lower your sword, I'll gladly tell you where you can find my master Glynn, or 'The Phantom', as you Englishmen called him. Better, I can bring you there. But be warned. By killing him, you will only rattle larger snakes ..."


[OOC: That last line looks *very* curious ...]


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Meanwhile, Sir Loring listened with growing discomfort to what the young page had to tell him.


"This is astounding", he thought to himself. "That Glynn should be a traitor? I trusted the man - but merely on the grounds that I liked him. But then, I also trusted Lord Richard. Now it seems the only ones I can trust are my bow and arrows - and our group of travelers who are loyal to the Duke and un-exposed to the corruption of his court. Indeed I have a lot to learn about the ways of this world"


Quietly he gave the signs to bring his archers in position close to Brother Goodman's melee troops - just in case.


Then he walked over to where his friend held the remaining one of Glynn's companions at sword point.

He just overheared the words of his confession.


In a low voice, without the other man beeing able to hear, he said "Brother Goodman, let us hear him out. And if he is willing to lead us, let us follow him - but in such a way that we keep a door open for our escape, in case he should indeed turn to treason. I am sure Sir Lloyd will be most willing and more than capable to cover our retreat route."

Edited by Nigel

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?Very Well? said Goodman. He had just as soon run this Traitor through than ?Parley? with him. Too many of their ?Good Men? had been lost. Now it appears that they were dead due to treachery. Goodman could not tolerate that.

?You owe your life to this Good Man. Best not to come under my blade again!? Goodman cried over to a group of men. ?Guards, take charge of ?...THIS?. Goodman motioned to the Traitor on the ground. With a flourish of his cape, he turned and walked back to his position to find his Aide-de-Camp.

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[OoC] Alas I have returned :D


"Sir Loring, if I may, a word," Sir Lloyd was fearful for the events to come. "I worry of Goodman. No doubt he is a great leader, but I am beginning to fear he is losing track of the task at hand and allowing certain personal matters take priority. I ask you, one your venture with him, do not allow him to kill a man in anger. Only the blood of guilty men shall be spilled, please."


Sir Lloyd let go of Loring's arm, then sat down on a large stone, where he would wait for the return of his friends. He kept two other archers with him. It was unlikely anyone would return to the area unless friendly, or a fool. He wished the two good luck and continued to sharpen his arrows using a small piece of flint he picked up from the ground.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Brother Goodman made contact with his Aide-de-Camp. Making sure The Company was fine suffered no danger from the foiled ambush, he gave orders for the men to be rested and to check their equipment. Goodman pondered. "That escaping Conspirator. Something about that saddle........." Goodman though hard on the matter.

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Charles Loring looked at Sir Lloyd.

"Indeed, we have allowed a lot of responsibility to pile up on our friend's shoulders.

Well, he seems to be a natural leader, not unacustomed to assume command. But even for a seasoned veteran, the stress can get too much. Especially if he is trying to cover up the fact that a wound is taking more of his strength than he likes to admit.


Let's pay attention and support him more. Not only in our actions, but also in the decision making. So that it does not all rest upon him alone."



With that he walked over to Brother Goodman.

"If you agree, good Brother, we will take this fellow between us and make sure he does not try anything funny when he leads us to the Duke's hideout. Sir Lloyd will secretly follow us with his group of archers, some way behind and in hiding. That way he can bail us out if we should run into a trap and cover our retreat if it should be needed.


I really don't know if this man here is with us or against us, but if he should prove to be a villain, our plan should still keep us save. Well, as save as someone can be in this country of turmoil, in any case."




It had not escaped him, that for some reason the saddle markings of Glynn's horse had caught Goodman's attention. He only hoped Goodman would be able to remember where he had seen the symbol before.

Edited by Nigel

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