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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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OoC: Hehe, fine by me.?Although "upset" is perhaps?too strong a word - we are only playing a game here, after all. But if you guys want to, we can just forget the lost pages and start again from this point :)?

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OoC: very good.? Here is my go at bringing us back to where we were.



As the flames roared up and the men ran for their horses Charles Loring had sudenly cought sight of the wounded guardian and saw that the man opened his eyes again.




"Hey, this man is not dead yet! Sir Lloyd, lend a hand".




With one big effort they had lifted the wounded man onto Hazel's back, behind Sir Lorings saddle.




Now, a safe distance away from the carnage, Charles looked back and to his relieve he saw that the man was still breathing. Pulling some cloth from his saddle bag, be prepared a makeshift bandage. This would have to do until they could dress his wound properly.




"Let's hope he will make it through. If he was indeed a close bodyguard of the Duke, he should be able to tell us some very interesting things."

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Goodman looked intently. Why were these men trying to kill them? Surely, The Duke would have told his Bodyguard about this advanced force (even where they were operating, for the most part). Goodman was unsure if this man was even a Guardsmen. Perhaps a spy, that just happened not to have the good grace to die in the attack.


?Loring,? Goodman spoke. ?you must keep him alive ? or at least try to get some information. We can not wait here for long. If we didn't ?stop? all of our ?friends? back there, we will have trouble. Our numbers are dwindling.

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"Yes, we should keep moving."



Charles Loring looked again at the wounded man in his care.?

"He seems to be doing fine. If we move at a reasonable pace, he should be ok. Although if the going gets tough and we have to spur our horses and race for our lives, we may have to accept that we will loose him.



But where to now?

I suggest that?we circle around the battlefield carefully. If they have taken the Duke prisoner, we should be able to find and follow the tracks of their horses or wagons or whatever they used to take him away. Who knows, with some luck we may be able to rescue the Duke even before he is locked away in his own dungeon."

Edited by Nigel

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"Very good", Brother Goodman agreed. We shall take your suggestion. Goodman turned to the troop of already tired but still alert men. "Care for your horses quickly, men. We will encircle the field we have fought on. Search for any tracks, anything which may help us. We have learned that The Duke may be captured. All haste!


The intrepid Group quickly followed their instructions and mounted some 10 minuets later. Brother Goodman was impressed. What a troop to harass Saladin, THEY would have made in the desert!

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As they were riding, Sir Loring noticed that the wounded Sergeant behind him came to.

"How are you doing, good man?"


"Ok Sir, ... wounds not as bad as I thought" came a weak voice.


"Well, can you tell me, what were the Duke and his men trying to do out here, so far away from the main army?"


OoC: I will leave it for Charles or Chris to write the response and decide how much they want to reveal to us. If nothing, they can just let the sergeant lapse back into unconsciousnes and we'll carry on with?what information we have.?? :)

Edited by Nigel

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OOC: Good job bringing us back up to speed, and [user]Crusader1307]! Great work, both of you. I would've responded more quickly but the paperwork of IRL is not merciful :P


The guardsman lifts his head, still clutching his recently bandaged wound.


"Thank you sirs, for saving me. Those ruffians would have moved in for the kill sooner had you not arrived. My name is Harold, and I have served to protect the duke for many years. As the army marched towards the castle to reclaim it for Duke Christopher, he were engaged in several skirmishes along the main roads. The duke and some of the other knights thought we'd be better off in the cover of the forest, but I and two others disagreed.


"Our formation was forced to thin out in the narrow paths, and many times our rear guard was ambushed, but the enemy forces would melt away, retreating back into the trees, as soon as the men entered a fighting formation. Eventually we marched at a snail's pace, on the lookout at all times, with the occasional arrow picking us off one by one, and sending the rest into a panic. By the time we reached the clearing, nearly a third of our number had been left behind as casualties.


"As we were about to continue along the next path adjoining the clearing, eastward towards the castle, as we are now headed, the final wave came. Enemies with large shields on wheels came and blocked off the exits while archers shot at us from between the trees. A great number of our bowmen had already perished, and our only option was to dismount and form a circle around the duke.


"What happened next I care not to speak of, as it brings great humility to our brave knights. We were all but wiped out, but we destroyed a good many of their number. Every loyal knight slew at least three of the rebels. As I sat bleeding on the edge of death, I saw the duke struck on the back of the head and taken hostage. Our horses were stolen, and what valuables we carried looted. You arrived only some tens of minutes after the carnage, though I pray you can unsee the sights and smells of that wretched field ..."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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[OOC] Sounds suspiciously like the battle of Teutoburg forest .... ;)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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?Rolling Shields, eh?. Goodman pondered this. And further, were these forces The Brigands or another? Were The Brigands in league with yet another enemy? Any further information from this man would be useless. Goodman needed force strength, other weapon types and most importantly direction. Brother Goodman stepped away from Sir Loring and the wounded man. He pondered yet again.


?I need a count of our remaining strength?, he said to himself. ?WE need more men and supplies?. Goodman pulled the map he had been given by The Duke and looked. He noticed a small village, some few leagues away. Large enough to be on a map. May supplies and help. Maybe enemies.


Goodman called over to one of the men standing nearby. ?Prepare to mount the men. We will move towards this Village (pointing to the map in his hands). I want 2 men for a scouting party?. The man bowed his head and hurried off ? to carry out Goodman's orders.

Several minutes later the 2 men requested, had appeared before Goodman. Having already told Sir Loring and the rest of their Troop what he had planned, Goodman spoke to the men. ?Ride 5 miles North to this Village (motioning to the map in his hands). Conceal your weapons, but be wary. Scout it and ask questions. IF, the citizenry appear friendly (and loyal) to The Duke, one of you ride toward us. We will be following as a slower gallop.? ?And Gentlemen,? - Goodman added as an afterthought - ?Do not get yourselves killed?. Bringing his right arm and hand up towards his breastplate, Goodman ?thumped? it once (the universal sign of an Order Given and expected to be carried out). The 2 men returned the gesture and departed.


Goodman thought further. These last several days have been more trying than Damascus (to be sure!). But unlike that legendary fight, there were FAR more fighters than this small band. ?They? needed reinforcements ? and fast!

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] Sounds suspiciously like the battle of Teutoburg forest .... ;)
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OOC: You got it. Bit of that and a bit of Roncevaux Pass. :)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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[OoC] I'm aware that I have been idle for a very long time. I've just had the chance to read up on everything! It's going great, I'll join back in when I see a good opportunity :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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OoC: Matthew, great you are still with us. Jump in whenever you see the opportunity - or create the opportunity yoursef :)?? I will move the story on a small bit.




Sir Loring rode up to Brother Goodman and nodded.

"Good plan to scout that village yonder. If it is friendly, we may find some further help there,

Also, lets look out for stragglers from the Duke's army. There must have some who escaped the carnage. Even some of Varus' men survived the Teutoburg forest and returned to Rome many years later. I would think that a soldier who escaped here will be glad to join up again under an organized command."

Edited by Nigel

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Sir Lloyd, walking up slowly next to Loring and Goodman after dismounting his horse spoke, "We've lost many men...but there is still hope of rescuing the Duke."


His eyes studied the terrain as his hands remain locked together, behind his back. "Beautiful" he whispers to himself. The green green grass on the hilly terrain reminded Sir Lloyd of home. He would often venture along the outskirts of villages to admire the great landscape.


After daydreaming he looks up at Goodman, who so uneasily watches the scouts from the distance. Noticing Goodman's veins bulging from his forehead, Sir Lloyd rests his hand on Goodman's arm. Trying not to let Goodman be aware that he had noticed his shaky behaviour, Sir Lloyd asks "What's the plan from here, Goodman?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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?We need men and fast?, Goodman blurted out. ?Loring's idea is sound. We should send some men out to scout for survivors. Further, I think we need a count and assessment of our weapons and goods.? Goodman held up his hand in a ?universal signal? to stop. As the men did, Goodman spoke out. ?We shall rest here. Check your weapons and goods. A few archers should set out for some fresh meat (if any). Further, that small stream ahead may yield some fish. Care for your horses first, men?.


Goodman, Lloyd and Loring dismounted, each about their own cares. Goodman spoke to Lloyd. ?We must increase out numbers quickly. We can not mount a successful rescue of his Lordship with more men. Granted we three have the skills to surmount much, but this mission has quickly dissolved into a muck!? Goodman smiled at Lloyd. ?Now Lad, I've about to answer to a ?higher Power?. Taking his Rosary from his saddle, Goodman walked off towards the stream.

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Lloyd watched as Goodman walked away. He repeated what Goodman said to himself "Increase numbers." Looking down at the village he saw some sheep, chuckling to himself he though "Perhaps we could give them each a sword."


After keeping himself entertained for a minute or two, Sir Lloyd turned to Sir Loring, "I'm worried about Goodman. As expected, he's not as able as he may have been in his younger years, I worry the stress is getting too much for him. He is a great leader and I have no doubt of his leadership abilities. I'm worried for his health. Did you notice how anxious he appeared, watching the scouts scurry forth?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Indeed", Sir Loring nodded. "Goodman is a great leader and it is a fortune for us all that he is with us. But even his strength is not infinite, and he has been through a lot already. Let us make it our task to support him and take as much weight of his shoulders as we can. I shall take it upon me to search the area and see if I can bring back a few stragglers?or otherwise?lost souls."

Edited by Nigel

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"Good plan" Sir Lloyd tapped Loring's shoulder as if to show agreement. "I'll go and see how the archers are doing. It's about time we had some meat" Lloyd let out a subtle smile.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman returned from his repast. Walking back up to the main Camp, he was approached by one of the men he had detailed earlier. ?Sir,? said the man. ? Our count of soldiers is at 30. Each man had a sword. Every other man carries a Bow with roughly 10 arrows each. Some carry knifes, with a few other smaller hand held weapons.? The man paused. ?The horse's are cared for.....we await your orders.?


Goodman paused. ?Good report, my man. Continued service of this nature will quickly earn you promotion. Take a rest for yourself. Tell the men to eat what they can and rest as well?. The man quickly thumped his chest and bowed his head. He departed quickly. ?30 men, 300 odd arrows....not much of a last defense. But defense none the less?. Goodman must keep the me alive long enough o find out where The Duke was.


Goodman lowered himself down. He noticed a somewhat deep cut on his lower right calf. ?Why did I not feel this?? He took some water from his bladder and gingerly washed the wound. Cleaned, he took a piece of clean muslin and bound it up.

Perhaps, he would order a longer rest period. The men needed it. He needed it.

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[OoC] Whenever you talk of the chest thumping and bowing your head, I'm immediately reminded of the older Assassins Creed games, ahh those were the days :D


Sir Lloyd, noticing Goodman in the distance called over "Goodman!" Clearly Goodman didn't hear him. He shouted louder "Goodman! How are you?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman looked up. ?Tis but a scratch.? ?I have the information regarding our status. Go and gather Loring, if he is not busy. The 3 of us need to talk?. Goodman watched as the Lad walked away. Truth be told, his leg was much worse than he told Lloyd. ?God Wills It?.


Goodman rose and walked gingerly to a small stand of trees. Selecting a sturdy branch, he pulled it free. ?Ample for a crutch or walking stick?. He took it back to the Campfire and began to whittle it with his knife. ?This will serve well indeed!?

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Sir Loring returned to the camp. While the men had been busy tending the horses, weapons and their own needs, he had searched the area around the battlefield. Now he brought a small group of 10 soldiers with him.


All of them wore the Duke's uniform, but they were in quite different condition. Some had ecaped the carnage by running away, some by hiding. Some had been left for dead (and had the sense to keep up that pretence?as the battle raged over them).


He had encountered 13 stragglers altoghether, but 3 were either unfit or just not prepared to join him. One had torn off his uniform, thrown away his weapon and with a curse for the army had vowed to return to his wife and plough and never run away again. The other two were just too terrified to continue the battle.


In? any case, he brought 10 men back to the camp and after some rest they would be useful and make up their total number to 40.


Now he joined Sir Lloyd and listened intently what Goodman had to say.

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Goodman looked over as Sir Loring and his charges, approached. Goodman chuckled, ?Well Loring, it appears you are as good a ?Farmer? as you are an Archer. You've harvested quite a crop!? (motioning towards the 10 men). Goodman shouted over to a nearby man, milling about. ?You there! Quarter these fellows and see that they have something to eat and drink.? Goodman motioned for Loring to join him and Sir. Lloyd.


?The fact of the matter is this. When now have 40 men. Good men all, but 40 nonetheless. We need an additional 20 just to bring our numbers back to strength. And further, (Goodman was speaking lower so that only the three of them could hear)...We need to discuss the continuing of our mission?. Goodman let the though sink in.


Continuing, Goodman said - ?I do not feel that The Brigands are are problem anymore. The attack at The Peat Bogs, required more of a ?strategic? flair. We are not even sure if The Duke still lives.?


While speaking, Goodman saw the 2 horsemen he had dispatched to the Village arrive. One of them dismounted and hurried to the campfire. ?Sir,? the man responded. ?We have found the Village to be on out side! At least 20 men their will join our cause. I have told them that we shall arrive directly?.


Goodman pondered this report. ?Good. You and your man go and eat and rest. We will stay they night. You have done very well.? Dismissed, Goodman turned back to Loring and Lloyd. ?Tomorrow, I will ride with 10 men. Lloyd, you will follow (respectively at a distance) ? behind me. Array yourself as Pickets. Watch and wait. Loring, you will follow behind Lloyd with the other 20 men ? a kind of rearguard, if you will. If I am not back within a time, assume we are dead?. Goodman pulled the prized map from his tunic. He handed it to Loring. ?In case, you need it?. ?At best?, Goodman continued ?we will have 20 new recruits and fresh food. At worst, well ?God Wills It?. What say we all? Agreed?

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Before any of the adventurers had a chance to speak, the sound of horses could be heard through the trees, getting closer with every second until they were forced to act.


The horsemen were traversing through the forest when they clearly saw the group of adventurers and started charging towards them. The adventurers knew they were all around them so they and massively outnumbered them so they quickly formed a circle position as they came charging towards them. One man who suddenly lost his nerve, ran forward with a spear and was killed. The rest were forced to move closer together as the soldiers now trotted along with their spears aimed at the group.


Most of them were about to throw their spears when one of them took off their helmet off and commanded "Wait!". He disassembled from his horse and moved closer towards the group. "This does not look like an outlaw group to me. What business do you have in this area? Speak quickly!"


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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