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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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Charles Loring leans over to Julian Palaiologos and take one of the books from his luggage.

"With your permission, may I take a look at this?"



He flips through the pages, mumbling out loud as he reads.


"The Crusader cross, also called the Jerusalem cross, ...

... one central cross and 4 smaller crosses around it ...

... representing the Five Wounds of Christ ...

... first worn by Godfrey of Bouillon ... fameous knight of the first crusade ... decenant of Carlesmagne over 9 generations

... coat of arms of the Kingdom of Jerusalem ...


Oh, I am not sure if this is making sense of helping us in any way"

He hands the book back to Julian.


"My learned friend, you may be able to make more of it - or we may be on the wrong lead altogether.

I say we press on and do some more scouting. We may find another hint, that is connecting things and provides the missing link. Or we may just find that Phantom himself and if he chooses to be on hostile terms to us, we will show him our own swords XD

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Brother Goodman interjected. ?You are correct. We must press on. Let's get the men together qiuckly and continued onward with our patrols to the North. I am sure there are more small groupings of these brigands about. The next group may not be so......easy. Pass on the instructions to be prepared to attack on the slightest provocation.? Goodman prepared his horse and equipment for the coming ?hard ride?.



Within 15 minutes the intrepid group were mounted again. Goodman had checked his map again. They picked up the route that they had diverted from quite easily. Their earlier ?trot? was now a seasoned gallop. Staying close to the treeline and making use of shadows (and the occasional outcropping of bushes and thrushes) ? they maintained their ?cover?. If one was not quick enough, these riders would be upon you before you could defend yourself.



After about 1 hour of riding, Goodman motioned his arm upward ? to stop the movement of the troop. He smelled smoke wafting in on the slight breeze ahead. Signaling for Sir Loring (a few horses back), Goodman said, ?Prepare to deploy to the left ? well within the forest. Make it appear that there are only a few of us.? Sir Loring moved his troops into the treeline. Goodman again raised his arm and quietly muttered? ?Forward.............?

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OoC] Apologies for my lack of contribution to the adventure recently, I've been away and have only now read over all the posts made during my inactivity. I must say this is getting far more exciting :D


I don't think I can say much on this part, I'll add my next post when an opportunity arises :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Just as they were about to pounce, there was a sounds of a horse galloping a few clearings behind them. Then the sound of a sword hitting steel, and a scream of pain to follow.


A few seconds later, a messenger appeared next to the trees behind them still on horseback, and started screaming. "Goodman! Quickly! We're under attack!" He had galloped closer to the group now, and continued shouting.


"The Duke ..." Suddenly an arrow came straight from the fire in the middle of the clearing, and killed the man dead instantly. Within half a second, another landed just inches away from Goodman's face, skimming the right side of his head and hitting a nearby tree instead.


The group were not the only ones who had heard the messenger.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman reached up with his hand to touch his face. Blood flowed freely. ?Quickly men, dismount ? take to the nearest cover!? The swarm of arrows came hot and heavy as they thudded into the ground and trees around Goodman. A man standing next to him turned for instructions. Just as he opened his mouth, the tip of an arrow could plainly be seen protruding, dripping blood red gore. Goodman grabbed the mans bow and snatched his quiver. Not being an accomplished Bowman, Goodman did his best to return fire (aiming at any good position he thought). The pain was growing in his face. No matter. ?Deo Volante?, he thought. ?God Will It!?. Hunkering down, he continued to fire. If this was the enemies first salvo ? they were in trouble!

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Sir Lloyd taking cover behind a boulder to the far left of Goodman continued firing his arrows, accompanied by Sir Loring. He looked over to Goodman, noticing a tall figure in leather prepare to strike at Goodman.


"Goodman!" Sir Lloyd shouted, firing an arrow in Goodman's direction. The arrow pierced the man, he fell down like a ton of bricks. Sir Lloyd returned a nod to Goodman, to signal a welcome.


He then turned to Sir Loring, crouched beside him "Loring, you're a better leader than I, take the men to the brow of the hill and support us from up there."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman (thankful that his comrade's arrow had struck true ? lest he have had the ?answer? to the ?Eternal Question?), turned back to notice Sir. Loring and his men moving into a flanking/overhead position. ?Good, ? he thought - ?a flanking position was a needed move now.? Just then several more of the men came up (crouched). Goodman spoke to them. ?When Sir Loring and his Lads are in position, we will make a break to the right ? over there!? Goodman pointed to a stand of trees, packed densely to the right. Their lines would create a perfect flanking attack. If Sir Lloyd and his men came up the center, Goodman and Loring would ?pivot? inwards and snare their prey. Goodman looked down into the quiver. Running low. The movement had to be made soon.



More arrows whizzed by, thudding into the tree that Goodman hid behind. It seemed their ?enemy? had a grudge set for only Goodman! Quickly, he fired. Shadows blurted out moans as they fell to his front. By count, possibly 6 had fallen. Just how many of these attackers where there?



Goodman noted Loring was in position. He signaled Lloyd to his position and explained his plan. Loring would see from the formation what they were attempting. With Lloyd now back in place. All was ready. Just then, as quickly as the attack had started ? it stopped.

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(OOC) Sorry, I have been away for 2 weeks, but I am back now and see that a lot of exciting action has happened here. Seems I am right in the middle of it and happy to jump in :)



From his high position on the hill, Sir Loring had a good view of the situation. 6 enemies had fallen in the archery skirmish. The group of enemies still standing in the plain still numbered 14 heads - lightly armoured men in cloth tunics or leather wests.


He looked at their own group. Of the 4 recruits they had taken with them, 1 had fallen. The other 3 were with him on the hill. Brother Goodmand and Sir Lloyed had Julian and Isaiah with them. They were 8 against the 14 enemies, but they had one big advantage: the bandits were on foot while their own men were mounted on horses, all of them.


He took another look at the enemy group: no spears, no pikes or helbards, only bows, swords and maces. And right now, they had lowered their bows and were discussing with their leader. It seems they had become aware that they had been flanked but had no idea how many we were. Probably they were discussing wether they should make a stand or better start a retreat.


This would be the perfect moment to launch a charge.

Sir Loring signaled to Goodman (using the miliary sign language common to all of King Richard's troops) and waited for him to start.

Edited by Nigel

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With a lull in the combat, Goodman worked his way to Sir Loring's position. ?I have no clue as to why our enemy has stopped?, Goodman said in query. ?Let us send a scout or two to that stand of trees?, Goodman pointed at a distance. ?Let us also gather our horses and prepare to move. If they are attempting to flank us as well, we can depart at haste?. Goodman continued. ?Signal me if your scouts see anything.?



Goodman worked his way down to his original position and gave orders to gather the horses for all. He gave instructions for every 2 men in one to work their way quietly back to the horses. The valiant group waited on Loring's scouts to report back.

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Charles Loring decided to go out scouting himself. He only took one of his men with him.

Leaving behind their swords and other clumsy weapons they only took their bows and knives.

Apporoached the enemies behind the cover of tress and bushes they were actually able to get within earshot.


The leader, a big, bulky maceman, was talking to his his second-in-command, a thin archer.


"Why should we keep fighting?", the thin archer said, "We have completed our mission and killed that messenger. That is all we were asked to do. You only want more fame and get a promotion from the boss, but we have lost 6 men already. And we have no idea how many they are. For all we know, they could be a whole fresh army coming to the Duke's aid. We should go back to the boss and inform him. If he hears it, he may decide wheter to continue or to abandon his attack on the Duke's army."



"All right", the big leader said, "you take the men back to the boss and tell him, we completed our mission but encountered some resistance. I will take 3 men and try to follow those guys. I will see if I can find out if they are really an army or just another scouting party."



With that the enemy group started to move and Charles decided it was too dangerous to stay so close.

He and his man went back to his own lines and reported to Brother Goodman what they had heared.


Then he adds a suggestion: "if we mange to set a trap and capture this leader, he may be able to tell us a bit more than our previous prisoner - provided we manage to make this big man talk."

Edited by Nigel

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Brother Goodman listened intensely to Sir Loring. ?Too bad you could not have ?split? the Gord of that Maceman?. Brother Goodman chuckled. Still a new ?tack? was needed. He thought silently, then spoke. ?Loring, check your map for that thin river we passed some leagues back. Let us turn back to that position. Let our foe think that we are what we are...a scouting party. Once there, we will switch our direction from North to East ? far East in fact. It will be a hard ride to flank then by horse, but it is worth the effort, I think?.

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Goodman went back to the stand of trees here he had left his ?advance party?. He ordered each man to slowly move back to Sir Loring's position (taking their horse's with them as they went). Goodman took out an arrow from his quiver and placed it (at the ready in the bow). He would provide any cover to his men IF The Bandits started their fire again.


After several minutes, all of the men withdrew. Goodman glanced up at Sir Loring. Seeing him nod, Brother Goodman began to move from his position. Gathering his horse and mounting he galloped up to the overhead position. Now all together, the Group began to quietly move down the small, rocky path ? down to ground level.


?A fast trot, Lads...until we are safe. Then back to the full gallop, we head East?.

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Charles Loring rode up to Brother Goodman.


"I have to confess that I somewhat lost orientation now. What are you planning, Brother Goodman?

Remembering what the poor messenger sad, or tried to say, the Duke's army is under attack right now.

Maybe we should ride back to them and see if we can help them in some way."

Edited by Nigel

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Goodman spoke. "We ride to the East, we will see if we can see this larger Camp. If possible, we will attack - at best get more information for our Lord. We must conclude this little "ride" of ours." Goodman looked at Loring, both bouncing to and fro on the fast galloping mounts.


OoC: We need a story boost (Oh, Chris, Oh, Charles!)

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Loring nodded in agreement and rode on silently.

Hopefully they would soon find the bandit camp or encounter someone who would help them gather more information.

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OoC: We need a story boost (Oh, Chris, Oh, Charles!)
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(OOC:) Sorry, I've been very busy, but I thought up something ...


As the party rides onward, about three miles ahead their senses start to tingle. The gentle breeze feels warmer and carries an odd smell, familiar to many of the adventurers now. The area is strangely silent, until they see why.


In a large clearing ahead the ground is littered with shining fragments of iron and steel. Bodies fill the small field, and many of them, loyalist and rebel alike, filled with arrows. Looters and crows scatter as the heroes near the wretched scene, but the sound of their horses triggers a cry of "Help!"


Some ten feet from Goodman and Loring, who are in front of the column, sits a man propped against a tree. He wears the armor and insignia of one of the Duke's bodyguards. In one hand he holds his open wound, and the other the remains of his sword. He looks up at the adventurers and his eyes widen ...


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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?Gracious Lord!? Brother Goodman blurted out, taken aback at the carnage before his eyes. He turns to Sir Loring and the others. ?Some of you men (Goodman points to the left and right) ? set up a loose perimeter around us! Be prepared to fire first and ask questions later!? Dismounting with Loring they approach the mortally wounded man. Goodman took his water bladder from his horse. Kneeling down, he gives the dying man some water. ?What happened here, good fellow? Who attacked you? Where did they go? Is our Lord of Riverbourne among the dead?? Goodman waited in response.

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"They took the duke to the castle. He is a prisoner in his own dungeons now. The bandits have abandoned their camps and fortified the place ..." The knight looked down at his wound in dismay as some blood slipped between his fingers.


"What happened?" Goodman asked, feeling sympathy for the man.


"I overheard their leader ... Keep your wits about you. They are faster than before, in more force and ... and ... they ... are ... coming ...." replied the bodyguard, before collapsing to the ground.


Seconds later, several shadows were moving behind trees, in all directions out of the clearing. The sound of a cart with horses was heard not too far away, then a scream which was quickly stifled.


OoC: Edited for plot reasons ... - @Charles of Tours ;)

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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OoC: Watch this, Kiddies!



Goodman looked forward toward the advancing mass of ?shadow men?. What demons were these, he wondered. Leaving his attention from the now dead man at his feet, he said - ?Loring, pull the men back into the tree line quickly! Prepare for battle!? Turning to go back to his own small command, Goodman tripped and fell. ?Clumsy clod?, he thought. ?Fleet of foot you are not?.


Goodman glance down at the blackish muck that stained his tunic. ?What is this mess I have fallen on?? Taking his hand and smearing some of the black goo on his palm, he sniffed. ?Wait..... I know this.? Goodman quickly surveyed the surrounding grounds. ?Peat. The earth that burns......Wait, something I read once?.



The flash of remembrance hit Goodman like a bolt of lighting. ?Of course!?



?Loring!? Goodman yelled. ?Get your flints. Start fires and torches quickly! All men charge their arrow a'flame!? Within the next few minutes, all of Goodman's men (as well as Loring's), held glowing tips of flame before them. Goodman spoke. ?Lads, when the ?shadows? come out of the woods ? all arrows are to be fired...into the ground before them! We are in a Peat Bog! It will burn quickly. After the flames ignite, all to horse and retreat back?. Goodman waited. ?On my command......unleash Hell!?

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OoC: Prepare for some "movie magic."


On Goodman's command the fiery projectiles landed in the peat, setting it ablaze just as men wielding swords and spears emerged from the shadows between the trees. The riders mounted their steeds and galloped away from the field, turning their backs to the horror behind them.


Some minutes later, presumably safe from danger, the adventurers began to wonder what to do, if they and their handful of soldiers truly were the last remnants of the duke's vanguard. Now their task included not only returning a duke to his rightful throne, but first saving that very duke's life! Perhaps the ordeal would become a lot easier if the adventurers happened upon some unlikely allies ... but who, and how?


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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[OOC] See the announcements forum.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Well, Nigel (Sir Loring) was upset that I killed his intel subject (ha ha). He can go back now and rewrite the story from that point I guess.

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