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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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While Brother Goodman was dining with Duke Christopher and Commander Richard, the other friends were still eating their supper in the soldiers tent.


Charles Loring leaned over to Sir Lloyd:

"I still have my hopes that we will not be forced to turn against these men we are training. If we can win their loyalty, I hope they will decide to side with us when the going gets tough and everyone must make a decision of conscience on which side they stand.


Let's make sure we treat them well in the training. Work them hard, but with respect and build up their moral backbone as well as their muscles."





Sounds a bit like Mount & Blade Warband xD

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Indeed, I have been dabbeling with that game recently. Picked it up on sale at -80% and must say it is quite nice - a good mix of battle field action, role playing and empire building. :)

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"Sit down, Christopher and we can finish our meal with you." The Duke nodded and the commander signalled for a guard to bring a similar throne shaped chair over to the table.


The Duke started eating some of the food left, and the Commander started talking once more. "So, you were lying to me the entire time, eh?" replied Commander Richard to Goodman. "What would you have done, if you had not found out I was working with the Duke?"


[OOC] I did reply to this topic, but it's somehow been lost after the server move. This is along the same lines of what I put, sorry for it being lost.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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(OoC)? No worries.......


Goodman looked away fron The Duke and regarded The Commander. "No doubt, I would have killed you Sire." Goodman waited for his words to sink in. "The Duke commissioned me and my comrades to assist him in his quest to reclaim his lands. I and my fellows can trust no one. I am sure you understand, Commander. You yourself thought me an Assassin." Goodman added.. "In the desert, trust and honor came readily. After 3 years of Saladin and his armies, trust is a commodity I no longer freely give."


Goodman turned his attentions from The Commander to The Duke. Goodman thought "How odd The Duke has access to a standing troop of men (although poorly trained) and has not developed a plain to reclaim his Estates?" Goodman felt a slight unease. Still, he needed to keep up his guard with both of these men....for now.


Goodman cleared his throat. "Excellency, (regarding The Duke) - What are your plans now?? My comrades and I are training your men as best as possible in the Arts of War. What say you of your assault against the Bandit Ruler?"

Edited by Crusader1307

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"I had a feeling you were not quite what you had seemed." replied the commander. "You may be wondering why the Duke has such badly trained troops, well, these were all I could gather at the last moment. We need these training well to take back the Duke's castle." He paused waiting for the Duke to finish easting. The Duke spoke.


"For the moment, we train these troops. Under the cover of darkness, we should send scouts out to check the road ahead. Bandits have been known to gather in forests similar to this one, the last thing we need is a bandit camp onto our trial. And it's a very dangerous place at the moment - we do not know who we can trust.


When we gather intelligence on which forest path to take, we shall gather up our things and march through the woods to the castle. " The Duke turned to the commander - "When should we have our first meeting?"


The commander replied "As soon as you would like it to be, I'll make it tonight." He went out of the tent to speak to some officers, and left Goodman alone with the Duke for a few moments.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"Shall you need my attendance in your meeting Sire?" Goodman asked The Duke. Goodman was pushing his "new found" influence to it's utmost. Still, he needed to break away and advise his Group of this turn in events. Goodman awaited The Duke's reply.

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"That would be very useful indeed, Goodman." The Duke quietened his voice. "You never know when we may need your support, even against our allies".


A few moments later the commander returned. "I've spoken and some men are going to bring maps into this tent. For the meantime, we'll take a short break; it will also give the servants time to clear the plates away."


The Duke and Goodman stood up, stretching as they walked out. The commander signalled for a nearby servant to clean up the tent and walked out with them.


They walked a few yards and observed the junior officer training for a while. Unlike the soldiers Goodman was training, these showed much more skill and competence. In a long line, they all practiced throwing their javelins at once. On their training commanders signal, they all raced to get their javelins back and threw their spears again. Instead of the training officer giving them the signal to collect, he pointed at one of the officers instead who moved over to a group of dormant officers to the right.


The Duke turned to Goodman. "These are the junior officers" he mentioned. "The very best become part of the "Royal Guard"; their sole job is - or will be, to protect myself and my family. That officer has been nominated for consideration; his aiming was very accurate several times in a row and will be taken for further tests. Officers are put through much more strenuous tests which also determine other things, such as promotions."


Other troops has now taken their place to relieve the officers of their shift. They were fully equipped with swords, armour and a shield, and before them stood a 6 ft wall. Their task was to jump it without using their hands. However, just as this training exercise was about to start, a guard came to the group. "The meeting room is ready, sir." he said to the Duke.


"Splendid!" remarked the Duke. "We shall be in momentarily." The three trooped back into the tent, where a new scene awaited them; a long wooden table was present in the centre of the room, which had several pieces of parchment on top. The biggest of which was a large map of Blynohm forest. A large throne for the Duke, and two smaller thrones on either side were stationed at the other end of the table. As the three walked in and sat down, other senior officers came into the meeting. It was not long before the tent was fairly full with officers around the table and the Duke spoke.


"We're gathered here to discuss important information on our Kingdom's national security." he began. "Our list of allies grows weak, our foes grow both in strength and in number. It is indeed, a dark day for Riverbourne. " a few voices could be heard murmuring in agreement. "It is indeed, the greatest challenge we face, since the Roman invasion." More murmuring continued. "I'd therefore like to propose my battle plan. Since we have few resources available, we need to scavenge what we have. My plan is simple, yet effective. I propose that we send some scouts out in the forest to see what danger lies ahead. We will see which path shows the least resistance, and we shall move towards the Mines of Xilious. If all goes to plan, we should be able to move the camp by tomorrow, only keeping border control here. This is crucial for our very survival, we must ensure that we keep moving so we cannot be tracked."


The Duke pointed to a place on the map. "Commander Noggs- This is where you shall take your forces. Make sure that you keep your forces quiet as there are outlaws in the area. After you have taken the objective we discussed earlier, meet Commander Richard in Darkington. He will be able to provide you with more updates for your mission.


We shall split our best forces across the forest, and then meet up in the Mines. This way, more of our forces will survive and we will be less likely to be detected as an "attacking force". The forest has many tunnels which allow guards to pop up in different places. Keep your wits about you. Do not trust anyone.


We wait for the cover of darkness tomorrow night to be sure everything will go as planned. We now need to plan roles for all of our officers in this. Noggs, as we agreed, you shall be in charge of the second company. " The Duke points to a spot on the map. "Richard, you will take your guards from here to Darkington where you will meet up with Noggs. General Lindulf, you will take company A from here through the swamp and meet us at the entrance to the Mines. And Goodman- you shall be in command of the scouting. You move at sunrise. Let us know of anything further down the forest, our lives depend on the information you receive.


I believe that practically concludes this meeting. Questions?" Several people waved their arms in the air to indicate they had questions and The Duke prepared to answer them.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman bowed his head to The Duke. "We shall commence our Scouting with the morning light, Sire". As Goodman left he took on of the maps. He folded it and tucked it into the fold of his tunic. Leaving The Duke, he proceeded towards the Stables. Entering a tent, he saw a skinny young Page, buffing a saddle. "Boy, have 6 horses brought to that tent". He motioned towards his and his comrades somewhat large tent. It had a faint glow from the fire outside and the candles inside. "We will need them saddled and ready within the hour". Goodman turned and headed towards the tent.


Entering, Goodman saw his fellows - all much more happy and rested than they had been in weeks. "Well Lads," Goodman announced, "We have our mission". Goodman began to relate his meeting with The Duke and of his need for Scouts. "Sir Loring, pick 4 of your best recruits who can ride and shoot from horseback. At dawn we will begin our Scout." Goodman produced the map and showed it to his companions. "And this is where we will start", Goodman pointed at a small forest to the North.


As his comrades looked at the map, Goodman announced - "Horses will be delivered to us within the hour. Until then, I shall rest my eyes. Wake me when they arrive." Goodman practically fell to sleep the minute his head hit the cushion on the floor!

Edited by Crusader1307

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For a while there was nothing to hear but the howling of the wind and the faint sound of crickets. The room remained dark and damp, everyone was impatient and fed up. Looking over, Sir Lloyd saw Goodman, peacefully sleeping, the silence in the room was soon broken by the conspicuous sound of heavy breathing and snoring. He chuckled to himself as he remembered his life before the recent events.


"You hear that?" said Sir Loring.

"I do" replied Sir Lloyd. "I pray that these are our horses and not a group of unwanted bandits."


There was four knocks on the door, in a specific pattern, as if to signal a friendly presence.


"State yourself" whispered Sir Lloyd through the hollow wood.

"Your horses. We must leave, good luck" answered an unknown voice.


Noticing a noise coming from behind them, the group spun around. To their relief, Goodman had awoken.


"The horses are hear, Goodman. Are you ready?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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(OoC) Quickest nap I ever had, Thanks Matthew!?:(


Goodman awoke. Any rest was good rest. He remembered his Novice Master telling him once "You can sleep when your dead". He understood why now. Getting up, Goodman checked his weapons. He began to move his supplies out to one of the horses. Goodman choose a gray tethered close to the tent. "Come Lads, we must be about our Sport". The others began to load their equipment on their selected horses. Goodman looked up to the sky. The light was beginning to change the darkness of the sky to a light whitish blue. The "morning star" was off to the right of the horizon. Goodman stopped for a moment and said a quick prayer for success.

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OoC] My bad, it was meant to be set as if a few hours had passed, should have mentioned that :P


The group mounted their horses and sat up straight on the saddle. Blessings and good lucks were murmured between members of the group. The realisation of danger kicked in, soon silence dawned and memories, along with flashbacks, rose.


"Remember men, stay aware, stay awake and keep your blade ready" instructed Sir Lloyd then he began to whisper to himself, "Ein Tad, yr hwn wyt yn y nefoedd..."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Glynn, who had been accompanying the adventurers, mounted one of the horses and spoke up. "This is where I leave you, my friends. Swift travels to you all."


He politely tipped his straw hat, and galloped off into the distance in search of his own two companions.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Sir Loring met his eyes when Glynn mounted his horse.

"Good luck and may we meet again in good times."



As he watches the horse disappear in the distance, the turns to Sir Lloyd quietly:

"He does not seem to be a bad fellow. I only hope my sense of human nature does not decieve me.

And I sure hope, if we meet him again, we will still be on the same side."

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Sir Lloyd thought about Sir Loring's words. Then answered "He doesn't seem to be a threat, although, him playing a fool may cause us to lower our guard. Until this quest is complete, I say we consider any new contacts a foe."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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As the intrepid group mounted their steeds, the air grew crisp and the land began to lighten with the rising of the sun. A soft mist began to waft over the training grounds.The smell of burning wood and cooking food gave the Camp an almost peaceful feel. Brother Goodman took a swig of water from his water skin. Capping it he leaned over and back to look at his troop. Sirs Loring and Lloyd were making their last minute check of gear, as were the recruits. Goodman waited several minutes.


"It is time Lads, we head North - as per our maps directions". Goodman paused, "Be wary and follow me, I intend to ride off track through the wooden areas. We need to maintain a single file profile, one rider after the other and no more than 10 feet back. IF we sense the slightest danger, fire and aim true."

With a tap of his heels, Goodman spurred his horse on. The line of Scout began a new adventure. With luck all would return.

Edited by Crusader1307

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Sir Loring waited on his horse while the group set into motion.

He let the new recruits go past him and took the rear guard, making sure no one got left behind.


The men had actually made good progress and the "recruits" had become reasonably well trained footmen. They had chosen a handful of the best to come with them. Hopefully they would hold their own when it was no longer a training fight but the "real thing".

Edited by Nigel

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[OoC] I believe this is where someone who has a plan for the story comes and tells us what we encounter while scouting whatever place we're scouting. :P?Otherwise we're going to have to make it up ourselves...

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The line of men rode on into the rising Sun. Under cover of the forest, the light was filtered out so as to create a semi-twilight appearance that was almost a pleasant sight. Goodman looked over at his line of men. They had been riding now for several hours and no doubt needed a break. "Soon" he thought. He reached into his tunic and withdrew his map. Determining his direction, he reckoned they should arrove near a clearing in half an hour.


The horsemen rounded a bend, when Goodman caught a whiff of smoke. He silently held up his right arm to signal stop. Goodman looked back to make eye contact with Sir Loring (motioning him forward). "I smell smoke. We are too far out for hunters or traders, it may be bandits. Take some men and flank to the right. Be ready to shoot straight". Sir Loyd rode up at that moment. "Loyd, take some men and flank to the left. Do not hesitate to fire if you have to".


Goodman thought to himself. "We need but one of them for information". Goodman knodded to both Loring and Loyd, who instantly deployed with their men to the requested postions. Goodman would take the center. A classic "Pincher" formation. At that moment, an arrow sailed past Goodman's head. "Damn!"


"Sally forth Lads, Deo Volante!? (God Wills It!). Goodman chrged up the center, sword at the charge. Loring and Loyd cam in from the left and right flamks perfectly. Arrows flew in a cloud toward the small group of Bandits. Before they really could understand what happened, all were dead.....save one!

Edited by Crusader1307

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Charles Loring wiped his blade clean. It felt good to fight when you knew exactly who the enemy was.

The 4 recruits had held up nicely. Thanks to the element of surprise, there had been no casulties on their own side.


"Now what are we going to do with this fellow here?

Any suggestions on how we could make him talk?"

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Brother Goodman surveyed the field of the dead bandits. Death was a natural thing, but not so when brought about by the hands of another. This was the paradox he felt - as warrior and religious. Still these men were evil (as ursurpers of The Duke's realm). It was justifed. He called over to Sir Loring, "Tie up the Knave on yon tree" (motioning to a tall Pine). "I will question him directly"". Goodman next shouted over to Sir. Loyd. "Let us establish a good perimeter". Goodman watched as Sir Loyd and his men blended well into the trees and bushes around their "ambush site".


Goodman wiped the blood from his trusted Templar blade. He had personally dispatch 3 Bandits on his own. They lost none of their own men. By "Desert standards", it was a "Good Day". Goodman walked over to the grouping of Bandit bodies. He searched them for any items of intelligence they could use. Nothing was found but a few coins. He picked up the collection of swords, daggers and bows and distributed them among the men (another Desert custom).


Goodman walked over to the tree where Sir Loring had tied up the surviving Bandit. He noticed his leg was injured. Blood seeped up from under the bandage. Goodman reached down and with his open hand slapped the wound. The man howled with pian. Goodman waited several minutes for the pain to diminish before he said to the man, "Think carefully before you speak". The man watched as Goodman positioned his hand again over his wound. "Let us speak of Truth"............

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] I've been taking the back seat a little too much, but good work lads! :)


"Please good sir, I've got a wife and two little ones!" The bandit, seeing in Goodman's eyes that his (probably falsified) pleas were to no avail, and fearing another sharp pain, quickly spoke up, blurting words out of his mouth as they came to mind.


"Me and the lads went out on patrol. The boss has sent groups of us to watch the perimeter. There's a few layers of patrol routes, more men closer to the center - the castle. We go there to rest up when not on our shift, but our rations have been cut. At least, until ... until The Shadow is captured. That's what we call him, nobody knows who he is. He strikes at night against our ranks, cutting down patrols to the last man, and setting the last fellow free but with a brand on their forehead. I think it's more than one man, but the other lads think it's a deadly phantom! Please, I've told you all I know, let me go! I promise to earn an honest living from now on!"


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"Phantom,eh?" Goodman pondered the tale. The fear looked real in this Brigand's eyes. Goodman was a good judge of truth. "So, some Ghostly figure attacks your ranks. I've no doubt that you and your kind made it quite easy". Goodman pondered. This "Phantom" (if real), who could it be? Just because this "Spectre" kills and marks Bandits does not make him a friend. Goodman regarded the Bandit and cut him free. Holding his sword at throat level he said, "Move towards the center of the glen quietly". Goodman marched him in the direction of the glen and passed him on to a fellow soldier. "Feed this thing.....if he gives you any problems, by all means kill him".


Goodman sat down by a fire made nearby. "Phantom. Well, Loring and Loyd will enjoy this addtion to our little "game". Goodman called them over. "Listen to this story, Lads........"


After Brother Goodman has ?spun his Tale? of what the wounded Bandit had said, he looked at his comrades for response. None. ?That was good.? Brother Goodman thought. True or not, they must continue with their Scouting of possible bandit positions. Goodman left the two to ponder ?The Phantom?.

Walking over to the Bandit's Guard, Brother Goodman said, ?After he is fed, tend his wound well. Tie his hands well. Send him on his way with a kick and tell him that he has more to fear from us that ?The Phantom? if we find out he betrays us?. Goodman turned and walked away.

Moving towards another Campfire where food was cooking, Goodman bent down and took a roasting bird from a spit over the fire. He consumed it with relish. Goodman thought, ?Phantom, I hope you are on our side after all.......?

Edited by Crusader1307

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Charles Loring went over to the bandit and took his arm (not too gently).


"A Phantom, right? So tell me, what does this brand look like, that the demon implants on the forehead of his victims?"

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"I-I've never seen the mark it leaves ... but it's rumored that the symbol is a sword with five crosses on it. I d-don't know how it looks ex-exactly, but that's what I'm told ..."


[OOC] You can use Google for hints, but there's a few dots to connect. ;)

Prepare to be introduced to a new important character!


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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(OoC)? Great....Just Great, Charles :D



Okay, MY Guess (using Sherlock Holmian deduction.......It's NOT Joan of Arc (who purportedly had a Sword with 5 Crosses etched on the blade)......The blade is an Oakenshott-type blade (rare, but made in 15th Century England).........OR it could be an old enemy of Brother Goodman (5 Crosses being indicative of The Jerusalem Cross) - meaning ANOTHER Crusader.

(My sad ode to 221-B Baker Street!)

Good One, My Lord :lol:

Edited by Crusader1307

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