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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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Charles Loring finished off his sword lessons with a friendly clap of the flat blade on his opponents backside.

"Off you go and enjoy the evening with your friends. You have earned it - and tomorrow you will remember never to turn your back while fencing."


He then walked over to Goodman - following his eyes to the Postern.

"Possibly a sally port", he sais in a low voice, "or a secret entrence to the castle - perhaps for a lady or a not-so-lady, but I do not want to speculate on the Duke's nightly adventures. Be it what it may, it could be of good service to us in due course".


"Meanwhile, perhaps you can use your newly won trust with The Commander to learn more about these soldiers. I am still pretty confused as to wether they are friends of the Duke or just enemies of the bandits of a thrid party altogether."

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"I think we'll continue with this tomorrow. Uhh, good job for now" Sir Lloyd said, then whispering "you'd be lucky to hit sand in a desert."


Sir Lloyd joined Loring and Goodman, greeting them with "Any luck training them with you two? You'd swear they'd never seen a bow in their life!"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"They are as slow as mules", Goodman quipped. "How The Duke was overthrown is a mystery to me. I really must find a way to pick The Commanders brain. If they are still loyal, then we must whip these soldiers into some shape and prepare are plans". Goodman paused a moment. "What do you ?think of the soldiers loyalty?"

Edited by Crusader1307

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"Depends which soldiers you mean" Charles Loring replied.


"The ones I have trained today seem to be quite the usual recruits. Young lads seeking to exchange their life of poverty for a regular pay and someone to tell them what to do - and perhaps a tall dream of battle-glory. But their loyalty is not formed yet and they will stick with whoever is putting food on their table and keeps them alive in battle.


It is very fortunate, that we are the ones training them. If we get that right, they may end up looking at us for guidance and regard us as their direct leaders.



Now the officers in this army are more difficult to judge. Most of them seem to be loyal to The Senior Commander and wherever he leads them, they will follow with the men in their charge. Some of them may have their own mind though, that is really hard to tell.


But of course the most important question is: where does The Senior Commander stand?

I assume he will come by occasionally and see how the training is progressing. Maybe that is an opportunity to talk to him.

If not, Goodman, perhaps you can go forward and see him in his tent to give him a report. If he trusts you, he may even tell you more if his own officers are not present.

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"Sir Loring is correct. I'm sure these men will believe anything anyone tells them. Although let's not rush, it's a lot easier to train them while we have the Commander on our side and then to try and turn them against him. Last thing we need when training is to have to watch our backs every couple of seconds.


Say, what if we were to bribe some local heralds? Not to speak ill of this Commander but to speak good of our cause, while keeping our true identity anonymous."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Probably not wise", Goodman replied. " The confusing factor is that we just don't know who is an enemy or friend, at this point". Goodman looked towards The Commander's tent. "I think it is time for a "softer talk" with The Commander. Bear an eye, Lads. I don't feel like drinking moat water again!" Goodman walks casually towards the field tent.

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"Evening, Mr. Goodman" said one of two officers To Goodman, while walking past the tent. Suddenly a guard came out. "Can I help you, sir?" he asked Goodman.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"I wish to speak to The Commander", Goodman said in a low direct tone. He watched as the Guard turned and disappeared into the field tent. Goodman pondered a hunch. Perhaps "The Bandit King" and The Commander were one in the same. Goodman stood at the tent somewhat prepared this time. He wore the breastplate issued to him by The Commanders Quartermaster. The sword (given to him) was worn as a Back Sword, strapped and easy to get to. His beloved Novice Templar Sword, at his side. His dagger was concealed within the armor. He knew he would have to broach the subject of "loyalty" carefully to The Commander.

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Several minutes later, the guard returned. "You may enter and speak to the commander".


Goodman entered, and saw before him yet another group of commanders which were exiting the tent. The commander was busy feasting at a table and looked up when Goodman entered. "Ah!" The commander exclaimed in surprise. "Come and join the feast, you deserver it after training those troops!". He signalled for a guard to bring over a chair, who returned with a wooden chair similar to the commander's throne, only a lot smaller and less decorated.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman sat as requested. A Servant placed a metal dining plate in front of him. The boiled fowl (of some kind), steamed it's aroma up towards his nose. It smelled good (as did the potatoes). Goodman thought that he had not really eaten much of late. He began to eat. After several minutes in silence, Goodman broached the subject to The Commander. "Sire, You made mention of your preparing troops for the return of a "Duke". Who is this Duke? Where is he now?" Goodman looked every bit as curious as he could muster - still paying attention to every nuiance of The Commander's face. Goodman had a theory........a theory that depended on this Commander's ability to tell "the truth".

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OoC] Good God, you guys get a lot done in a week. This last month of school is killing me right now, so much work. Since I'm not in this scene I'll shut up for the moment, and I'll try to keep on top of this as much as possible.

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(OoC) We had a "story spurt" recently. You can always write yourself in talking with the other characters waiting for me to finish my talk with The Duke. We can bounce around, I'm sure!

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The Commander continued eating for a few moments, and then turned to look at Goodman with a confused look on his face. "You don't know who the Duke is?"


Goodman looked ashamed of not knowing the answer, so the Commander spoke again. "The Duke is the owner of these lands, or rather was. He gave me these lands in return for saving his father's life ~20 years ago. And in return, I vowed to protect him and keep this area clean of bandits, and in order with the law. It was also a gift due to his ever growing kingdom, we have always been close friends."


The commander stopped briefly, before picking up another piece of chicken and taking a bite. "You see, a long while ago, the kingdoms was under attack from the north east, by violent tribes across the river. They ransacked several cities and towns, one of the biggest being Druicconia.


They brutally murdered captured soldiers and sacrificed the hearts of any officers they came across while fighting in Blynohm forest. It was then the Emperor (the Duke's father) decided to take action. He mustered as many troops as he could and sent them to the eastern flank, this was the first time an Emperor rode to the front line for 300 hundred years.


As I was the commanding officer stationed in the nearby Mines of Xilious, I was summoned by the Emperor to defend our villages. After several weeks of searching, we finally managed to confront the tribes in an open field, just outside of Blynohm forest. We were winning the battle, until the Emperor fell from his horse.


Several of the enemy tribesmen rushed in towards him, but I managed to get there in time, giving him my horse. The one advantage I had was the fact they were on foot. The Emperor managed to escape from the situation, but just when I thought there were too many, it started to rain.


These tribes were very superstitious, and thought that it would dishonour their gods to fight in the rain, so they fled the battlefield leaving us to kill any in sight."


The commander took another bite of chicken, and then a sip of his wine.


"So that, is how I knew the Duke. The Duke was on his way here when I last heard word from him, which was some time ago."


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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[OoC] I'm slightly confused with the story now.


Is the Duke the Commander speaks of the one we all currently know (being Lord_Chris)?


Also the Commander and his men. Would they be considered good people? Are they the 'bandits' that have taken control of the castle?


Sorry :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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[OOC] You're supposed to be :D


Is the Duke the Commander speaks of the one we all currently know (being Lord_Chris)?
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You'll find out, all in good time ;)


Are they the 'bandits' that have taken control of the castle?
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Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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You'll find out, all in good time wink
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Ohhh that's a plot twist

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Brother Goodman listened intently. Taking a small linen cloth, he wiped the bird grease from his fingers and hands. Content with the meal, he cleared his throat. "Interesting tale, Commander. Your loyalty to this Duke is admirable. Still, while my comrades and I were resting in the local Tavern, we heard of a "Bandit King". One who through some unknown skill or "magic" - wrested this Duke's Estates. What of him? What information do you have of this Brigand?"


Goodman felt that perhaps this man was in fact telling the truth. Goodman wished he could tell The Commander that he and his comrades had in fact met The Duke (and were under commission to him). Still, after so many battles in the Desert, one must play one's "dice" carefully - lest one loses one's bet! Goodman sat patiently for The Commander's further tale.....

Edited by Crusader1307

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Is the Duke the Commander speaks of the one we all currently know (being Lord_Chris)?
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Yes, this is really confusing. The Commander, the Duke, the Emperor.

Good, that the concept of names was invented a few thousand years ago. That could really help here :p


I mean we don't have to give names to every single one of the poor recruits we are training, but perhaps it is time that Brother Goodman and The Commander make a proper introduction :)

Edited by Nigel

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(OoC) Meaning........."Hi Guys, I am your Commander or actual names ? I'm just going to end up killing them in several more paragraphs (or our first battle anyway) Ha! (SPOILER ALERT)

Edited by Crusader1307

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I'm just going to end up killing them in several more paragraphs
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Fair point. I will let you get on with it and watch what happens.



[back in character]


While Brother Goodman was having dinner with The Commander, the other friends were having more simple food in the soldiers tents. Still, they were not envious of Brother Goodman, who was "paying" for is good food by beeing in a difficult diplomatic situation which could have him drinking moat water again if he put his foot wrong.


Charles Loring leaned over to the others.

"What do you think of our recruits? Any talents coming out yet? Eventually we will have to make a decision about who we want to train in which direction. Archers? Melee Men? Horsemen? If we are lucky we end up with a small warband of all the necessary troop types."

Edited by Nigel

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"After today's training. I'd say they are improving, a lot. A few of them have managed to learn to accurately aim the bow and not guess." Sir Lloyd replied, dusting crumbs of bread off his hands as he finished speaking.


He then whispered "Personally, I don't feel happy training people we will soon have to turn against. It will make our roles far more difficult."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Back to the feast, the commander was about to open his mouth once more, when one of the junior guard commanders came in. "Sir, The Duke is here to see you, one of the guards is escorting him here now."


"Excellent! Send him straight in!" replied the commander, finishing off yet another chicken leg. "Apologies, Goodman, for that interruption. Village rumors, nothing more. The Duke had me kill the Bandit king a long time ago. I ..."


Moments later the guard returned once more talking, this time, a familiar face joined him. "Welcome, Christopher!" the commander stood up at once from his throne, and started walking towards him. "It has been a while since we last met, I'm glad you made it."


The two shook hands and the Duke spoke. "It was either that, or join the outlaws!" he joked. "Glad to see you again Richard, it has been a while. Sorry for my delay, someone attempted to assassinate me. Or rather, one of my other commanders was assassinated instead of me. I'm lucky to be alive ..." The Duke paused for a moment, looking deep in thought.


"Well you're here now, why not join in the feast?!" asked the commander in response.


"I think that's a splendid idea, let me fetch a chair." replied the Duke.


"Not at all, take mine." The commander signalled for a guard to fetch a new chair, and put to the right of the old one. The two started moving towards the table.


"Hello there Goodman! I didn't see you there. How did you get here?"




  Nigel said:
Yes, this is really confusing. The Commander, the Duke, the Emperor.
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I want to try and keep it quite generic until some of the more important characters reveal themselves. Then they will get named .etc (as what has just happened)


And I bet no one saw that coming! :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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[OOC]: Good stuff. I've played more of a passive role recently since you all seem to be moving the plot on your own, and (I hope) are having fun doing it. :D

Eventually we will have to make a decision about who we want to train in which direction. Archers? Melee Men? Horsemen? If we are lucky we end up with a small warband of all the necessary troop types.
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Sounds a bit like Mount & Blade Warband xD



Also, @Mathew Steel I'm not sure if you've noticed, but your signature image isn't working properly. I can help you fix that if you'd like. :)

Edit: Looks like you beat me to it, or my Chrome was on the fritz.


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Looks like you beat me to it, or my Chrome was on the fritz.
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I didn't change anything :P must have been Chrome :)


I ought to change it soon :P

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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(OoC) Cheeky fellow, Chris!?


Goodman glanced over at The Commander (who was obviously in shock). "My Lord", Goodman said as he lowered his head in honor. ?"I believe I owe The Commander an explanation".?


Goodman proceeded to relate how he had come to meet The Duke and of his and his comrades true mission. When he was finished speaking, he could see amusement in The Duke's eyes. "Remember what I said of truth, Commander - one must speak it......or choose not to. For the deception, I am truly sorry".


Goodman stepped from behind the table and extended his hand. "I am Brother James Goodman of The Holy Order of Templar Knights".

Edited by Crusader1307

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