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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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(OoC)? Thanks, Chris (Ha).......


Goodman sputters and spits out the foul smelling water. In his mind, although a "Soldier of God", he takes pleasure in the thought of splitting his Commander in two....someday. "Please Afendi......Please.... I only speak the truth, we can be of great assistance to you in some form." The thought of the foul water entering his lungs was horrid. Again and again The Commander's guard dowsed his head into the pot of filth.

Edited by Crusader1307

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"Stop now. I think he is ready to talk." ordered the commander to the nearby soldier. "After a few moments the commander sat back dow giving Gooman the chance to catch his breath. "Well?" the commander asked. "And before you give us more lies, think again. For we can do much worse than put you in moat water." The commander stopped. "We want only the truth. What, is your business in these lands?" Demanded the commander.


[OOC] Ha, I decided to make it worse than originally intended. Glad you enjoyed being smothered in moat water! :D

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman spit out the foul fluid, splashing it against the foot of the Guard (who found no pleasure in the act).....Goodman smiled. "Afendi, I am but a deserter from The Arab Armies. The Merchant men found me and put me to work. They mean you no harm, as do I." Goodman noted the Guards rather sloppy way his sword hung from his belt.....with the right amount of speed, Goodman thought, he could knock him over and take it (and possibly the Commander) - if this last effort of deception did not work.

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"That is a lie!" the commander yelled bending down screeching in to Goodman's face. "This sword was responsible for killing several of my best commanders! I would recognise it from anywhere!" he continued to shout at Goodman, little did he know that it was not exactly the same as the sword he thought, but rather a replica used by the assassin who Goodman had earlier killed.


"Clearly, moat does not work. Bring me the gallows!" the commander ordered to a nearby guard. It was very clear he mistook Goodman and the adventures for the assassin who had really killed his troops. "This is your last chance. I have more prisoners, but you only have one life!"

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman saw his moment. Hunched over the foul smelling bucket, he quickly picked it up and threw it at the somewhat disinterested Guard, while rolling to his right. This move caused the Guard to bowl over - his hands trying to catch his fall. Goodman grabbed the unsecured sword from his belt. Initiating a "Low Guard"" stance, Goodman thrusted the blade forward into the belly of the Guard (who fell over without so much as a whisper). Goodman rose slowly and spoke to The Commander. "This blade has not killed as many Arabs as mine has -? by the grace of God. It can easily kill you.....now My Lord, shall we "talk"?

Edited by Crusader1307

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The commander dodged the blade as Goodman swiped it towards him, then backed off to the other end of the room. "Let's .. just .. . everyone calm down a bit" said the commander anxiously. After seeing what Goodman could do while in irons, he did not want to see what he was capable of with a sword as well.


The two Constables in the room, one behind Goodman who escorted him in, and the other now near the commander, grabbed their swords and prepared to attack him on any move of hostility. And defend their commander to the death.


"Now, let's just get this straight. There .. is is no need for violence. " the commander stuttered, distressed at the thought of Goodman roaming free with a weapon.


"First of all- why did you kill my men". Little did Goodman notice one of the two constable left in the tent had fled from the scene.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman was "tunneled visioned" on The Commander. He was aware that he could possible kill two, but not all. "I detest your offer of water, Commander. I have drank far better in the jails of Syria. And I will not hang as a dog on your Gallows, either. Tell your men to stand down. Remove these irons and we will talk. I have no wish to kill anyone else, but my life and those of my friends are to be spared. Your "guard" was weak and not doing his duty. As I said, I and my friends can be of service to you and your Lord.. I have no idea as to who it was responsible for killing your men. If I and my friends were your so called "Assassins", why would be be so stupid as to allow you to capture us so easily?" Goodman hoped this little performance would show The Commander he was dealing with true battle tested Mercenaries (a rare commodity, even if not true). If Goodman could win this man over (in part), he and his group would be able to move freely through The Dukes Estates and develop a way to reclaim it. Assuming his friends were still alive.......

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC]: The plot thickens! :D?This is some serious movie-level entertainment going on. Keep it up! Chris and I are sort of cooperatively running the game and have been pulling it in some different directions but with great results. Don't worry, although the Adventurers have stumbled across multiple factions whose motives are unknown, there may be someone who can be trusted (or is it a red herring?) ;)


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This is some serious movie-level entertainment going on.
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[OOC] Agreed! Say, I have an English exam tomorrow. There's some nice adjectives and similes in here :D

Edited by Lord_Chris
Added out of character tag

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman continues to stare at The Commander. "Come, Commander...as you said, I have but one life. Shall you and I "dine in Paradise" tonight?" Goodman waited. Still, if he were to die, it would an honorable one.

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"I will talk only when you have been disarmed." replied the commander dryly. "Drop your weapon. And then, I will consider standing my men down."


The constables remained as they were, as if expecting a sudden attack from Goodman.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Life is risk. Goodman knew this. Chances are even more so. Smiling, Goodman said to The Commander - "Tell only one of your men to remain. He can stand on that side of the wall with you. I will stay here." Goodman thrusts the sword downward (point first) into the stoney floor. A loud clank erupted as a spark flicked off the improperly cared for blade. This was also a symbol of surrender and acknowledgement that perhaps The Commander would know. Still Goodman played on The Commanders fear. "Do not worry Commander, I've spilt my fill today......."

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The commander looked like he was about to speak, when several heavily armoured guards flooded the exits and Goodman realised he was surrounded. With them, was the guard who had earlier fled the scene. He had not fled out of cowardness, but to get backup. "We now have the situation under control men. If we need you once more, you shall be called. Back to training!" ordered the senior Constable. A few of the troops started murmuring on the way out, but before long they were gone. Now the commander finally spoke once more.


"There is nothing to fear, unless you have nothing to hide." he remarked. "My men shall stay next to me, but shall not attack you unless you do the same. And do not try to escape, for we have guards at every exit."


Both Constables moved over to the commander, on the way one picking up the sword which Goodman had thrown on the floor. "Now. How can you be of service to us?"

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman saw the bait nibbled at. "Truth is truth Commander. Each man has it from birth. He chooses to speak it or not. I have spoken to you fairly, out of fear at first - then out of survival." Goodman carefully and slowly turned the blade clockwise so it made a scratching sound. "Your men are ill trained and scatter as so much wild birds at the slightest creak in the woods. As I have said, I and my friends can offer resources for better weapons and perhaps better training. I served under Saladin The Great and Magnificent, under who The Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) - had entrusted many mighty armies to defeat such as you, no offense. Surely this castle could be taken easily if these men of yours scatter at the first "noise from the forest". Look how easily I defeated one man - and chained at that!" Goodman chuckled.


(OoC) I'm swimming fast here, folks! Be kind...........

Edited by Crusader1307
Merged double post in the same minute

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"How can we be sure that you mean what you say, and are not trying to deceive us? Which is exactly what you originally did. Both when first arriving, and when questioned. Why should we trust you?"


The commander looked at Goodman, clearly undecided about what to do with him, waiting for a reply while the commanders murmured in agreement.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"To be a Commander is to take risks and follow truth, as I have said. Had I willed it Commander, I could have killed you all - even at the risk of my own life. A good Muslim is prepared for death." This deception made Goodman ill. However, he was "reliving" a very similar episode he and other members of his Order experienced on more than one occasion. It was clear this Commander had seen no service in The Holy Wars - else he would know this trick. "I spared your life as you will spare mine, for a cost. Mine is continued life for me and my friends. Yours is my experience in combat and how to employ it. I am sure your Lord would greatly appreciate you bringing him such a skilled group of warriors. I imagine he would favor you even more - Commander."

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"Very well. You shall have a small company of men under your command. Be part of our ranks, and help us train troops to a high level. Together, we can reclaim these lands for the Duke, and once he arrives we can rejoice once more!"


The commander pointed to a servant who filled two glasses of wine, one given to Goodman and the other to the commander. "To good health, and the Duke!"


They both clinked their glasses, and downed the wine. "Let us waste no time. We must get to work immediately! Constable Briggs here will see to it you get an appropriate uniform fitted." Both the constable and Goodman headed to the left exit. "Is there anything else you wish to ask of me?"


[OOC] Bet you weren't expecting that to come out from him! :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Brick to the head........Sherlock Holmes would be proud, M'Lord.


"Only to be be reunited with my friends and tell them their turn of fortune, Commander". With that, Goodman allowed the sword to fall forward - causing the group to jump a bit. Goodman thought to himself, "Be cautious". The words he told The Commander were still ringing in his head....."Men are born with truth, they choose to speak it or not".

Edited by Crusader1307

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The commander nodded to Constable Briggs, who stepped to the right of Goodman. "This way, Mr. Goodman" he said, raising his arm in the direction of the exit. The two men walked out, and Goodman was taken to several other tents, all which gave him more goods, armour and weaponry. A while later Goodman emerged in Officers uniform, and armour, complete with a magnificent sword - still with Constable Briggs.


They went back the same way they came in, on the way, a shape could be made out through the forest trees nearby on horseback, along with two other figures nearby. They rode into the camp, into where they had just come from. But before he could get a proper glance to see who it was, both parties moved out of sight, the Constable and Goodman around some trees, and were in front of the Prison where the remainder of the adventurers were still locked up. "We'll put you in here do you can talk in private, but knock on the door when you would like to come out and one of the guards will let you" stated the Constable. He opened the door for Goodman and shut it after he went inside. Then went and told the guards on duty what to do when Goodman knocked.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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As Goodman entered he saw the group sitting down calmly, while Sir Lloyd remained striding back and forth impatiently. It was obvious by his shaking that he was feeling frustrated. He looked up at the door.


"Goodman finally! Where have you been? It wouldn't have been much longer until I started kicking this door down until or break every bone trying!"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Well, Gentlemen as you can see..." Goodman motions to his uniform. "Tides have changed a bit." He proceeded in telling the group of the past 2 hours "games". "And further, we are all now highly trained Mercenaries who will help train The Commander's forces. Our Merchant guise is no longer needed. But the real news is that The Commander said he was building a force for The Duke!" The group went silent. "Mind you all, I do not trust this. This could all be an elaborate ruse. Be mindful of telling our real intentions to anyone." Goodman went further. "I am to be given a Company of soldiers to train. So we will. I will need to get some time alone with this Commander and further my curiosity as to his past and future. I will also need information about this Bandit Lord who took The Duke's Castle". Goodman went further. "I will arrange for the Quartermaster to bring you all suitable "clothing" and food for us. In the meantime look and take note of everything. We will all arrange a meeting later." Goodman walked to the door. He rounded his fist and beat against it. "Guard, open the door."

Edited by Crusader1307

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Just before Goodman left, Sir Lloyd whispered to himself "God save us."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Glynn sighs. "Seems I got my nose broken for nothing. Yet I am still suspicious of them, as you all should be too, and of me, It seems none of us will truly know who is on the Duke's side, until he is returned safely to his castle."




Somewhere, miles and miles away ...


Two hunters sit around a campfire. They carry swords at their sides and sit on large chests. Perhaps they carry gold, weapons, armor, or something less suspicious. One, a shorter-than-average man with brutish features and dark hair, chews ferociously on a prime slice of venison on a skewer. Between bites, he raises his head and talks to his comrade, speaking in the language of the Franks. In a harsh baritone voice, he says: "My lord, I must protest your actions. No good has come with our journey to England. Brother Glynn has gone missing, and we've yet to find this Duke you speak of."


The other nods, and scratches his chin. His deep brown eyes ponder the matter as they rest on the setting sun. "I suspect there is trouble in this realm. We will make our way for the castle on foot, as to not draw attention. I promised the old duke, back when he wasn't so old, that I would help his son. And now the whereabouts of that son are unknown. But I have a strange feeling that wherever Glynn is, we shall find the Duke. I do not doubt the abilities of our friend, and I suspect he will keep his guise for as long as possible, and learn the factions at work here. We must find him, or we'll have to redo his work ..."


The two finish their supper and rest for their upcoming travels.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"To the left flank.....LEFT!" Goodman yelled at the top of his lungs as the haphazard and motley Company of soldiers stumbled through a drill. He thought of the many "happy" Desert Lions that this Company would make in Syria. "If Saladin saw you he would laugh so hard, his beard would split!". This curse to his men made him think that Saladin did indeed already have a split beard! Still, this troop of men caused him to wonder. Just how did they take The Duke's Estates? No matter.


Goodman glanced over at Sir Lloyd having a similar issue trying to "teach" The Bow. Quite a big step from their meeting in the woods. Goodman began to study the fortifications. Noting the placement of Guards and weapons types. Mentally he made a map. Still he thought, there was relative "ease" in securing their roles within The Commanders ranks. That disturbed him. Still it was good to have his blade from The Order back. It's worn grip and perfect balance gave him some comfort.


Goodman sighed. "Halt......HALT! It means to simply STOP!" After a moment, Goodman said in a calmer voice, "Dismissed, go to the Tavern or elsewhere for pleasure. We will start again on the 'morrow". Goodman's eyes focused on a small Postern (a "hidden" Castle entranceway in the wall). "That's interesting", he thought to himself. Due to it's placement, it was shielded from view between the two defensive tower Guard Posts. "VERY interesting indeed!"

Edited by Crusader1307

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