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Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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"Before we can let you pass, your wagon and persons must be searched. We have had reports of bandits in this area. Step out of the wagon, and follow ? maybe then, we can talk."


The commander paces a few yards down the path in front of the wagon, and further to the left, then signals for them to follow another captain down a winding passage in the trees, in the pitch black. "This way" he states, grabbing a nearby lantern and holding it up to his eyes. Still not completely at ease with his new merchants, he keeps a close eye on them as he waves his hands for some guards to proceed forward to the wagon ready to search it.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman mused over the "removal" of his past "Guest". Luckily for he and his companions, he had removed the body (and all traces). Patiently and contritely he waited for the Commander to conduct his search. "Yes..Yes..Afendi, search...and if you see something you like...." Goodman trailed off. Hopefully this tactic will get them into the Castle. Casually, Goodman began to take in the defenses he could see. The number of Guards at this entrance, their weapons etc.

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"We shall take what we wish. And then decide whether or not to set your wagon on fire." replied the Guard Commander, going forth to the wagon with several guards.


"The castle is still a long way to the north yet. This outpost will keep you safe for the night." stated the junior commander looking after the group. At one last glance back, all Goodman could see was the guards closely removing all items from the wagon for inspection. The group moved a few feet further up the winding path, getting narrower all the time. They were now forced to head in a single line, making it ideal ambush territory. A few feet further up the path, the commander stops. "Right, I can't take you any further. Stay in here, someone will speak to you soon" he remarks. The group troop into the stone building which was very tall in size, yet the room was very small due to stairs leading to the second floor being on the outside of the building. A few seconds later the metal door slams shut leaving them in pitch darkness, apart from one lantern on one of the five walls.


[OOC]: When I refer to the path as being winding and the group having to head in a single line, think of the battle of the Teutoburg forest, this is a similar type of environment. Off topic, but here is a great documentary on it, if anyone has the time and is interested, I really recommend watching it. :D


For the building they get pushed into, think of a hexagonal type room which would usually keep horses in, almost like a dungeon but not to the same extent. The guard room is above, just assume that some drunken guards above are having some kind of party making it even worse for you :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Sir Lloyd sighed, then spoke, "something tells me we won't be getting out of here any time soon. We cannot afford to delay our plan any longer. There must be someway out. Any ideas Goodman?"

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman thinks. "Perhaps a Silken Cord" to the first man to return to us". At any rate, I think - depending on they way they return, is the way we strike. Look..." Brother Goodman motions to a small chair and table (somewhat worm eaten, but still stout). "Break this apart and make stabbing tools, as quietly as you can."


(OOC) Okay, we're getting desperate here! If they come back set to kill us, we will have to "Dirty Dozen" them. We are going for broke here, people! :D :D :D

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From above, the adventurers (now prisoners) hear their not-quite-sober captors singing. It sounds like multiple songs at once because of how off-key most of them are, that coupled with the solid roof that muffles the noise, it is almost impossible to make out the words.


Suddenly, in a pile of hay in one of the dark corners of the cell, the adventurers hear a rustling. Upon further inspection - it is the man in the straw hat!


"Hullo, friends. Seems like we got ourselves in a bit of a mess, eh?" he says with a very slight Welsh accent. You can now see his face as he lights his pipe. He has sharp blue eyes that could almost be seen without a light, and an old scar covering the left side of his face. He also has a freshly broken nose that he readjusts with an "Ow!" as he stands to greet his new cellmates.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"Don't come any closer!" commanded Sir Lloyd. "State yourself!"


The group were wary of this new figure. The man was hidden the whole time, nobody knew if he was friend or foe. Could he be working for the enemy?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman too wondered about this "mystery man", seen in The Tavern. Was he friend? Foe? How was he taken and imprisoned so quickly? "Tell us, who are you? and What have you done to warrant such treatment?"

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The man puffs slowly on his pipe before calmly answering. "My name is Glynn. I've been accused of spying, but it's a big misunderstanding you see. My master has taken a great interest in Riverbourne's condition. Do not be alarmed, he was a friend of the Duke's father, but I think it would be best if I don't give his name yet. I know who you all really are, or at least that you aren't merchants. But don't worry - even with a broken nose, I can keep a secret."


He faintly smiles, then rubs his hands together, waiting for a wave of incoming questions.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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"I fail to see how this man's broken nose is relevant at the moment. Perhaps this conversation would be better had once we have found, or made, a way out, regained our personal effects and gained some distance from this... charming establishment."

Edited by Aleks S. I

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Glynn nods. "Indeed, our Greek friend is right. But if you must know, I didn't get captured without a struggle. Anyhow, does anyone have an idea on how to escape? I've been sitting here, thinking on it, and haven't come up with any worthwhile plan."


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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The adventurers sat there, waiting and watching for a few hours. It wasn't long before the fog had cleared and a small ray of light shun through a miniscule crack in the stone wall. The drunk guards above them?had seem to have quietened down also.


"Say friends, how old do you reckon these structures are? Would it be fair to say whoever built them would have had to rush them?" the group nodded at Sir Lloyd in agreement. "Meaning, the builders wouldn't have had time to worry about the dirt flooring."


Sir Lloyd, finding a decent sized piece of bark on the floor, started digging away at the ground and in a few minutes "I knew it!" he exclaimed in joy. "They haven't covered up the floor below, if we find something to help us, we can just dig straight out, don't suppose any of you carry a shovel with you?" he chuckled.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Just then the door opened, and one of the guard commanders walked in. "Which one of you is in charge here?" he abruptly asked. "There are things we must discuss, one of them being the contents of your wagon." There were two Pikemen either side of him, and slightly further behind - as well as more soldiers outside, in case of a sudden attack against them. It was instantly clear these were no mercenaries, but professional soldiers.


They turned and looked at each of the adventurers in turn, before noticing the hole which Sir Lloyd made. "What, is that?" The commander demanded, now looking at a rather distressed Sir Lloyd.


[OOC] I can't really describe the Constable or soldiers very well, but assume they look something similar to this. Just ignore the slight age difference :P

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"That good sir is a hole. It's been there the whole team we have been here" replied Sir Lloyd. The guards gave him a stinking look, to which he stuttered "uh...yes...Goodman."

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"You can be the one to re-fill it." Replied the obstinate commander. "Under supervision." He had taken a particular dislike to the group of adventurers, and was going out of his way to intentionally make it difficult for them.


"So, who is in charge here? We wish to speak with your commander."


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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For lack of better sense, Goodman spoke. "I can speak for our group". Pausing briefly he continued. "We are but Merchants sir. He heard from passing travelers of this place and we simply wished to pay homage to The Lord of this Castle." Goodman new that the Guard Commander would be strict. Only perhaps he would see that they were not hired Mercenaries or similar threat. "My young friend spoke true. With no privy bucket, well........you see, don't you Sir?" Goodman hoped the Commander would not see through the ruse.

Edited by Crusader1307

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"Follow us, and stop wasting our time", ordered the commander. He had grown tired of listening to them and their excuses. Goodman followed the commander out of the room and the door was shut back on the others once more. "Put him in irons" told the commander to a nearby junior officer, who went away and returned a few moments later and shackled Goodman's wrists in chains.


They then moved up a newly created path towards some tents, which were not there the previous night. Smaller infantry tents were at each side of the path. While walking past Goodman observed various pieces of siege equipment, from mangonels, to trebuchets, from trebuchets to siege towers and ballistae. One looking very similar to the Scorpion catapult.


The forest was still around them, but they now walked into a clearing, which contained a larger tent and several guards on the outposts. It was becoming clearer by the second this was no permanent troop station, but a temporary camp. They weaved in and out of a few fences and then arrived at the foot of a large tent. "In here" the commander told Goodman, before pushing him into the tent and Goodman falling to his knees. Almost instantly, a tremendous commotion came upon Goodman. "No! No we can't do that- it will ..." "But then it will expose the ..." One of the senior officers banged his fist on the table. "Enough, Gerald. We simply CANNOT deploy the forces to the ...". He turned and looked at Goodman, both in surprise and disgust.


Almost at once the noise of arguing commanders subsided until the tent became bone-chillingly silent. When finally having the courage to look up, Goodman noticed another commander was sitting on a throne shaped chair at the opposite end of the tent, past the table of arguing commanders. It was instantly clear he was the leading figure.


"What was he doing?" the leader asked, in a loud voice from the other side of the tent. "He was caught with the wagon, sir." replied the commander next to Goodman. The senior commander paused for a second. "To the rest of you, leave this tent for the moment. We need to speak in private."


The remaining commanders picked up several pieces of parchment in a hussle and turned at once to leave, but a moment later he spoke again. "Not you, Constable Briggs". One of the officers stayed behind while the others left through another exit to the left. "Bring him forward" the commander stated. "So, you were caught with the wagon. " began the leading commander slowly, while Constable Briggs turned his back and walked off behind the throne to the left of a large screen. He picked up two items and headed back. "Perhaps, you might like to explain why a merchant should be carrying these" the commander replied, as the Constable placed a large sword on the table, along with some blood-stained cloths, evidently clear it was from the dead body Goodman removed earlier, and his own sword.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Goodman thought fast. Taking a ""page" from the Muslim practice of "deception being permitted to deceive ones enemy", he spoke..."Afendi Commander, I am late of Saladin's Army which was fighting in the deserts of Syria. The blade I took from a Templar Crusader I killed in honorable combat - as is our custom. I grew tired of war and was released with my Company. I come from a Merchant Family and went out to make my trade. My friends I met along my journey. The blood is from several rabbits which ended up in out stomachs last night. Our only goal is to pay homage to The Lord of this Estate and to perhaps establish trade. I have many friends in the Land of My Fathers, who could provide fine Wootz and Damascas Steel to your warriors." Goodman thought that this "pretense" was better than most. " I have much training in the art of The Sword and have great skill, as do my friends in military matters, all of which are at your disposal, Afendi Commander". Goodman waited........and prayed silently!

Edited by Crusader1307

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"This sounds like a very interesting story." He remarked sarcastically. Then stood up and moved to the left hand side of the table, his hands behind his back, looking away from Goodman. He clicked his fingers, and a guard walked in with a barrel full of water and stood to the right of Goodman.


"But, I have a feeling, you'd rather tell me the truth." he slowly uttered, turning to face Goodman.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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(OoC)? Did you just rent or watch "Lawrence of Arabia"? This is getting very familiar to me..........Afendi.



"I only speak the truth, My Lord." Goodman spoke calmly. "I have no reason to lie. What would it benefit me, to willingly deceive you and risk obvious death. I am sure we can come to an agreement which will be mutually beneficial to us both." Goodman noted the Commander had other ideas, he was now speaking solely to The Commander's greed at this point. He also was picking around for intelligence. Either way, Goodman was sure his answer was "forthcoming".

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] No, I've never seen that actually. I just made it up on the spot - just like everything else I've done here. Which is why this adventure always looks like it's about to go in one direction then goes into another. :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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(OoC) Seriously, check it out sometime. VERY long at 2.5 Hours, but our "story" is very close. English Lieutenant Lawrence has infiltrated the Turkish Army Headquarters and is pretending to be a Blue-eyed Moorish slave. They don't believe him and proceed to torture him (quite brutally in fact). Just curious.......Ball is in your court, Sire.

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After Goodman refuses to answer, the leader signals to the soldier with the barrel, and at that moment the barrel is placed onto the floor next to the table where Goodman is standing. Goodman is dragged over to the barrel where his head is forced under the water in there. But this is no ordinary water, but the water from the nearby moat.


After several seconds, the leading commander signals for his head to be removed. A coughing and spluttering Goodman emerges from the water. After several seconds, when he realises nothing will come from him, he signals for the same thing to happen again.


[OOC] That does sound really similar, and interesting, I'll have to watch that at some point :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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