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Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
It has been nearly a year since the clattering of steel has been heard in Riverbourne, and the Duke's brave adventurers have settled into their new positions and the comfort of their awards from their last quest - knighthood, a purse of coins, and 120 acres of good farmland each. The knights have been reduced to running minor errands for the Duke, as there has been a steady peace, and no leads on Glynn or any of the other traitors within the realm. It is almost as if Duke Christopher's enemies -
Adventure #02 - Conversation
After collaborating with @Lord_Chris we agreed that the first Adventure was a success. So, on that note: Applications for this adventure due by Thursday, 14 July 2016 - Adventure begins Friday, 15 July 2016! All characters previously approved may participate in this Adventure. I will type up the opening post to the adventure some time before it begins, but posting will be opened on 15 July. Think about what your characters have been doing since the last adventure. They have probably all -
Adventure #01 - Conversation
Since this is the first Adventure on this website, I'd like to make some quick notes. With the blessing of @Lord_Chris, I have made published this idea for you all to participate in. "What is an Adventure", one may ask. If you remember, Stronghold-Knights had Quests. These will operate in a similar manner. For this Adventure I shall act as the Game Master, a referee of sorts. All of the other players will take the role of characters in a medieval setting. Here, I can answer questions, and even