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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - A Duke in Distress

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The innkeeper shambles over while wiping his hands with a dirty cloth. "Say, yer newcomers aren't ya? Any news from the outside world? Anywho, what'll ya have?"


He smiles and you see several of his teeth are missing, as if he has dealt with rowdy customers in the past. He scratches his oily black hair and turns to yell at a group of men sitting around a table who are singing the words to a vulgar sailing tune.


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Most of the group have never visited these lands before and so are unsure what the common drink would be, in attempt to "blend-in" they wait nervously for someone to respond. Upon making eye-contact with Goodman, Sir Lloyd nods his head to him subtly, in attempt to signal him to reply.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Goodman stares at the Innkeeper. "Squalid little man", he thinks to himself. "Still, he appears no threat to us". Noticing Sir Lloyd's gaze - Goodman speaks low and steady (so as not to betray any hint of accent). "Mead all around, Fellow....and a loaf of bread. Mind you, CLEAN tankards and NO mold on our fare". Goodman takes out one of the few Silver pieces he has left and places it on the table. The Innkeeper looks long at the Silver piece (no doubt not having seen one in some time). Goodman senses the "next question" and fires an explanation readily. "We are Merchants, late of the Middle East and thereabouts. We seek rest after our long journey and perhaps.......some information?"

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"Shure thin'. A'course ya be wantin' beds. Dem merchants an' dere tents outside 'ave taken up all the good spots, eh?" He laughs loudly at his own remark, his belly (and the table) shaking.


He leans a hairy elbow on the table to whisper: "I thinks them merchants be sellin' some ... not-quite legitimate wares. The good people o' Riverbourne 'ave bought some items claimin' ta be magical an' such. Thing is, dey don't work. Them merchants be arguin' for their honor, but I reckon they brought them guards b'cause dey've 'ad trouble of worser sorts before. What with tha duke gone an' all, 'spos'in' he comes back with reinforcements of some sort (dat's a word I did learn with me time in the yeomanry fightin' in France) methinks there's gonna be some trouble comin' down in the valley-o."


He claps his hands and the smile reappears. "So whot'll it be fellas? A point o' mead, or a spot o' ale?"


[OOC: reread the post, this time say it out loud, and try to guess what part of England he comes from :P]


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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(OoC) THAT was a HARD read Charles :lol: :lol: :lol:

Being an "American", I'd swear 'e is frm Alablarmy! REALLY wild Guess......Liverpool, Cockney....Eliza Dolittle?

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[OOC] I must say I'm not entirely sure myself, which is pretty embarrassing for some who is British :D


My best guess is Cockney. My second guess would probably be Wales somewhere.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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[OOC]: I was thinking about a West Country accent, albeit a very exaggerated sort, at the time of writing. Guess I didn't fail completely with Chris guessing Wales. Kinda close. Sorta. :P


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Brother Goodman stared at The Innkeeper. "Ye Gods!" he said to himself. "I have heard uneducated Berbers speak better English". Raising his eyes (more out of astonishment than anything else, he says "We are honorable and trustworthy Merchants. We sell no "magics", only good wares at fair prices." Pausing, Brother Goodman continues, "Perhaps it was that Shanty being bellowed so loudly, but we need Mead and some good bread." Brother Goodman's finger inched the silver piece on the table closer to the edge - and the Innkeeper.

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The barkeep snatches up the coin and slides it into a pocket, patting it for good luck. "Roight then, I'll be gettin' yer somethin' ta wet yer whiskers an' nibble on."


"Tha's 'wet yer whistles' Georgie!" says a voice from another table. Looking over, the adventurers see a man dressed in common clothing with a straw hat resting on his head and a corncob pipe resting in his mouth, with a steady stream of smoke floating out.


"I know that!" The barkeep, Georgie, turns back and walks behind the counter and pours several mugs for his guests. He puts two loaves of bread on the table before bringing over the mugs, and then goes back to the counter. There, the adventurers see that he is cleaning several used mugs with his spit and the dirty rag, but nobody seems to be paying any mind to it.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Upon noticing the barkeeper's cleaning technique, Sir Lloyd turns to the group. "I've seen higher hygiene in a pig sty"


Minutes of eating and drinking pass by. "What's our next move gentlemen?" Sir Lloyd asks.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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"Food and Drink are first I think." Brother Goodman said, still pondering the accent of the Innkeeper. Goodman also notice the man who "corrected" the man. He watched him closely. "I think we may have an ally. Let us see. If not our plan will be three fold." Quieting down, as The Innkeeper bring their meal - Goodman prepares for prayer.

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[OOC] So to get this right ... (I don't want to jump in when I'm not supposed to be here) You have left the Duke behind and are now proceeding to the castle?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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(OoC) Yes. You have been left behind, awaiting our "flaming arrow" signal to attack. However, you could always arrange "meetings" via spies and messengers. I realize this this quickly becoming "Where Eagles Dare".....but I'm working without a net here! :D Maybe in a suitable disguise, you could met us anywhere ala "The List of Adrian Messenger". What do you think?

Edited by Crusader1307

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[OOC] That sounds great. I'll meet you there in desguise :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Charles speaks to his friends in a low tone:

"Indeed, I wonder if our learned fellow with the straw hat could indeed be a friend - or just Mr. Innoccent Bystander. Perhaps you, Brother Goodman, or you, Julian, can approach him and try to engage in some careful conversation. I shall keep quiet and maintain my ruse of not understanding English.


The beauty of our disguse as foreigners is, that we can ask a lot of questions without looking suspicious.

Who know, we might learn more about who those other "merchants" are, that have set up their stalls outside."

Edited by Nigel

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Eating their "humble fare", Goodman ponders Sir Nigel's question. "We shall still have to be careful. We need to gauge the Peasant reaction to their new Overlords". Further, see how the Bandits react to us. Remembering how they were "watched" as they pasted the Castle walls. "The Duke knows his Castle's weakness, we do not. Still, " he ponders more.... "Every nut can be cracked with the right amount of force. Eat and drink my friends, we shall need our strength."

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Suddenly a hooded figure comes in the Inn and sits down beside Goodman, trying not to draw attention to himself. "You're Goodman, aren't you?" he asks, waiting for Goodman's reply.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Without drawing attention to himself, Brother Goodman lets his hand slowly drop just inches away from his dagger. "Aye, I am Goodman. What do you wish of me , Sir?"

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"I bring word from the Duke. Tell me, is there some place more private we can go to?"


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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"A message from The Duke", Goodman thinks. Looking over at his comrades, he attracts Sir Loring's attention. As he rises, he motions for him to remain and show no notice. The stranger and Brother Goodman move towards the door of the Inn. Goodman speaks aloud..."Why yes, Afendi- we do sell that special type of healing oil! Kindly follow me to my wagon and I will show you!"

The two exit the Inn and head straight for the wagon. "This way, Afendi...This way..." Climbing into the wagon, Goodman (knowingly taking a risk) says "You have word....."

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"I bring you urgent news Goodman. The Duke died of Sword wounds on his way here to meet you. Wounds inflicted upon him by a hired Assassin."

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Brother Goodman stands stunned. This was not something that he had factored in. Would his companions still follow the mission? He was unsure. Steadying himself he asked the Messenger, "Who command's now? and what of The Duke's troops? They are not disbanded, are they?"

Edited by Crusader1307

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"They are not yet disbanded. And no one in currently in command. But there is also one other thing you should know. I know that he was the same person who murdered The Duke's brother. And his father."


The messenger pauses, waiting for Goodman to lower his guard. "Because I am him. And you must make ready to join them!!!"


He takes out a knife sharply and dives towards Goodman.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Unknown to the "Messenger", Brother Goodman brings up his right hand (already clutching his own dagger - always at the ready). At an angle roughly on line with his enemies lower abdomen, Goodman strikes true - while pivoting far right and out of the way of his opponent's lunge. "Join your Master in Hades, Dog!", Goodman says in a hushed tone. Now with Goodman "facing" the Assassin, he reaches out with his left hand - clutching his enemies mouth shut. With his right, Goodman grabs the hilt of his dagger. Twisting it clockwise - he pulls it out. Blood stains the lower portion of his robes. Goodman stares. More blood...Crusader, Muslim or Assassin...yet more blood. "I will have to clean this up before I go in." Looking down at his (now dead) adversary, Goodman begins to search his clothes for any pieces of information or other intelligence. Find a small piece of paper and some coins, he takes it (and the Assassins blade). Grabbing his own dagger, Goodman cuts away the bloodstained portion of his robes. "I am a poor beggar Merchant after all, he chuckles". Carefully, he wraps the body of the dead Assassin up in some cloths (so that it resembles a bolt of cloth). "Now, what to do with this".........

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Upon hearing Goodman's unique accent and tone, the rest of the group, sitting inside the Inn, made eye-contact with each other.


"There's no doubt about it, that was Goodman. He doesn't sound very impressed" Sir Lloyd announced. He watched the rest of the peasants around him, waiting for a reaction. There was no reaction. They were all too drunk and loud to notice a thing. "In no way should we compromise the mission, but I feel one of us should go and check" Sir Lloyd suggested, upon receiving a subtle nod from each member of the group, Sir Lloyd rose from his seat. He said firmly but not too loud, "I think we left it in the wagon, allow me to go and see gentlemen" tapping Sir Loring's shoulder to give away a friendly atmosphere to the bystanders.


Sir Lloyd made haste opening the Inn door. "Goodman?" he whispered.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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