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Invasion Missions - Island Warfare

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A few days ago, I posted the following in the Steam Stronghold forums in order to get some help on the invasion mission 'Island Warfare' on Stronghold HD. The next day, I was kindly offered help by Steam user (and stronghold-nation.com user) 'EaglePrince'. EaglePrince has told me that he/she will attempt the mission on the weekend and send his/her report back to me but also recommends I ask for help on this website so here I am :) . Anyways, here is my Stronghold HD Steam forum post :)


[HELP] invasion missions - Island Warfare

I have had about 20, if not then more, attempts at the invasion mission 'Island warfare' on normal difficulty. I have tried numerous strategies e.g thickining walls, mangonel but nothing seems to work. There are a total of 4 attacks in this mission, the first 2 from the pig and the next 2 from the wolf. At most i can get about 45 archers yet the invasion armies outnumber my troops by what could be hundreds. I've managed to get to the 4th invasion but the wolf still has many troops left once my lord has died and I've ran out of ideas. Trying to start an economy on this map is almost impossible as the invasions come quick and so you really need to focus on making an army until the invasions do come.



My current strategy


Slow the game down to a speed of 10 until the first army arrives. Set taxes to high, Delete all buildings but the engineers guild, barracks, granary, 2 statues and all but 4 of the hovels. Also delete the lower/southern walls and towers, the upper small gatehouse and the 2 adjacent defense turrets. Replace the area where the upper gatehouse and defence turret were with regular wall and change the granulated wall to normal wall (so archers can easily access the front of the wall). I also thicken the walls so the enemy can't go and attack my towers right away and it takes the enemy longer to get past the walls. I usually have about 4 or 5 rows of stone on the raised land. Sell all the remaining stone, wood and all but 5 or so of each type of food. Create 2 mangonel (1 for each square tower) and hire 4 engineers for the mangonel. Buy about 35 bows (for the time being) and then wait until the warning for the first invasion and hire the 35/40 archers. I put most of the archers in the west tower. I generally get the west mangonel to follow the incoming troops but the east one I make fire around the area of the statue (the one that looks like a cross). By the time the wolf troops are coming I have practically all my archers on the walls to fire at the troops attacking the walls because they can't fire at them from the towers most of the time. I also set the taxes to the highest when i have most of my troops and the enemy starts to come because i might as well as my granary is empty and I'm already losing a lot of popularity. Setting the taxes to the highest will make my 2 remaining peasants pay tax even though it's next to nothing and if I manage to recruit these peasants as archers or something, my popularity will go to 75 as I will have no people left however it goes straight back down again as expected.


Thank you for any help with this mission you may have

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Hi @Nomekopadam,


Welcome to StrongholdNation. I've found this link, please let us know if it helps you at all: http://stronghold.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forum/display.cgi?action=ct&f=1,485,30,all


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I had a read of the post on strongholdheaven you sent me but I'm afraid that is not the mission I am struggling with. I am struggling with the invasion mission 'Island warfare' mission that is already on Stronghold without the use of a download. Thank you for your reply though, I appreciate all help that I can get :)

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I believe that Island Warefare IS a user made map, only you didn't download it by yourself; it was a map chosen by Firefly to be sent to you by Steam. Now each time someone installs Steam version of Stronghold, he gets those user created maps as well.

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To verify that it's the same map, could you take a screenshot of the minimap? Thanks. :)


EDIT: I have the map from SHH, so @Nomekopadam only needs to put up the screenshot of the map he has. Just thought I'd clarify. ;)


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I've took a screenshot of the map however I've been looking around and I can't find a way to upload an image onto my post :p

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New members are restricted from posting attachments as a way to stop malicious intentions on the forum & any spam (several other restrictions also apply). I've promoted you now, you can make use of that functionality - welcome! :)


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Well it's good that you have that map as well so you can try it yourself and send me your report however when you say 'I believe this is the same map' are you referring to the map that the user on strongholdheaven was talking about in the link that Lord Chris sent me? It's just that the map the user on strongholdheaven was talking about doesn't match the description of the map I need help on. For example, The user on strongholdheaven talks about waves of attacks from 'The Snake' and wolf attacks but they are not in the map I am struggling with. Once again, thank you for all your help :)

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This is different from the map on SHH. I have this on my (non-Steam) copy of SH1 that came with the "Stronghold Collection" edition. Thanks for mentioning the "User Created Map" bit, because I was looking under the wrong letter all along. :)


I'll give it a play and give you an update if I find anything worthwhile that might help you. :)


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