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Spotlight on Medieval Weapons

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How would anyone feel about articles (short I promise), spotlighting different Medieval weapons? Perhaps a new weapons article weekly? Debates on which ones are your favorites? Discussions about the ones used in the Stronghold series? With Lord Chris' permission of course......

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Currently, there is only the option to add articles for games. However, you can send me some through the PM sometime and, I'll see if I think it's worth somehow figuring out how to create a category for them.


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For all fans looking for Medieval Weapons.....By his Lord Chris' grace, I will be adding this topic to my History thread soon! Look for it!

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Hi Tokamaps!? Unfortunately, you must have misread the YEAR of this entry on this Thread (2015). The series on Medieval Weapons was posted. You can find them (roughly 100 or so Articles) somewhere around Pages #8 onward on The History Thread Index. I recommend you checking out the "older" Posts. You can find just about EVERY type of Sword, Axe and whatnot from the 9th to 16th Centuries. You can also find short Articles on Medieval Battles, etc. There are even Articles on Famous Weapons used by Medieval Figures, Famous Castles, Medieval defense Systems, EVEN Military Fighting Orders (the list IS long!). If it will help, perhaps I can PM you a copy of The Index so you can go right to what you wish to read or see (be careful, there are well over 1,500 Articles!)


Hope this helps!? :)

Edited by Crusader1307

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