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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - Conversation

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You can post an application at any time. But it's up to @Charles of Tours as to when you can join in the adventure.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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@Narrikis: Please post your application here: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/topic/466-a-call-to-arms-character-creation/

?The required format is in the original post. We'd be glad to have you aboard, but you may have to wait a little while.?:)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Hi guys,

Good going in this adventure :)

I will be afk for a few days and return on Thursday. Keep going in the meantime - I look forward to catching up when I return.

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Oops. Sorry about that! Must have missed/mis-read it somehow :S


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Is there still any possibility for me to join in? :D


And Narrikis, your character is K?ilis, may I ask where are you from?

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Hi, buddha737 - and welcome to The Nation! I'm Crusader1307 (aka Brother Goodman in this Thread). I'd love to have you join, but it's up to Charles of Tours to approve your "character". Go to the Main Section of this Thread? "Adventures in The Duchy of Riverbourne" and go into "Character Creation". Follow the instructions to create your "Alter Ego" for our story. Submit your "character" to Charles of Tours (via PM or E-Mail). Once approved, your imagination and writing abilities will be "put to the test"? :D


I'd? advise that you read ALL the past entries to get caught up though. Many of our "Knights" have fallen away. If you caught up and read the other instructions Charles of Tours established - you'll do just fine.


If you need any assistance, please let me know. You can find me in The History Thread (most times). I will respond to you as soon as I can.???? :)

Edited by Crusader1307

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Hello, Crusader, yes, I have already read everything in relation with this adventure :)


How can I contact him via pm or email? I havent seen anyway how to visit a persons profile!


About the character creation - I am big fan of rpgs', D&D and I have been a Game Master (Dungeon Master) for already 8 years, haha, I know the drill, but I really want to be a player, so, despite that I am late, I would still love to join :)

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You can't visit a person's profile because you are a new member (


I've gone ahead and sent him a PM on steam so he knows to expect you. :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hi @buddha737! You can post your application here: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/topic/466-a-call-to-arms-character-creation/.


Also, @Narrikis, I haven't forgotten about you! From the looks of it, new people will be joining at the start of the next adventure.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Hi buddha737, wellcome to the forum :)


It is good to have a few more players with an interest in role playing. You will meet my "younger brother" Charles Loring, my alter ego in the Adventure in Riverbourne. I hope you will like the various activities that we do here. I saw your character introduction - very nice.


Well, if Charles wants to introduce the new characters in the next adventure, we better get a move on and bring the current one to an end - and hopefully a happy one that sees Duke Christopher geetting rescued from those bandits. I will go and talk to Sir Richard and see what he can tell us about the situation. :)

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Hello, Nigel, its nice hearing from you! I wanted to ask you, is this a real tradition to name second sond Karl/Charles? Cause it sounds really fine!


And thank you for the compliments, as I mentioned, I thought, that the story somehow lacks something a little humorous, you know, somebody that would be into a brawl, maybe even barbaric, but yet still loyal. And I wrote everything from my head, but its how Lithuania actually was in the medieval?:)


Hopefully, I will be able to role-play good enough, without going all "Game of Thrones" or "Vikings" style, haha. Because I am also used to play as a noble sir, rather than a plain-soldier :)

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Well, I have to say that I invented this little "family tradition". Although it sounds really nice, doesn't it?


Karl is an old Germanic name which simply means "man", but also in the sense of "free man" or "man with arms".

There is a nordic version of it, the Huscarl (house man), which has taken the meaning of a type of warrior.


In Anglosaxon Britain the Huscarls were the professional warriors, as opposed to the Fyrd. The Fyrdmen were armed free peasants/citizens. As I understand it, the Fyrd formed the mainstay of the Anglosaxon army, while the Huscarls were the elite troops.


A few posts earlier, Charles of Tours was amused by my suggestion that someone called Charles might have Saxon anchesters. I guess that is because his great namesake Charlesmagne had acutally conducted a bitter war against the Saxons to chritianize them.


But I think it is quite possible that in all the turmoil of those wars, someone called Karl got married into a Saxon family, moved to Britain, his decendants rose to knighthood and eventually became the forefathers of my litte Stronghold character. All that is invented, but I think it in a nice story :)

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Nigel, wow, I actually believed it, it is really nice and realistic! And thank you for the linguistics explanation, I knew about Huscarl meaning, but I did not recognize the connection between "Karl" and "Huscarl"


I never heard about Fyrd as well, but, I should say, that I am not strong in British history whatsoever :)


You know, actually, you just used some creativity and some historical tendencies manipulation, so we could even believe, that this tradition might be real, haha. I did some historical manipulation with my own character creation (I speeded up the unification of Lithuania by two hundred years), but it is also mostly based on true facts and customs of Lithuania :)

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Whow, this story is taking quite a twist.


Glad to see Glynn, our man in the straw hat, re-appearing. But also, that Sir Richard should be a traitor... that is quite something. I wonder what we are going to do now.


Either way, I will be off to the holidays now - returning in early January.

If you want to continue the quest, please do. I am sure there will still be lots to do for me when I get back.


At this opportunity, I want to whish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :D

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Thanks Nigel! You too! (And everyone else too :P)


Well, I won't ruin the plot, but it's up to you all to decide who to trust, and who not to trust ... choose wisely. ;)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Just so everyone knows I am planning to start the end of the first adventure, but once it's over I'll quickly set up the second.


So please don't spring anymore battles or ambushes ... unless you think the Duke's "protectors" are really his captors, or if Lord Richard is really the true villain ... or something else that advances the plot a ways like that. Just so you all know, the decisions you make regarding who you think is loyal and who you think is the traitor will have an impact in the future. ;)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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