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Charles of Tours

Adventure #01 - Conversation

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Since this is the first Adventure on this website, I'd like to make some quick notes. With the blessing of @Lord_Chris, I have made published this idea for you all to participate in. "What is an Adventure", one may ask. If you remember, Stronghold-Knights had Quests. These will operate in a similar manner.


For this Adventure I shall act as the Game Master, a referee of sorts. All of the other players will take the role of characters in a medieval setting. Here, I can answer questions, and eventually publish the starting date of the Adventure and when Character forms must be submitted in order for a Character to participate in that adventure.


Non-adventurers may comment on the story here, offer historical research related to the setting if they wish, or offer ideas for when the party of adventurers are in a tricky situation, especially with mysteries and puzzles.


Have fun!


Applications for this adventure due by Wednesday, 28 January 2015 - Adventure begins Friday, 30 January 2015!


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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I meant to ask what exactly those adventures are? What exactly does one do when he plays this game? I don't remember this from Stronghold Knights so I am unsure.
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It is a forum-based role-playing game. You create a character and you act out his part. Imagine a movie or a Broadway show where there is no script, but the actors simply interact with each other and whatever situation the director (me) puts them in, while they are in-character of course. :)


For example, if you are ambushed by bandits in the middle of the forest you could try to run, fight, give them your gold, or come up with a creative solution. If your character has an aggressive personality, he would probably choose to fight the bandits, but you must make that choice for him. I hope this makes sense. :/


Applications for this adventure due by Sunday, 25 January 2015 - Adventure begins Friday, 30 January 2015!


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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These role playing games can be quite fun indeed.

I remember taking part in one or two before and I shall also join this one.



At first I was thinking of using my own online name, Nigel, to play it, but it seems that others are inventing new characters with new names. So I will follow along with that. Also, Sir Nigel is currently on crusade, stuck somewhere in the desert and trying to get a castle ready to fend off some attackers, which will surely come soon ;)



So I am introducing (and inventing) my younger brother, Sir Charles Loring. He will join the noble Duke Christopher in this adventure and hopefully return alive and in good health.

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Hm, a Saxon named Charles ... I think my ancestors would find that amusing. :lol:


I like the cast of players so far. Hopefully other people *ahem* will think about joining. :)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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New update: character application due-date has been pushed back 'til Wednesday, 28 January 2015. The adventure will still begin on the 30th, however!


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Hm, a Saxon named Charles ... I think my ancestors would find that amusing. :lol:

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Well, the second sons of the family are traditionally named after an old Saxon anchestor, Karl, who came to England as one of the body guards of Vortingern - or so the family legend has it. But over time, after the Norman invasion and a period when speaking French was considered fashinable, the name changed to Charles. ;)



In any case, I wonder if we really need a hard due date for signing up additional characters. Maybe we can play and if someone posts here and wants to join in mid-game, we can invent a story line which allows that. But that is up to the Game Master to decide, of course.

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@Nigel: Interesting name history. To the due date: I'd rather have a set date, but if more people sign up during the adventure then I will invite them (probably by PM or Steam) to join at proper times. For example, if the adventurers are resting in a tavern, maybe a new guy (or gal) walks in and joins their quest. :D


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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So far I like how the characters have added to the plot without changing it entirely. Keep up the good work. :)


@@Lord_Chris, I would like to discuss the setup of your castle with you, before you draw a map for the adventurers.


Also- remember that it is still night-time. ;)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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@@Lord_Chris, I would like to discuss the setup of your castle with you, before you draw a map for the adventurers.
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No problem, message me on Steam when you want to talk. :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Some of you may be interested why the Adventure thread has been closed. The reason for this is to pause and draw up Riverbourne Castle.


I have created (or, will create - if you are a quick reader) a competition topic about this. If you are interested, you can participate, even if you are not a part of the Adventure! :)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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I see the thread has been re-opened for playing.


As it happens, I will be afk for a couple of days now - back online not before Wednesday.


Please do not wait for me while discussing the caslte and the way forward. I will be happy with whatever plan you have arrived at, when I come back (well, if your plan involves that Sir Charles enters the castle through the gong pits, I may not be quite so happy with it......).


Looking forward to continue this adventure :cool:

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This post is moved from the topic "A Call to Arms: Character Creation" by @Lord_Chris


Is it too late to create a character and join in the next adventure? Seems like fun, I've always liked a good story :D

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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This post is moved from the topic "A Call to Arms: Character Creation" by @Lord_Chris


HI Metthew - good to see you here again.


It is for Charles of Tours to decide, but as far as I am concerned I would not be against letting you enter this adventure through the side door as we are only just getting started. But yes, this is just my thought and it is for Charles to decide.


In any case, glad you are back here :D

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This post is moved from the topic "A Call to Arms: Character Creation" by @Lord_Chris


I've spoken to @Charles of Tours and he says if you create your application in the same way we have, then he'll approve/deny it from there. Also though, since this thread is only for the creation and no discussion, I've moved the last three posts to the discussion thread.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Good call, @Lord_Chris, it's a lot easier to keep track of the character records when there is no prolonged discussion in that thread. This is the place to talk about my amazing powers to accept or deny, and how I abuse use them. :P


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Hi guys,


I have been locked out of the forum for a few days due to some very annoying technical problem. :mad:

Lord Chris has tried to resolve it but only now that I installled Google Chrome, I am able to log in again.


@Mathew Steel, thanks for your nice comments on the "in character" thread and apologies for not replying sooner.

I will post there later today and Sir Charles will properly introduce himself to you. :)

Edited by Nigel

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Hey, sorry guys, I've been (and will likely continue to be) extremely busy for the next while between school work, actual work, around the house work, and social events. By the time I actually get to sit down and have a few hours to myself spending three hours writing (the usual amount of time I'll spend on a decent post) is not something I have the focus for.

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No problem! Thanks for explaining it to us :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hey guys,

I will be traveling over the next 2 weeks and probably only have limited internet access.

Please go on with the game and carry my character along (and please try not to get him killed unless you have to :P ).


I look forward to picking it up again when I return in beginning of June.

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Was just having a read through some of the story and it looks interesting. Would I be able to post an application to be on hold for an opening in the plot? Or I could wait until the start of Adventure #02.

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