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Charles of Tours

A Call to Arms: Character Creation

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Hear ye, hear ye, all lords and ladies seeking honor, glory, and riches!


His Grace, the Duke Christopher XII of Riverbourne, seeks adventurers worthy of upholding his ancestral claim to these lands. Before travelling to his realm, he asks that all applicants provide certain information to discern whether they are suitable bodyguards. Please copy the form below and post it to this bulletin if interested:

Character Name:

Character Age:


Titles: None


Talents & Skills:

Physical Description:

Brief History:

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Review the following rules before posting your submission! Posts that violate these rules are subject to being deleted or edited!

1) The content of this roleplay should be suitable for those who are 13 years old.

2) Your character is still a human, although he is superior to your typical foot-soldier. He may have mastered some skills and talents already, but he isn't a superhero.

3) Your character starts with no titles or lands, and his starting possessions should reflect that. He may have an ancestral sword, or a crossbow he stole from a guard. He may be awarded council positions or other roles by the Duke.

4) One's backstory must explain why he wishes to serve the Duke. If your current character is of the same dynastic house as your previous, he may have inherited your previous character's possessions and titles.

5) Please have only one of your characters be active during an adventure, and try not to advance the plot too quickly or spam posts.

6) Only accepted adventurer characters may post in the Adventure threads, however the Conversation thread of the related Adventure may be used by all. You may use it to comment, or discuss the party's next action.


Edit 1 on 1st June 2015: Got rid of the 3 posts per day rule because it was a bit silly. The action has been lively the past few days so I figured I'd remove the cap.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Character Name: Duke Christopher XII

Character Age: 21

Personality: non-xenophobic, patient, fair, peaceful, brave, wise, courageous

Titles: Duke of Riverbourne, Lord of Riverbourne Castle

Possessions: Owns a Duchy, long-sword, shield, a horse (Everard), a ring which shows position of power, The King's Luxury clothing, gold

Talents & Skills: Sword fighting, horse riding, diplomacy, economics, leadership skills

Physical Description: A tall, strong nobleman, proudly dressed in the best quality clothing available. Has a thick cloak for palace duties and a thinner, darker cloak for nights on the move. His sword is always by his side is his scabbard in case of need. He wears a golden crown in his head. During battle, thick almost impenetrable armour is worn along with a mighty shield.

Brief History: When he was only 16, his father was killed in warfare and he would have been left to rule the country if his Uncle had not stepped in so Christopher could attend to his studies. Now, he is a strong, courageous warrior ready to fight to the death if need be. Having now been ruler of Riverbourne for several years, he is knowledgeable and friendly. He is always ready to help when needed, and does his best for the kingdom whenever he can. He is a popular leader with the people.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Character Name: Julian Palaiologos

Character Age: 59

Personality: Wise, reserved, cynical

Titles: N/A

Talents & Skills: Swordsmanship, riding, linguist, literate, generally knowledgeable

Possessions: Longsword, a moderately decorated staff/walking stick, mule, an assortment of books & scrolls, writing implements, robes

Physical Description: An older, olive-skinned, green eyed man with short, thick, and wavy grey hair. Slightly shorter than average. Surprisingly agile for an old man.

Brief History: Born into a minor noble family in the Byzantine Empire, Julian (age 23) was exiled following the assassination of the Emperor and the succession crisis which followed. (Although a cousin was able to take up the title which Julian had inherited at age 21) Since that time, Julian has offered his services as a teacher (both of swordsmanship and penmanship) and adviser in various courts across the known world. *


*Most people would not be aware of this history. Only nobility would be likely to know of Julian's reputation as a skilled adviser.

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Character Name: Sir Charles Loring


Character Age: mid 30s


Personality: upright, brave, patient, calm, modest, somewhat introvert


Titles: none


Possessions: sword, shield, bow and arrows, a horse (Hazel), fine but simple clothing, a little gold


Talents & Skills: Sword fighting, horse riding, reading and writing (English and Latin), archery


Physical Description: A young knight of lowest rank, dressed in the Saxon fashion. During battle, a well fashioned coat of chain mail (he is too poor to afford plate armor) and high quality helmet protect his body.


Brief History: Being the second son of an impovershed noble family, he was faced with the choice of becoming a man of the church or finding a living in the service of another Lord. He chose the latter and has been offering the help of his sword and bow to several men of high nobility in exchange for bread, a bed and a chance to gain honour. His older brother, Sir Nigel Loring, is the Lord of Twynham Castle. But although the two brothers are on good terms, they have not met or spoken for some time now.

Edited by Nigel

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Character Name: Brother James Goodwin

Age: 25

Personality: Calm and pensive. Can be reactionary if provoked. Will give and take advise. Cannot abide cowardice.

Titles: Templar Novice

Possessions: Still retains his Templar Tunic and Cloak. Owns a worn but still strong undercoat of chain mail. Owns a Straight Sword and personal


Talents/Skill: Well versed in European battlefield tactics. Knows the way of the Desert Fighter from experience.

Physical Description:

6 foot, 185 lbs. Brown Hair and Hazel eyes. A 4 inch scar graces his right cheek from a Saracen blade.

History: Brother Goodman was young and idealistic when he took up his Cross and joined The Templar Order. After 3 years in the Syrian

Desert he has soured somewhat as to the idea of God is on the side of The Right. He has been wandering around Europe for the

past year.

Edited by Crusader1307

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Character Name: Isaiah

Character Age: 15

Personality: Fierce yet resourceful and tactical

Titles: None

Possessions: An old rusty sword

Talents & Skills: Agile, Basic Foraging Skills, Literacy

Physical Description: A small, slender man with orange hair. (About 5 feet tall and 100 lbs); [em]VERY[/em] nearsighted.

Brief History: A young adventurer who seeks fame and gold. His master used to work for the Duke, so he wants to follow in his master's footsteps (and maybe become greater than his master?]

Edited by Isaiah

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Isaiah - character approved. :)


Since we are still near the beginning of the adventure, you can join us with an appropriate introduction of your character. ;)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Character Name: Sir Dewi Lloyd

Character Age: 24

Personality: Caring, tactical, has bit of an attitude if provoked

Titles: None

Possessions: Bow and arrow

Talents & Skills: Archery, stealth, agile

Physical Description: A tall male (6ft) thin but toned, short blonde hair, blue eyes.

Brief History: Born in Wales. Lost his mother at a young age, was brought up by his father and taught how to use a bow. Use to be part of a Lord's army, ran away due to the Lord being corrupt. Wishes to help others.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Sir Dewi Lloyd - character approved.


, you may join the Adventure since it is just getting started. You can "pop in" like [user]Isaiah] did, but since the adventurers have already made their plan they may be a bit suspicious of you. ;)


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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Character Name: K?ilis

Character Age: 29

Personality: Gregarious, tough, gluttonous, rough mannered, generous to those on his good side.

Titles: None

Possessions: Spiked wooden club, two short daggers.

Talents & Skills: Experienced sailor, brutish hand-to-hand fighter, good eyesight, knowledge of several languages.

Physical Description: Average height but notably obese, brown hair cropped very close and jaw covered in stubble, several scars on face and arms. Wears loose-fitting trousers and shirt, heavy leather boots, a padded canvas gambeson and a leather arming cap.

Brief History: K?ilis was born to a Prussian fishing family in the Sambia peninsula. During his early childhood he would accompany his father in their little boat to help bring in the days catch, and was also a keen swimmer. However as he grew older he became noticeably lazier and, although not remarkably tall, he grew to an enormous width due to his ravenous appetite. K?ilis learned to use his size to intimidate other children, and this together with an outgoing personality soon made him the leader of a small gang of miscreants. He eventually became so well known for his thievery that he was exiled from the village and joined up with a band of pirates, gradually rising to become first mate. ?After twelve years pillaging the Baltic and North Sea coasts, K?ilis ended up in Britain after his vessel and most of his shipmates were lost in a violent storm. He has since wandered the countryside eking out a living as a highwayman and hired thug, using the bits of English and Norman French he picked up from years at sea to try to find a more lucrative job.

Edited by Narrikis

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Kuilis - character approved. Expect to see a lot of mis-spellings without the accent mark. ;)


I'll send you a messenge when I think it's a good time for you to join in. :)?


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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*Edit: I can't delete the codes for some reason, sorry


Charles of Tours, through reading the adventure pages and the characters created here, I decided, that this awesome party of heroes lack something less charming and gentle and more ferocious and lawless, if you don't mind :)

Therefore, I will create a character, that, in my opinion, will add these attributes:




Character name: Skirgaila i? Kernav?s (in english it would be Skirgaila from Kernave, but to adjust to the characters background, simply stick to Skirgaila)

Character age: Something between late twenties and early fourties, its all in the beard and the amount of road-dust on his face[/font][/size]

Personality: Easily provoked, but not hot-headed. Likes a good fight, yet, it is not necessary a fair fight. Despite rather arrogant and foolish on the first glance, appears to be optimistic, good laugh loving and loyal friend. You can never call him humble, but he respects and helps the poor, nevertheless, never refuses a reward. Though, spends almost everything in taverns on ale, food and maids... Coming from Lithuania, he has quite warm feelings for Pagans and Nordic people, yet, he is not favorable in any religion - he doesnt like obeying, unless its paid. Loves dogs

Titles: He is nor a sire, nor a lord. Even if he had any titles when he was in his ancestors' land, those are not his belongings anymore

Possessions: A worn chainmail underneath simple hunters clothes, nice soft shoes, a mare named Hestra, a round leather-hardened wooden shield, a spear that is as usable on foot as from horseback, his favorite hatchet, which he uses for any purpose (from skinning to wood-cutting and fighting) and a drinking horn. In his shoe, he has three coins, the last ones he has left, not even sure how much of worth are they

Talents & Skills:?Raised in forests and meadows of Lithuania, Skirgaila knows how to silently?track animals and men, he wields a bow just as good as his hatchet and he grew up in a saddle, so he knows how to handle a horse. He has some sailing experience, though, the only thing he loves more than a forest is a tavern, of course. He loves to sing tavern and sailing songs ("Tom of Bedlam"?is almost as his own anthem, but he loves "Pints a Flowin" and "Drunken Sailer" just as much) but he is not a minstrel for sure. He can speak all lithuanian dialects, understands danish and is able to keep a conversation in english, yet, mostly basic

Physical Description: Average height for a lithuanian, but a head taller than most englishmen, Skirgaila is well-built, about 6,1 feet and 220 pounds. His belly gives away his relationship with ale, yet, he tends to wear chainmail most of the time, which hides his belly, so he looks as fit as a young lad. Blond middle-lenght hair?and a rusty double-braided beard reaching his chest. Despite the impression of a drunkard, this man is capable to maintain and win a fierce fight and changes unrecognisably in the forest

Brief History:?Though none of the events were related with him, from his childhood Skirgaila was thrown into a political storm. Skirgailas' fathers sovereign took him and Skirgaila to a feast of Lithuanian chiefs and dukes in ?emaitija. To a huge disgrace of his family, Skirgailas' father vassalage was traded as some kind of live-stock, Skirgailas' father disobeyed but was imprisoned immediately and Skirgaila became a political hostage at the court of High Chief of ?emaitija, near the border of Semba. There he learned everything that was necessary for a lithuanian warrior, even betrothed to a tootsie of a weak branch of a noble family. Yet, when he was 15, the wooden castle was plundered by viking raiders and Skirgaila was captured. He, alongside with some other lads was eventually assimilated with the crew and became a raider himself. After reaching his twenties, by a chain of various events, the ship which he was crew member of, landed near shores of England. The remains of crew where too weak to continue plundering and so, Skirgaila with few others ventured on to finally becoming a mercenary, who he is for the moment. His future looks prosperless, but all he looks for is a job with brave and bold company for a?poach of gold, a warm tavern, a cozy bed and a red-cheeked maid to warm the bed.



?I'm adding two images to help imagine him :)



Edited by buddha737

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I'd like to apologise about my recent inactivity. I feel it's about time I explain :P


School work has seem to been getting the better of me recently and it's causing a lot of stress on my behalf. Until my first set of exams are done (in January) I doubt I'll be active much on the website. I will still check in now and then but for the time being I won't be contributing greatly to many threads. Sorry if this has caused inconveniences along the lines of the role play or to any other part of the site. I hope you are all doing well :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Everyone who hasn't made a character yet - please feel free to. :D


All characters that didn't have a chance to take part in the last Adventure may do so in this new one that I've posted about.


Do you crave a life of adventure? Check out our Adventures in the Duchy of Riverborne and apply here to join the action!

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I know it's a bit late, but exams are soon over, and I'll be looking for something to keep me busy in the meantime :P?


I was wondering if I could rejoin this new adventure by creating a new character? I've read over chapter 2 in its entirety, and will happily wait for a moment to join-in that keeps to the reality of the events! Regardless, it's been quite some fun reading through it all again.?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I would love to see you join, Matthew.

Regardless of wether it is with your old character, or with a new one.


We are travelling along a road with a big host of soldiers. So there should be lots of opportunities for a new hero to either step forward from the ranks or be met on the street.

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That would be great Matthew to have you here with us! Feel free to post your character in here at any time. :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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