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Mathew Steel

"The Contract" An economic custom map by Mathew Steel

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I wanted to make this map using the smallest map size, I feel it really tests my map making abilities and I managed to make a quick fun map within 20 minutes. I feel the map is well designed for such a small map. Using a river and some mountains I managed to make a neat map.


At first I thought of the name "Encaged" as you are closed in and there is nowhere to go. But after writing the story, I decided to change it to "The Contract".


The map has been submitted and is awaiting upload. I'll leave a link in this post once it's done :)



A local Lord has requested your service. He wants you to require some goods for him, in return he promises to build a bridge across the river, allowing you to leave the island.


The contract will only last for a certain amount of days and so you must be quick!

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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This sound like a nice map to play for one evening after a hard day's work.


Is it uploaded yet?

Probably Chris just has too much to do on his hands... ;)


EDIT: actually, it is uploaded now and can be found in the Downloads section.

Good going, Chris :D

Edited by Nigel

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Thanks Nigel :)


There is a bit of a back-log of files still, though. There are a total of 8 files still in the queue, I'm working on three SH1 Invasion maps but after the unexpected server move yesterday it had to be abandoned. They should be approved today at some point.


EDIT: Make that 9 xD

Edited by Lord_Chris


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The map is actually quite fun - and not too easy either


I am on my second attempt and just failed by an inch - or rather by 10 sacks of flour.... sooo close :')

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Yes, this was a nice mission.

I managed to complete it on the 3rd attempt :)


Quite tricky, too. I won't tell how I did it, not to spoil it for other players. Just so much, that I had to resort to setting my peasants on 1/2 rations in the end to get enough apples. I wonder what they think of me now.

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