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Stronghold Russian Story mod

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You're both welcome! I am showing you the link where you can download this mod.

Russian Story 2.0

click at "???????", and wait 60 seconds. Uncheck the check-box near "????????? ?????????? Mail.ru", and click again at "???????". The download will start then.


Russian Story 2.1 patch

click at "???????", and wait 60 seconds. Uncheck the check-box near "????????? ?????????? Mail.ru", and click again at "???????". The download will start then.


NOTICE1: It may be possible that the server is being slow at some moment, so you may need to be a little patient with the download. Also, if downloading is going too slow, you may pause it, and continue few hours later or tomorrow.


NOTICE2: About those exe files. If you have an older machine you may need to be patient there as well. Your PC might need some time to run the exe file, and to do the job. You may not understand what it says, but there is one button for NEXT, and you should click it all to the end. At some point you will have to choose folder where you want to extract the files from the exe file (I advice to you to create a folder inside My Documents, as you will easily find it there later, and you can copy the extracted files to Programs Files\Firefly Studios later if you want). After choosing the folder, one button that use to be not "clickable" will become "clickable" - just click that button, to begin the extracting.


NOTICE3: This exe file was intended to be extracted into Stronghold Crusader installation folder. What I did was the following:

1. Extract the exe files into two separate folders Russian Story 2.0 and Russian Story 2.1;

2. Copy Stronghold Crusader folder into a third folder Russian Story;

3. Copy the content from Russian Story 2.0 to Russian Story folder;

4. Copy the content from Russian Story 2.1 to Russian Story folder;

Also, before copying the content from Russian Story 2.1 try to run Russian Story to see if it works, and how it works, just so you may see the difference between 2.0 version and 2.1 version on your PC. It may be possible that the game doesn't work properly with the exe file extracted from Russian Story 2.1, but that it does work with your original exe file. I play Russian Story with my original exe file, and all other content is from Russian Story 2.0 and 2.1.


TRANSLATION: Most of the text from the game can easily be translated by simple replacing a file called "cr". You can find the one you need inside your Stronghold Crusader installation folder - copy it over the one in your Russian Story folder.

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Speaking about translating, it might not be necessary to translate entire game. 98% of the game is being translated by simple replacing of one file. Still, this way you will not be able to see names of the AI lords that were intended by creators of Russian Story, and their descriptions, and you will also be unable to see the right translations of the text within the campaign. Speaking about names of AI lords, I am unsure whether the creators of Russian Story have adopted the speech within the game to those new names. To be more precise, I am unsure if the games says "message from Danilo", or "message from Lionheart" for example. (I'm not saying that Lionheart is being renamed to Danilo, but some, if not all, AI lords were renamed like this.)



ADDITION: Speaking of models, houses from 2.0 I like more. Could you tell me what is the file, or files, in which are those models being stored? And also, how do I change the default stone keep - I like it more when the keep is bade of stone, not wooden? I may try to find it by myself, but I'm just asking in case you are able to find an answer quicker then me.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Thanks, I hope it won't be hard to find. :) I will also try to find that by myself if I find some time today or tomorrow.


ADDITION: I found those files. Here they are:

  • tile_buildings2.gm1
  • tile_castle.gm1
  • anim_castle.gm1

It's clear what is what. :) To get the stone castle keep in skirmish you need your those last two files from Russian Story 2.0, and to get hovels with straw roofs, you need to use tile_buildings2.gm1 from Russian Story 2.0. The only thing about that is this way you will also get granary from version 2.0, which is the same as in Stronghold 1. There may be some other building affected by this file, but we may check that later.


How would you like to have swordsmen and knights like they are in Stronghold 1? I mean, these are Russian steppes, not Holly Land. :) There are some things chat could get fixed here, and I hope we can do that. After that works is done, I would be able to upload our version of Russian Story to some free and reliable hosting service. Of course, I wouldn't want to give anyone less that I got, and for each detail I modify I would give the original files... Or something like that!

Edited by EaglePrince

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You being more of an expert in this mod, I tip my hat to you. I will make the gm switch too. I agree with the exchange of troops to something other that they are (no slam against our Russian friends!). I'd love to see you completed mod (if Lord Chris will allow the download, of course). GREAT WORK AGAIN, My Lord...... :D

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Well, they did a great job with this mod indeed! They made some really good looking models, such as those ones for church, chapel, hovels, etc... Still, what I try to do now is far less valuable, as less knowledge is needed for that, and at this moment - that is what matters the most. :)


Well, I can't promise I will do much, but we shall see. What I have in mind are only small adjustments compared to what was done before me.


I was also thinking about bringing back the speech of soldiers from Russian to English.


ADDITION: Also, the simplest thing we could do is to simply install Stronghold Europe, and to get those models from Russian Story to Stronghold Europe mod. Stronghold Europe is way ahead of Russian Story by some aspects, but right now I will stick to Russian Story as it is simpler to modify. Why Russian Story is 100% modifying resources, Stronghold Europe has slightly different exe file. That is why you can hold Stronghold Crusader and Stronghold Europe in same folder.


SECOND ADDITION: I didn't ask you... Did you make it to download and install Russian Story? By the way, I've done one part of my task - I made it to put swordsmen from Stronghold 1 into Russian Story, but I shall try to put the same image now into the barrack's panel. Even if that doesn't work so nicely, that wouldn't an issue.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Yes, I was able to download (given the time difference), it took 3 hrs! (I must be nuts)... I started to try to work on the .cr stuff like you suggested in your earlier post. I am having some .exe issues (here and there), I'll get it. By the way, there is a Stronghold Europe mod (again from SH), with the Russian hovels churches and what not. The Cathedral is somewhat lame though..I got my initial download of SHE from there. Don't I know if that will help...

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Can you give me where are you downloading that version of Stronghold Europe? I am interesting to see that. :)


This wesbite is where you can download the version which is in German and English.


Speaking about you problem with exe file... I also had issues after installing 2.1 patch, it seems like they messed up something with that exe file, but then I restored the exe file from original Stronghold Crusader, and now it works fine; I just copied Stronghold Crusader.exe from my Stronghold Crusader folder to Russian Story folder. I should also tell that the exe file I put there is from Stronghold Crusader 1.0, I'm not sure how it would work with 1.3 though, because of resolution.


I also tried putting Stronghold 1 swordsmen to Russian Story, but they act weird - when they stand in one place, they don't play around with their swords - they are spinning around themselves. :what:


ADDITION: Speaking about translation - when you go to your Crusader installation folder (C:\Program Files(x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold Crusader), you will find a file there called "cr". That's one you need. In case you don't see it, have this one in attachment. ;) I hope that helps.


I also noticed that animations for swordsman in Crusader and in Stronghold 1 are actually different - the one from Stronghold 1 has more frames. I believe that is the reason why they didn't bring in those swordsmen into Crusader.


SECOND ADDITION: I also made it to bring back army speech in English. I just copied the content from the original Crusader folder "speech" to the same folder within Russian Story.


Besides other things this evening I also noticed some bad stuff at some building models. For example, have a look at woodcutters hut in Russian story after he brings the wood to the hut. The animation and the hut don't fit together so nicely. I will check if some other buildings have the same problem, such as quarry, or iron mine... Speaking about farms, they seem to work perfectly when it comes to this.


And one more thing - about what I said about swordsmen from Stronghold 1. It should still be possible to put swordsmen from Stronghold 1 into Russian Story and Stronghold Europe, but for that to accomplish one would need to go through all frames of those animations of both swordsmen, and to compare them. That is not an easy task, of course, as there are more than 400 frames to check. Also, all this would make sense doing only if we could actually edit that animation - create a new animation that would fit correctly, and put it into the right place.

cr.texFetching info...

Edited by EaglePrince

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Surely, ......the original SE mod was from Heaven Games/Stronghold Heaven, under the heading Stronghold Europe Mod. I don't remember the mod makers name (for credit). Download the updated version (free of bugs and animation glitches). The first version has Engineers modded in place of the Arabian Forces (why?). Further, these modded gm's also "spin around". I removed and replaced them with the original Arab figures. I will try your .cr attachment experiment and see if that helps.


Starting to feel like what it was like to be at The Siege of Jerusalem at this point! :D

Your the best! Thanks!

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Do you mean on this one? If it is, I would still suggest you download the version from this article.


The first version has Engineers modded in place of the Arabian Forces (why?)
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I'm not sure I understand this question. I can only tell that engineers also have Arabian speech in Crusader - you can notice it while playing some of the campaigns.

I've got you! Like I said, just download it from Stronghold Europe website in English, you will have all troops from Crusader then. That is a complete version of the mod.


Well, I am also glad you reminded us of this mod. Only as long as I am looking more and more into details I am deciding to give this up, and to return to Stronghold Europe. Like I said, it's more complete than Russian Story. Still, I will share the models here, and, in my opinion, if you like how Russian Story looks like, then it is better to use those models from Russian Story in Stronghold Europe. Then you will get what you want - a complete working mod with buildings you like.

Edited by EaglePrince

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It appears the other update is no longer there?!?......Oh, well... you took it (and me) further. I still have these new options (which I would not have had otherwise). Your the first person I will advise should I find or see anything else. Thanks for ALL your attention! :D :D

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It appears the other update is no longer there?!?
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I assume what you mean by this is Stronghold Europe English patch, or something related to Stronghold Europe? I did notice that those files that were hosted by filedropper are no longer there, but there is Stronghold Europe HD on Mega, and there is Stronghold Europe English patch downloadable from Stronghold Europe website. If you could just be more precise. :)


You're welcome.


Also, could you tell me where did you find that version of Stronghold Europe with those additional building models, including that cathedral?

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The other structures, hovels, churches and the "Cathedral" were in that mysterious update. I thought is strange that I can't locate it again. I've been using Stronghold Heaven for downloads for years, so it weird. I'll look further into it and naturally will advise you via Post if found!

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I believe that I have seen some cathedral that seems to be in Byzantine style, but not on Stronghold Heaven. It was somewhere else on the internet. But if you lost it, and you can't remember where you saw it - there's no need to look for it. ;) I though you might remember where exactly did you see it. :)

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Oh no, I am so sorry I misunderstood you! If your speaking of THOSE 2 re-modded churches (paint style different), THOSE are also on Stronghold Heaven, under UTILITY MAPS - titled NEW CHURCH SKINS. I thought they were cool too. The modder did not change the Cathedral, though. VERY interested on how he did it.

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For anyone else following this thread - some of the files are now available for download here and here. A thanks is in order to @EaglePrince for submitting them!


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You're welcome!


Also, if someone wants to get the sound, as that one takes a lot of data, he can download that by links from this tread. If you don't want to do it that way, you may also use music and sound from Stronghold 1 perhaps.


If I find some time, I may also pick up the most important sounds from Russian Story, and submit the here.

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Hi ! i am glad that you know about Russianstory (Rus mod) ?


I am modmaker of this mod! And i want ?to say that our mod is alive, but it is so difficult to do everything in RUs 13 century style. Sorry for my lang...... ))) I will be tell you about mod news. Thank you!! ??

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Wow, this is really great to hear! I must tell you that I love how you made all those buildings differently, one can be sure that you put a lot of effort into that, but many things turned out to be better than in the original Stronghold, such as hovels, and many other things, you did an awesome job. :) You could have read all what I said now in some older posts, we were discussing the look of your buildings, and we all agree that it is great; but in case that you didn't have time for reading those older posts - I'm telling you now. :)

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Sorry men)) but i can not to translate well? thats why i am not so fast... google tanslstor elps me...but it needs time sir ))))))))))?


The main problem in our mod - is Russian 13 century.... we do not have materials (rus 13century buildings clothes and people) )) but some of buildings we'd found..... ?

yes my friend hovels - in russian named IZBA was made by one girl 2d artist )) ? ? i ?say like say engeneers - We will try our best..... sorry for my eng )?


I'm trying at the moment to read and understand ))))))?

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Wow. ..did not see this yesterday. So glad you are a member of our Community. Your Mod was the reason I came ?to this site. Eagle Prince was such a help in getting it for me to download. Your Mod is really super. I hope you will release more Mods soon. And by way of shameless self promotion, I have many Articles in The History Thread on Medieval Russian Weapons and Armor you would enjoy. Hope to see you there!


And welcome again.

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Oh) i will try to understand u well. i always translate ur messages) ? and it is so wonderfull when Rus mod know in EU and USA....=)?=)?but we have so much work because it is necessary to change all graphics.?

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I understand uoy my friend ) thanks... we will try do everything for max pleasure............sorry for my speaking



I am stimulated to apologize, but to meanwhile show few nothing. A graphics we are going to change all completely. But a lot of work on changeover of original sounds of game on new was carried out, and also operation on a repostscoring of characters and a pereimenovyvaniya is carried.?


I will try to spread information and pictures and even video here - if the situation allows.

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Sounds like you got your work cut out for you. The Community looks forward to any contributions you and your Crew make.

You might also get a few ideas from the many Talented Game Players here! Most are very good at the various Stronghold Games in terms of playing, explaining and of course Map Making.

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