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New Map: The End of The Pig

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Hey, so my next map will be an invasion map again. I remember this one castle of "The Pig" which you needed to siege on stronghold. It was very hard and took me a while to be sucessful. The goal of this map is to kill the enemy Lord The Pig - Duc Truffle. You will loose if you have to less troops left.


I built the basic map in fast creating way so it's not natural looking yet.

Right now I have the problem that an AI seems to control your units if you don't stop them doing so. Also It isn't possible to dig the water so I decided to block the left and right water area for now. Another problem is that the defending Lord isn't using the fire archers to set the pitch on fire so I needed to place oil throwers, mangols are not used neither.




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This is a nice idea :D

I remember the Pig's castle from Stronghold 1. It was quite hard, and I needed several attempts. Felt great, when my troops were finally on his keep.



About the invading (player) troops beeing controlled by the AI: did you check that they are correctly allocated to Player 1? Also, maybe you need to set the territory where they spawn to Player 1. Just an idea.

Edited by Nigel

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I remember the Pig's castle from Stronghold 1. It was quite hard, and I needed several attempts. Felt great, when my troops were finally on his keep.
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Indeed, I have recently won those two missions from the campaign. :) Each time it was exciting!


I also like how you added the moat in front of the castle.

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Hey, I just saw a video on youtube where Micha! is playing Sergiu HD on the Pigs Castle.

It is also a promotional give away for Stronghold Kingdoms - that is a nice idea.


Cool stuff, Micha! :cool:


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This is really nice to see this castle in action. :)


By the way, Micha, although you didn't make it to win this game, you did leave a castle burned to the ground behind you, and that has to be counted as well! :cool: Micha barbarian! :D

Edited by EaglePrince

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Hey, thank you. This was just a fast map change to play against each other. Also I didn't played to win, it was more a show of. I doubt I wont release the map as a multiplayer map.


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