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Christmas gaming setups

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Hey guys for Christmas I have upgraded my gaming set up. I want to see if you have up graded yours too. I want you guys to post a photo of your gaming set up. I will start with the set Up I have now and tell you what I got for Christmas.



The new additions are the chair and the 2 monitors on the left. I love my setup and these new monitors. I should be getting a third shortly and play games across all 3 :3. Right now I can't well at least not well because when I scale all of my monitors to be one big monitor The old one on the right is fuzzy because it cannot go to a resolution that high.

I hope to see what your guys set ups looks like I don't care if it is an old one I still want to see it *cough* Lord_chris *cough*.

Friendly and here to help! Feel free to ask me any questions about stronghold kingdoms.

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You have a very professional setup it seems, well thought out. Being 15 it isn't as easy to get such a setup but once possible (in a few years) I'll most likely do the same as you :)




Mine isn't technically a set up but I recently got the desk and the chair. My laptop may seem small and feeble but it can run nearly all the games I play on Medium to High! And of course as it's Christmas, it needed to be accompanied by a Terry's Chocolate Orange (dark chocolate for me :D ) I've never been bothered much on dual monitors but my graphics card and quad core CPU should be able to handle another one if needed ;)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Here is my old setup, my old PC is on the left, I kept it in case we wanted to play some lan games, my newest PC on the right, can you hear the fans screaming, I have the C2 editor running:-)


The only Christmas present I will get this year is the pair of door speakers I bought for my car, I have a factory high end 7 speaker sound system in my car and its sounds bad with one door speaker not working, so I said I'm buying a pair of speakers for my present and installed them already, and it sounds great again:-)



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Also, what is interesting here is that, one can see Templars set up on Mathews monitor. :) I didn't want to take a picture of entire desk of mine, but I am keeping this "setupception". :)


Oh, and I see that Vetka sent his desk before me, but what the hell. :)



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Psst! Who needs a gaming setup when I have my laptop and sofa? :D




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Here is my setup:





And I got a GTX 980 from EVGA which is in the computer case right now.

Edited by xiiMaRcLeoN

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Haha, that's a good one, Chris! :D I guess I could do something like that, none could beat me than. :D


Oh, and Xiimarcleon, I see you have San Andreas map on your wall, if I am not mistaken, really nice. :) Keep up with this stuff, I am getting some great ideas how I could decorate my own room. :D

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