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The workshop got release today.


Download a map: Search a map in the workshop and click subscribe. It will be downloaded and available on the next re launch of the game.

Upload a map: Open the Stronghold Crusader 2 editor and open your map. Click "File" and then "Publish to Steam Workshop". You can edit the infos after upload on your steam account (find it in the steam program in your profile)


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That's great Micha!, thank you for the info.


Don' forget to post your maps here though, our collection is growing and we would love to have your maps posted here at strongholdnations.

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We are not sure how we want to go with the new workshop at Steam, any ideas, will it help our site if we post maps there or can we attract new members by posting a few good quality maps there and more better maps here.

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I like the workshop more because you can rate the maps easly also download it instantly without to be in need to do something else.


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As said in the "Two Cities" thread, lets move here with the discussion of the Steam Workshop.

Some good comments were already posted there and Chris may want to copy them here. Meanwhile I will just add my thoughts here.



I think the Steam Workshop is the big thing for the Stronghold community right now.

It is too big to fight and we would be silly to try to ignore it.


We have one thing though, which the Steam Workshop does not have: our maps get reviewed before they are posted.

So while anyone can upload a fast and cheap map on the Workshop, we have a way to ensure quality over quantity.


The best thing that could happen is, if "Hosted by Stronghold Nation" becomes a recognized sign for a high quality map. So we could upload our maps to the Workshop, too, and provide a link to SHN. And if we see a particularly good map on the Workshop, we can send the author an invitation to have it uploaded here - and perhaps featured on our front page for a certain time.

Edited by Nigel

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perhaps featured on our front page for a certain time.
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At present, we can only feature topics. But I like that idea!


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That's a good idea Nigel, our main goal is to get more members and that would help, and yes the quality of maps posted in the workshop will be poor and good maps will be few, we would like to be known as a quality site.


I did post my "Jungle Fever" map there as a test to see what will happen, I have had one response and responded with "if you liked that map, come over to strongholdnation and check out more war scenarios"


Lets see how that goes!

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The Workshop has been up for some time now and it seems to be doing well.

Many maps are beeing uploaded and there is quite some activity.


As one could expect, there are a lot of maps which are, lets say, simple, cheap and cheerful ;)

But there are also quite a few very good, artistically beautiful and high quality maps to be found.


I wonder if we want to establish something like a "SHN nomination for a Map of the Month", to honour the very good mapmakers.

We could all suggest maps for a list of candidates (I could already name a handful) and once a month we have a vote.


The author could then be contacted saying something like "Congratulations, your map has been chosen to be featured by SHN this month, would you agree if we upload it at our site?" Candidates stay on the list to get a chance to be nominated at a later occasion.



It is just a thought, but it could be a nice thing for both the mapmaker community and our SHN site.

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