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Call to arms!

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Hey, guys! Few days ago Lord Vetka, Xiimarcleon and I tried to play a multiplayer game. In the end we were not able to play all together, so Xiimarcleon and I started a game alone against two Lionhearts and one Pig. We were expecting a swift victory, but they had more gold and they defeated us. To be more precise, we were unable to continue, and we were holding, but their attacks were growing stronger and stronger, while we were going weaker by time.


My plan now is to ask one of you guys, to follow me back to those lands, and to avenge that defeat! Who's with me? We must go back to that island, and take it as our own! I tried it by myself, but I failed, and in the end I was overwhelmed by their forces. I could go there with Sir Longarm if none of you is able to join me.


I haven't made any precise date or anything now as we can deal about that later. For example, we go pay a visit to those guys on weekend. Also, I have non-HD version of the game.


The map we would play is Desert Island Blues, and these are positions we would be taking. AI lords would start with 8000 gold - normal game.




possibly December 6 or 7, 2014 - not known yet; 19:00 (GMT +2, Belgrade)

  • Game: Stronghold Crusader
  • Version: non-HD (most likely)
  • Known participants:

  1. @EaglePrince
  2. @xiiMaRcLeoN
  3. @Lord_Chris

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Edited by EaglePrince

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What's the map called in that image?


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Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to tell that. It's Desert Island Blues map.


And, yeah, if/when someone joins my quest, I would add date and description to first message here. Also, I didn't make a standards name for this tread, as I we don't know the date of this event. I am sorry if it should have been named differently, such as "Stronghold Crusader; Call to arms!", or something like that.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Okay, I'm going to try and create that in SH2 as it looks like the ideal fighting map - just like the auto-generated terrain from Empires Dawn of the Modern World. Any chance you could PM me a couple of screenshots of it?


I'm going to try and get my game installed this weekend (hopefully) so when were you intending to play this?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Yeah that's fine - and thanks :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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This looks like a good adventure. :lol:



I would join, but I don't do weekend gaming (except for some execptions).


But I will keep my fingers crossed for you, gentlemen.



Okay, I'm going to try and create that in SH2 as it looks like the ideal fighting map ....
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Did you mean SHC2?

Or did you intend to do it in SH2? Either way, it looks like a good map to recreate.

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Did you mean SHC2?

Or did you intend to do it in SH2? Either way, it looks like a good map to recreate.

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No I actually meant SH2. But now you've mentioned it, SHC2 may be in order as well, I'll see how it goes as I'm not great in that editor.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Well, it would be interesting to play a 2 vs 3 vs 1 game as well. :) Only I think that we should add one more pig in that case, because even though we would be fighting against each other, their attacks would be weaker on each of us. For that reason I could offer you these two quests as well. :)




These maps are The Guardians and The Last Stand. The reason for this would be to make it more challenging, but we do can save if for another time - we can go to the Island Blues first, to pay those three guys a visit. :) Also, even though AI's would be weaker if Xiimarcleon follows us into that cruel land, it should be equally difficult to us, if not even more difficult, as Xiimarcleon would be working against us. He might be trying to put our castles to fire, to destroy our economy, of even to kill one of us. Hmm, now when I said it this way - maybe we should save The Guardians and The Last Stand for another day. :)

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I have added you two guys as known participants in the first message here.


Also, both Saturday and Sunday would fit me pretty well, but let me know when you would be able to play? Also, I don't want to push you, Chris - if you can't make it to install Crusader for this weekend, we can play another time as well :)

Edited by EaglePrince

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This does sound interesting, but I'm afraid that my setup is not ready for online play, I would want to get it setup and test it first.


If I get my PC setup for online gaming before then, maybe I would be able to play. No promise.

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I like that roll, supporting is fun, fighting and destroying are fun to though, but that does come with support anyway!


I would be worried about not connecting properly and waisting your time, I would like to be sure of the connection first, I will ask for help in another thread later.


You guys play and enjoy the game!

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Sorry, haven't had a chance to attempt a reinstall today, I've been fairly busy. :(


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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I'd completely forgotten about this. Is this still on at some point?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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