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Lord Vetka

Invasions that work, 2 maps posted

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I just posted the very first working invasion maps for Crusader 2, Bretar you have seen already, but this version is war scenario and is scripted harder than the old skirmish map.


Arvand is my first war scenario, it's a small map with big invasions, work to slow and you will be defeated, invasions start at day 24 and the last invasion starts at day 52, a few chances to breath in between, enough resources to build a good castle and economy, plus building a defending army will be not to hard, Enjoy your stay!


Arvand - http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/217-arvand/


Bretar - http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/218-bretar-invasion/




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Awesome work, I'm going to feature this topic :)


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The map looks really good, and considering how great your other maps are, I hope I will be able to try them as soon as possible. :)


I hope to see your map on official Firefly / Crusader 2 page. They do often show fun made maps, and this one deserves to be shown there. :)


Also, speaking about the map itself - I really like how edged of the map are done in Crusader 2, and you used that pretty well here with that river. :)

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Thanks guys, it took a while to figure out how to make working invasions, to simple really, it's not worth an article, just download the map and see for yourself how to do it. I will post about how to do it in another post.


I guess if my maps are to be on the other sites I might have to post them myself, C2 will be in the Steam workshop on the 9th, I can post it there.


Eagle you will have to see about getting C2 now, it's getting interesting, new maps showing up, invasions that work, maps with villages made into cities, I have an idea for a new large invasion map, I will try and add in an AI castle for you to siege after defending, I will probably start on it this week after I'm done detailing "Two Cities", that's just about done now.


Just to mention, the river is sea with some grass to green it up a bit, sea is interesting that it's at one level and you have to lower the ground to make it show, so making deep gullies and cliffs and drop offs in the sea is quite easy.

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Thank You Micha!, finally we can make working invasion maps:-) I still have no idea of how to use the rest of the markers, like the siege camp starts here, harass troops start here, I did a whole bunch of testing and they never changed, it came down to a simple place a #1 blue flag where you want the troops to come in one more where you want them to move to just outside of the range of the castle, place an invasion path marker by the keep, or in any area inside the territory you marked, script the invasions to come into flag one and move to flag 2, and they do all the rest like they should.

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I am very glad to see you've found a way to do so. Map looks great, I'll be sure to play it once I have some more spare time. I haven't been in the mood for Stronghold recently, which is sad to say, I haven't uninstalled the game and I have no intention of doing so. I think I may have played it so much that I've just had enough for a while :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Yeah, occasionally happens to me. But only for a few days :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Well, that happens to me as well now and then, but we all come back to Stronghold at one point. :D


The first strategy game I ever played, and the one that has been holding my attention for all this time besides all those newer games. :)

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We all go through that, in games and life, just life, I have been playing these games for as long as I can remember and more than a few times stayed away from the Stronghold series for a while and always come back after a short break!


I started by finding the Crusader demo online and never looked back, I own all versions of the game, I even have Space Colony:-)


See you soon!

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I didn't know you had space colony - how good is it compared to SH?


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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The SHC demo was one of the first games I found online too. I played it for what seemed like a thousand hours and I liked those hours.

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Space colony is not like stronghold at all, you have to build a space base, and babysit your workers, the game is played from inside the base and outside when you send out workers to gather resources, if you like baby sitting a bunch of whiners then you might like it.


That demo was hard, probably easy now but back then, I thought it was amazing!

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I actually started with SH2. I remember it so clearly. My mother recently got a new laptop (intel Pentium processor -.-) and I decided to buy a game to play on it. Went to the shop, looked at the choices (and with my love for castles) I saw a castle themed game, known as, the beautiful, Stronghold 2. Ahh those were the days :D


I too own all of the games! Except for Legends and Kingdoms, they've never appealed to me.

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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While this thread is going more and more off topic, I might as well continue in that direction.


I remember that I also started into Stronghold with a demo - albeit one from SH1.

I have always been a friend of knights and castles - and battles of the sword and spear type (medieval or Trojans). I had loved to play Lords of the Realm. But first I was sceptical of Stronghold and not sure I would like RTS (too hectic for my slow brain). But then I found demo of it on a computer magazine and that blew me away.


Stronghold is also the game that got me into forums and internet communities. I have been having fun with that ever since. :)

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