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Duc Vautour

map design question

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Hello everyone! Does anybody knows how to make 'hades terrain'? Some people says that hades terrain is a lower level of beach terrain. But i tried a lot to accomplish that but the resusult always unsucsefull. Can anybody help me about this?

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I have another thread that explains a lot, it may help you with your question: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/topic/144-scripting-invasions/


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Yes it is a good article, it helped me to get the invasions to work and siege equipment to attack like they should, lots of people could not get the siege towers to work, this tells you how to get them to work and more!


"Adnan" is a good example of the siege towers working, they come to the walls and the enemy troops climb onto your walls and you are in for a fight!


"Adnan" is posted in the war scenario section of Stronghold Heaven.

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Wow, thanks a lot lord chris :)


EDIT: anyway Lord Chris, i can't managed to find an answer on your thread :(

Edited by Lord_Chris
Please avoid double posting for short intervals

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I did assume that, but I wasn't quite sure what you were thinking under "Hades terrain", but than I got it.


You can make it by placing ocean, and than over that ocean you need to put grass. Also, I believe that Hades terrain and beach are same level in fact - at least it has always seemed to me like that.


Also, I should tell that I found what Hades terrain is by looking at War of the deserts map. Surajsubba also

gave there his answer of how to create the terrain.

  surajsubba said:
The Hades terrain is a feature, map-designing technique sorta where u can place farms on what it appears to be dry & barren land.


Here's how u do it:

1) Place a small/large patch of ocean

2) then place thick scrub or oasis grass over it.


Try it out, farms can be placed over it. On the minimap, it'll appear to as spots.

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Sorry to hear you didn't get an answer from that, I was unsure how much it would help - but it looks like @EaglePrince managed to get something :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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You don't have to feel sorry Lord Chris. Although i did'nt find what i was looking for on that document, i learn a lot of interesting things :)


Well EaglePrince, actually i alread tried that. But i don't know if i do it wrong but i can't managed to do that. I believe i already tried just like the instruction said :(

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But i don't know if i do it wrong but i can't managed to do that. I believe i already tried just like the instruction said
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I'm sure if you attach your file to the thread someone would take a look for you, we could see if we can see anything blatantly incorrect with it - two pairs of eyes are better than one, after all :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Well, since somehow i can't take an ingame screenshot, i will just provide you the minimap and its links


A lot of people says there are a lot of map that uses a hades level terrain. But these two are the one that i think best


The first one is "Lasting Impression" by Yasko. It looks like a barren land but actually you can build a farm on the footprint. The footprint is the one that uses haddes level terrain.


Here is the minimap




And the link to the filehttp://stronghold.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3360&ci=0041e57c92a2a2e2cf9a432b77d8727bYToxOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czoxNDoiU2VhcmNoIFJlc3VsdHMiO2k6MTtzOjQ4OiJsaXN0ZXIucGhwP3N0YXJ0PTAmYW1wO3NlYXJjaD1sYXN0aW5nIGltcHJlc3Npb24iO319


The seccond one is "War of the desert" by XFlameX. It looks like it is a barren land from minimap. But, you can actually build a farm on the edge of the map. The Oasis on the edge of the map were camouflaged using hades level terrain


Here is the minimap



And link to download http://stronghold.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=3695&ci=5eccaf2b1c87f2caf1223088a441cb5cYToyOntpOjA7YToyOntpOjA7czozMToiU3Ryb25naG9sZCBDcnVzYWRlcjogU2tpcm1pc2hlcyI7aToxO3M6NDg6Imxpc3Rlci5waHA/Y2F0ZWdvcnk9c2hjX3NraXJtaXNoJmFtcDtzPWQmYW1wO289ZCI7fWk6MTthOjI6e2k6MDtzOjQ3OiJTdHJvbmdob2xkIENydXNhZGVyOiBTa2lybWlzaGVzOiBTZWFyY2ggUmVzdWx0cyI7aToxO3M6ODg6Imxpc3Rlci5waHA/c3RhcnQ9MCZhbXA7dGl0bGU9d2FyIG9mIHRoZSBkZXNlcnQmYW1wO2NhdGVnb3J5PXNoY19za2lybWlzaCZhbXA7cz1kJmFtcDtvPWQiO319

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You can make the in-game screenshot by pressing PRINT SCREEN (while in the game), and than you minimize the game and open Paint, and press CTRL+P to paste the image. Then you save the image. Those who have Steam version could press F12 to make a screenshot.


Nevertheless, we do know what Hades terrain, but we wanted to see your map, so we could see something about your problem.

  Duc Vautour said:
Well EaglePrince, actually i alread tried that. But i don't know if i do it wrong but i can't managed to do that. I believe i already tried just like the instruction said sad
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