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Units attacking villages

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Is there something I should be aware of that will make your own units (and the opponents) not attack villages when going past them? (i.e. invading opponents' territory)


I've created a skirmish map which works perfectly apart from this one flaw, and it can be both disappointing and frustrating. It shows up as a village on the map preview, there are no teams set and it is a neutral estate.


I know I'm asking without a map so you may not be able to assist much, but is there anything that could stop units from attacking nearby villages by default?


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I have not tried it knowingly or not paied attention to this, but here are some immediate thoughts from me:


- Could it be due to the fact that the buildings are on neutral territory and that toops will not attack friendly or neutral buildings?


- Does this change when you set your troops to aggressive stance?


As said, just some spontaneous thoughts.

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I have been playing around with the Two Cities map and found the same thing, at first we had archers on the towers, any troops going by would get archers shooting at them, AIs would come and attack the village, but AIs walking past the city walls will take a run at the gate and shoot at villagers, but continue past.


I think it's the way it is because player or enemy, you do have to fight for the village, you can't just put troops on the hall and take the village, can you place some walls to direct troops away or terrain maybe, use some pathing to make the troops go outside of the attack zone.


I hope that will help.

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- Could it be due to the fact that the buildings are on neutral territory and that toops will not attack friendly or neutral buildings?
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The same "attack" cursor that appears when you hover over enemy buildings appears when you hover over estate buildings - and even when you own the estate.


can you place some walls to direct troops away or terrain maybe, use some pathing to make the troops go outside of the attack zone.
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I can't really alter it from the way it currently is - it's an island in-between the two castle estates that the two players fight for... I suppose it will have to do really, it may add to a bit of the action - but on the other hand it doesn't really make sense that units are attacking random villagers and animals (i.e. ox tether) on the way past to attack.


EDIT: I could try and add some walls, if I'm lucky it won't ruin the rest of the village - this is still a kind of test map so It's certainly worth a try :/

Edited by Lord_Chris


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I found that the troops walk past the villages, no defenses, and in range of any living unit they will fire at or attack, they can shout threw buildings and walls, they walk outside past the walls and shoot villagers in the village, it does not make sense but that is the way it is and we have to deal with it.


I did notice in your first post that the village is a neutral estate, did you color neutral ground for the village or use village estate 9 for the village? The only thing on the map that is neutral is the map that you colored in as neutral, the villages are not neutral as far as I can see.


Your welcome to send the map over to me for a look, maybe I could see something you missed.

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Thanks for the offer - I've sent the map to you. :)


I'm just completely puzzled by it - I even looked at some of @Micha!'s maps and they were setup the same way as mine.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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