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Official Stronghold Crusader 2 Tournament

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European Christmas Tournament


Winter is coming. It is time to gird your loins and join the Stronghold Crusader 2 European Tournament hosted by Firefly superfan and strategy YouTuber SergiuHellDragoon! Sign up now and within weeks you will be locking horns with Stronghold players of all skill levels, with exclusive prizes on offer for those who stand victorious when the dust settles:


? Winner

o All AI Character DLC

o Signed physical copy of Crusader 2

o Stronghold Crusader 2 T-Shirt (Medium)


? Runner-Up

o First AI Character DLC

o Signed physical copy of Crusader 2

o Stronghold Crusader 2 T-Shirt (Medium)


? Semi-Finalists

o First AI Character DLC

o Signed physical copy of Crusader 2

o Stronghold Crusader 2 Lanyard


To enter simply fill out the application form by 5pm GMT on November 18th: http://bit.ly/SC2form


The tournament will begin on Monday November 24th and feature 63 matches in total, with the grand final streamed live on Sunday December 14th. This schedule is designed to give players enough time to practice before the tournament and between matches. You do not need to live in Europe to take part in the tournament, but to allow us to referee games matches will be held daily between 17:00 and 21:30 GMT.


The Christmas Tournament will accept a total of 64 contestants, who will be chosen randomly on November 19th from the pool of applicants. If you are lucky enough to be selected, you will receive an email with the tournament schedule and the date and time of your first match. All applicants must send a friend request to our official Crusader 2 tournament Steam account to confirm availability during the tournament hours and allow us to referee matches: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198162076898


Please Note: If you do not complete the application form, agree to the tournament hours and add our tournament account as a friend on Steam we cannot accept your application.


Full details of the tournament format and rule set can be found here: bit.ly/C2Sergiu


The tournament winners will be announced on December 15th, with the final match streamed live the day before. To honour the most fierce Stronghold warriors, the final eight games will be published to both our YouTube channel and Sergiu?s. This is your chance to defeat some of the world?s greatest Crusader 2 Lords and be crowned European Champion!

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Edited by Micha!


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Whow, this sounds great. :D


I shall sign up for this - even if I get my lance splintered and my armour bruised and dented.

But just the fun of taking part should be good.

Edited by Nigel

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So this is an official contest from Firefly?


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If it is so, it is a nice idea. Although I hope that those crashes in multiplayer do no occur anymore? On the other hand, if they do occur, players do have the autosave, but still - that's not it.

On the other hand, as long as competitors think the same way Nigel does, it should be a great fun. :) I would join it as well if I had my own copy! The most important thing here is to have fun.

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Crashs still occurs with using "shields" but they got very rare (atleast for me). It's an official tournament and should bring fun and even some prices :)

Edited by Micha!


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This should be fun but I have a few questions and observations.........

Taken from their official page........

" It?s difficult for developers or players to cultivate a multiplayer community on their own, but together we can give Crusader 2 the kind of longevity it deserves. We?ve learnt a great deal from Stronghold Kingdoms and want to use that experience to support Crusader 2?s multiplayer post release with content updates, DLC and events like these".


The game still has performance/crashing issues in multiplayer that need to be fixed before an official tourney is held. And they speak of the games "longevity" after releasing a product that still has issues as well as a very bare bones multiplayer aspect of the game. If they wanted to add to the games longevity then why not add a multiplayer lobby? Different game modes beside deathmatch perhaps? Different options for the host of game as well,perhaps making resources/wpns/food....... tradeable/untradeable?

I get on pretty much every night around the same time and have seen the player count in game drop from approx. 1200 to approx. 300. This is sad and speaks volumes when a game like AOE2 has 4 times the amount of players online.



Will the maps be random or not?

And what will the resource settings be.

I always have to laugh at supposed "pro players" playing with resources/wpns/food on med/high along with PT and 500 gold. If everything is laid out for you whats the point of using your brain and building it up yourself?

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Achilles, I second your observations and share your worries - but hope for the best.


As for your questions, this is what Sergiu has on his page for the tournament:


?Round 1 (Map: Hyena, 15 minutes peace time, medium resources, 500 Gold);

?Round 2 (Map: Hyena, 10 minutes peace time, medium resources, 250 Gold);

?Round 3 (Map: Hyena, 10 minutes peace time, low resources, 250 Gold);

?Round 4 (Map: Crusader Tactics, 15 minutes peace time, medium resources, 250 Gold);

?Round 5 (Map: Crusader Tactics, 10 minutes of peace time, low resources, 100 Gold);

?Round 6 ? Final Round (Map: Breath of Life, 15 minutes of peace time, very low resources (food will be on low), 0 Gold).

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Crashs still occurs with using "shields" but they got very rare (atleast for me). It's an official tournament and should bring fun and even some prices :)
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Wait a sec.....

Did I miss something or are you saying the crashes are related to using mantlets?

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Crashs still occurs with using "shields" but they got very rare (atleast for me). It's an official tournament and should bring fun and even some prices :)
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Wait a sec.....

Did I miss something or are you saying the crashes are related to using mantlets?

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Indeed it has something to do with dervishs and mobile shields. I had so many crashs after I or enemy sent them charging on the shields.

I already reported this to the support but they need a save game to test this out.


I asked Sergiu what happens if someone crashs. He said "we try again but if the crashes is to often the player will be disqualified".


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Well then I am going to host some games tonight and have a no merc post allowed as well as no mantlets allowed and see if there are any crashes.

Feel free to add me and we may play sometime......


Edited by Lord_Chris
Removed unnecessary multi-quote

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Make sure to let us know if this helps the crashes @Achilleslastand, it may be useful for future reference! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hey Micha,


looks like we both are on for the tournament :D


:touch ironclad fist:


May your horse be swift and your lance be strong.

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Christmas Tournament: Round One


Thanks to the hundreds of Stronghold players who applied for a place in our first ever tournament, we have a final set of 64 lucky contestants from 18 different countries: U.K., Spain, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine!


Selected at random from the pool of entries, these virtual Lords must now prove their worth on the battlefield. Our advice to all entrants: Crush your enemies, see them driven before you and claim the spoils of war including a lifetime of DLC and signed copies of Crusader 2!


The first round will start on Monday November 24th at 17:00 GMT, giving players the opportunity to practice and develop a battle plan before the start of the tournament. All matches in the tournament?s first round will be played out on the 'Hyena' multiplayer map with 15 minutes of peace time, initial resources set to ?Medium? and 500 Gold.


Congratulations to our chosen contestants:


asalto10, jcarrest{RDS}, # Halle, ????? ??????, kane112esimo, BlackBeard, Cubond [bober], Sim1, Gladia-Anto94, Gandalforion, xXDeATHuNTeRXx, Matthew(aoeo2), BoydT44, Mad Dog, Warlord, nickstap, stronghold2freak, P4V4, Dr. Fetus, Roger Miller (Felix G?nther), Apocalyptic66, LutzRitter, Dovah-Zul, Stannis Baratheon, [iD] illi || Roonny, Klosterritter_Klaus, Moses, Micha!, schungie, DarkSouldier, Kp | Flip, Petr, Silow, Nigel, bruceallmaechtig, Raven, f.eiermann, Oo_sIEBEN, [9te] Menon, kartoffelpriester, seele2501, CoV | Stahlgewitter, MonocleDrop Master, Magge, Elbandiv, LaomerKedor, BrutalEisenDieter, ?pp??, MrDanoster, cendacenek, [sEG] Master_Wulf, D@ergal|Flemo115, iDjKMeoW (Donce), PemsDSPL, Comrade_Zhorik, centurionix, Rowneg, Zee Captain, strongholder3699, Compian, FireRanger, Elber, PRZEMX0, ?PANDA?.


If your name is listed above you will soon receive an email containing the tournament schedule, the date and time of your first match and a reminder of the tournament rules. Get ready to test your mettle against 63 other powerful Crusader 2 Lords and Ladies, bringing home the title of European Champion!

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Thanks to the hundreds of Stronghold players who applied ...
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That's cool. If this is not only a marketing speech, then indeed the game is well alive and kicking - in spite of the bugs that still exist.


Gives me the hope that FF will fix what needs to be fixed and we are in for longlasting Stronghold fun.

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I played my match on Friday - against a good and fair oponent.

We met up for a little chat before match and shook hands and wished good luck as we went in.


To cut a long story short - I was defeated.

But it was a very good game, with lots of action happening.


I took the initative and went on the attack early, putting a group of archers next to the forest where his woodcutters worked. More and more intense grew the battle around that forest, both of us fighting hard.


But finally he found a weak spot in my defence and managed to press through. Eventually there was nothing left for me to do but to hand him my sword.


Still, it was a great game and we chatted for half an hour afterwards.

GG and best of luck to my opponent Silow for his future matches.

I will continue to watch this tournament with great interest.



Micha, is still in it - so best of luck to him, too.

Edited by Nigel

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I thought I would share some screenshots of my battle in this tournament with you guys.



This first one shows my group of archers harrassing my opponent' wookcutters.




... and for some reason I seem to be unable to post more than one screenshot in a post.

So watch this space for further updates.

Edited by Nigel

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It looks really good! I hope you won that battle? :)


By the way, you are able to post more images here, only you are unable to post more than one attachment. You could upload images you want to show us to photobucket, or you could also upload it to our Photo Gallery. :)

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I will be updating the attachment config later, I don't have time at the moment (as currently it's not the press of a button) but I will let you know when it's done, you'll be able to post three per post after that.


But great battle, I see you use the same harassing tactic as me :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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Yes, it was a great battle.



But unfortunately I did not win it.

This is my castle. No prizes are given for spotting which side of it I left pooly defended, inviting trouble.



Edited by Nigel

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.... and this is my castle when trouble decided to accept my invitation :)





But yes, this was a very fun battle.

Well played by my opponent, too. He launched his attack just at the right moment under a lot of pressure from my archers and trebs.


The best games happen, if both players are of similar skill, and this was one of them.

Edited by Nigel

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Meanwhile now the 2. Round of the Tournament has started.

This is the schedule of the rounds:



?Round 1: 24/November- 1/December

?Round 2: 6/December-9/December

?Round 3: 10/December-11/December

?Round 4: 12/December

?Semifinal: 13/December

?Final: 14/December

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It is going very fast now with Round 3 starting Wednesday and the finals on the next Weekend.

I wish good luck to Micha! and the other players who are still in it. :cool:

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Should be good to go! Try and post two attachments to one post now (in this forum only).


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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