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Stretch game screen / Remove the two vertical black bars
Hi. When I start Crusader on my laptop, and when I set resolution to 1024x786, I get the two vertical black bars. When I set the resolution to 1920x1080, then it looks fine, but then everything is too tiny. I would like to be able to play the game on resolution 1024x768, but without those black bars. Can you tell how could I stretch the screen in the game? I hope there is a way to force that. I have this issue on a Windows 10 laptop, but have noticed this on a Windows 7 laptop as well. EDIT: -
Where can I find hard scenarios for SC2 ?
The crusader trail is way too easy, and even taking on 7 Wolves is too easy/repetitive on most maps. I absolutely LOVED Micha!'s Crac de Chevalier, Minas Tiris, End of the pig rise. Does anyone know where one could find pre made scenarios like that ? Would totally pay a few bucks for quality content. Thank you.? -
My Stronghold HD Military Campaign Playthrough on Very Hard
I hope this kind of topical self promotion isn't against the rules but for the past few months I've been working on a high quality playthrough of the Stronghold HD Military Campaign on Very Hard difficulty for YouTube. I'm doing full English commentary for the entire playthrough which I'm hoping helps explain my strategy. As of this post I've made it about halfway through so if that's sounds like something you'd be interested in watching I'll include a link to the YouTube playlist below.in Stronghold 1