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Sir DavidSpy

Black usernames are hard to read

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At first I thought it was an incompatibility with my browser or null username values but now realized it's the fact that there are forum users with black names and it's difficult to see them due to the dark site background.

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You're referring to users in groups such as this one, right? http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/userlist/?username=&show_group=25&sort_by=username&sort_dir=ASC&search=Submit


If so, I'll just change it to the same colour as other members. If it's the main members group colour that's the problem, then I'll try to find a slightly better colour for it. I have tried in the past with yellow before the ranks system came into place, maybe it was the shade of yellow I tried, but it wasn't very good on your eyes - in fact that was the same reason the contributors group colour was also changed to what @EaglePrince has now.


EDIT: Probably just realised that you meant pages such as this one: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/games/stronghold-1/ as it is pretty hard to read. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll try to find a better colour for that. If anyone has any other shades of colours in mind please let me know :)

Edited by Lord_Chris


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