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[SHC2 Map] Crac des Chevaliers

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Hey, my new project is a real castle which was built by Arabs and then successfully sieged by Crusaders. The castle name is Crac des Chevaliers and it stands in Syria.

I tried to built it as real as possible and took the pictures from google earth and different internet sides.



The Map is an invasion based map.

It is possible to play it against a KI player or a human player. Note: 'Host' must always be the defending side.

The invaders are the Arab troops lead by the great Saladin (arriving in waves till day 15). The Crusaders are defending and can only recruit some crusader units.

Both teams can't build any buildings.



Crusader: Defend the Lord and survive till all invasion troops are death

Arabians: Kill the enemy Lord


Note: The path through the gates is the only possible way to reach the Crusader Lord.


Mission briefing:

(French for "Fortress of Knights"; Arabic: Qal'at al-Hosn)

The remarkably well-preserved Crusader castle Crac des Chevaliers: Built and expanded between 1150 and 1250, it eventually housed a garrison of 2000. The castle guarded the only major pass between Antioch in Turkey and Beirut in Lebanon. It held out against several attacks, but was lost to the Mamluk Sultan Beybar in 1271.











Edited by Micha!


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The Krak is one of my favorite historical castles, and it will be interesting to see the final result. :)


I was thinking of trying to make this castle, Kerak or Montreal (the one in Jordan) when I get Crusader 2. Nice to see some historic places being made. :)


EDIT: I'm not sure how well the new artificial intelligence / computer players would respond, but it may be interesting to make an alternate version of the map in which the entire area behind the first wall is filled with water.

Edited by Charles of Tours


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EDIT: I'm not sure how well the new artificial intelligence / computer players would respond, but it may be interesting to make an alternate version of the map in which the entire area behind the first wall is filled with water.

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I'm glad that you are interested in it. Unfortunately, I couldn't create the hill it stands on like the original has. It looks kinda small but was the only possible way to do so.


What do you mean with entire area? Do you mean the whole ring behind the first walls or just the part behind the front walls? Should I remove the buildings and walls or just the buildings for this version then?

I just made this little part with water because it was on a picture I found (there are not much pictures showing the inner build up). I'm not sure if it had everything covered with water back in the old days.

The map itself has much areas blocked and this could be opened for a non "real" map build up. This would open space for even more invasion groups and possibilities


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A very good map indeed once again - thanks for uploading it to us, and sorry about the long wait in approval, we're fairly behind at the moment :)




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What do you mean with entire area? Do you mean the whole ring behind the first walls or just the part behind the front walls? Should I remove the buildings and walls or just the buildings for this version then?
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I meant the whole ring behind the first wall. I think it would be interesting for an alternate version of the map to be made like this, however I don't know how accurate it would be. While the structure of the castle itself is in good shape, I think much of the moat has dried up, but I may be wrong. I can't think of the source, so I sadly can't double-check. :(


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