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The Arden Map

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I seem to have a problem when I play the Arden map...

After starting I move around a bit and my Stronghold 2 shuts down.

I tried a few times with the same result. I tried it after a reboot too.

I have lots of maps that I have been playing and not had this before.


I'm 99% sure that the problem lays with my system set up as I am forever cleaning out cache/dumps/temps/logs etc.

I would like to know if any one else has reported a similar concern?


I have win7 / 6gb ram / Nvidia760 / Win7 Experience score is 7.0 / SH@ v.1.4


Its after 4 am here and I'm off to bed. I shall have another go tomorrow....

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Version 1.4 is unstable - you should either use 1.3.1 (which I believe the map was created on, @Lord Vetka will correct me if I'm wrong) or 1.4.1, both patches can be found in our downloads section.


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I did make this map with version 1.3.1, this is the first we have had about crashing, your probably one of the few people to try playing with version 1.4, 1.4 is not stable at all, patch up to 1.4.1 and it should be fine, if not lets know please.


I hope that helps.


Lord Vetka

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I play on the same version as you, and I resolved it by turning down my graphics, running in compatibility mode and as an administrator and that stopped it. It seems more efficient though to downgrade to 1.3 because there are less noticable glitches and bugs. Firefly made more by trying to fix them in version 1.4 so it's a good idea to downgrade.



"To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield." - Alfred Tennyson

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - Wilfred Owen

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Still, I wouldn't judge Firefly by looking at 1.4 version - it is the fact that 1.4.1 the one supposed to be installed on our PC's and it is indeed a stable version.


This is why I would recommend installing the 1.4.1 patch, and this way you would be able to play all custom maps there are without any crashes. Since it is possible for all of us to have 1.4.1 I think that's the best option - with exception to map makers who have their own reason why they like 1.3.1 more.

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I do like version 1.3.1 and would like to keep it as the main sh2, but what happens is some people stay with 1.3.1 and most go to 1.4.1, being a mod I do have to stay with popular.


1.3.1 has a lot better game play and looks than version 1.4.1, they made this for online play and added a bunch of unnecessary extras to the game that ruined it, to bad, but that's the way things go!


1.4 came out, 1.4.1 came out the next day to fix 1.4 !

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The worst thing about 1.3.1 is the moving knight glitch- you take a knight, attempt to mount him on a horse, while the horse is moving towards him, you move the knight and he can never mount another horse in the game ever, even if you dismount him and try again.


Unfortunately, Firefly only got around to fixing that one in version 1.4.1. But 1.3.1 is best for debugging purposes too in mapmaking.


When making maps, 1.3.1 is also the best version because of backwards incompatibility, maps made on 1.4.1 will not play in 1.3.1 & 1.4, but 1.3.1 and 1.4 maps will play in 1.4.1. Whenever I make a map, I use 1.3.1 for that very reason. It will also tell you if something is wrong in a map, for example an invasion. If there is an issue with the invasion, 1.3.1 will crash - 1.4.1 will continue playing. So you can be sure that something you do in 1.3.1 should work across all game versions.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Do you know if Firefly even still patch the Stronghold games anymore? It would be nice to know if they think the games are "alive" to be worth patching up and fixing these bugs. :|



"To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield." - Alfred Tennyson

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - Wilfred Owen

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I'm afraid not. The last patch for Stronghold 2 is 1.4.1, and 3 has also been abandoned as well. With that in mind, I imagine that Stronghold 1 & Crusader are also abandoned too.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Well that's just ruined my day :'(



"To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield." - Alfred Tennyson

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - Wilfred Owen

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Well, speaking about bugs in Stronghold 2, I haven't seen some major bugs in this game. Also, it is really stable, it hasn't crashed to me in any multiplayer game, and same applies for multiplayer. It is a whole different story with 1.4 version which used to crash in singleplayer quite often.


Regarding Stronghold 3, people are saying about it's bugs, but those bugs are not that much present as people tend to say. Both singleplayer and multiplayer work quite will there!

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The bug I love is the one which makes soldiers hit by a catapult or ballista just disappear inside a wall or building. I use that to dispose of pretty much all my enemies because I use the ballista a lot (usually in number, say around 50).



"To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield." - Alfred Tennyson

"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" - Wilfred Owen

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That is interesting, I didn't know about this bug; although I do assume that if you hit those men in a way that would bring them out of the map or into the see, it would cause their disappearance, or death... Similarly, if a soldier is being hit by catapult or ballista and that hit brings him to wall, it is also natural for him to die - he isn't hit by a regular arrow, and the wall doesn't make it any easier. :D

Another thing is that in Stronghold games we don't have troops collision, so it is possible to do this to 20 men at once if they are on the same spot, but that is another issue, and we are used to it. :)

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