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You experience with webcams and microphones

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Hi, I have recently bought a webcam with an integrated microphone.

I have tried making a video call with someone, and he wasn't able to see me, while I was able to see him. Still, I hope this will get fixed next time, as I called myself as well, and I did see myself on the other computer.

Another thing is bothering me right now though... Whenever I try making a test video call I hear some sound, like creaking... Also, it doesn't show up by itself, it shows after I start speaking for example, or especially if I cough. It would appear after that. I also noticed - if I mute the microphone, the noise would disappear. Also, it happens almost as soon as I would start talking. Still, it wasn't frequent while talking to that person, it was happening during my test calls to myself.


Do you have any experiences with those webcams with integrated microphone? Have you faced such issues with Skype lately?

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I've solved it in a way. :)

Well, the thing it there was no problem. The thing is that the two PC's I was testing Skype calls with are close to each other, and speakers of the second one are close to the microphone (which is integrated inside the camera) of the first one. This was causing interference I guess, that that is why I was hearing that sound after I would cough or something. The sound was gone when I plugged in a headset to the other PC instead of speakers, and than the noise was gone.


So, this sound shouldn't appear during any other call - at least not from my side.

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I don't have to much experience with any thing new, I did use a mike for talking on Skype while playing SHK a few years ago, it was OK. My cordless land phone ecos when there is any sound, tap the table and eco talk and get a bit of an eco, glad you fixed that problem.

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