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Stronghold Crusader Peace Time in Offline Playing
I want to make or download a version of shc v1.1 that can play offline with peace time is that possible to be ?? Someone help me please ....... -
Tips on Keeping your PC in "Tip Top" Condition
1. Download files from trusted sources only! This may seem rather obvious, but when it comes to more "rare" files shall we say, people tend to ignore the risks of what comes with such files and will happily download from any random website that appears to have what they need. The number one reason computers become infected with malware/spyware etc, is from downloading files from non-trusted/verified websites. You can check the reliability of a website by simply typing - *website name* is it -
Invasion Map Tip
Map editor: Hey, best to make an invasion is to set it "Skirmish" and not "Mission". You may think why? The Map can be played in multiplayer against a KI or a human player. Just setup everything as usual (set fraction and spawnpoints). To not let the invader keep and lord spawn just mark the territory under the keep with the block pathing tool (human player Lords may spawn). Create an event and set it objective type "Win". In Conditions set "Enemy has no Troops left" and set "Timing" the day o -
Stronghold 2 WAR CAMPAIGN - Chapter 11: Treachery, Mission 1
Stronghold 2: Path of War, Lost King Campaign Played with version 1.3.1. Walkthrough by HicRic and LordBritian Chapter 11: Treachery, Mission 1 *Objective: Capture Estate: Upwey *Starting goods: 1500 gold, 0 honour, 100 wood, 40 stone *Starting food: 25 bread, 25 meat, 25 cheese, 25 apples The objective for this mission is to capture the island in the middle of the river o?n the map, called Upwey. It has a reasonable number of troops o?n it so you'll need to build up at least a small arin Stronghold 2