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Lord Vetka

Can't uninstall Crusader 1.2-1.3HD

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I have 1.2 and I updated it to 1.3HD a while back, now I want to reinstall back to 1.2, I can't find an uninstall for 1.2 or 1.3HD, I've looked in the start menu, the add and remove, in the game folder, but no luck.


I put the disc in and it shows that I can uninstall Extreme but 1.2 does not show, so I try and uninstall Extreme but it tells me I need to uninstall 1.2 first. I'm running Windows 7 home.


Could I patch it up to 1.2, I do have 1.1 installed as well and it would want to try and update that version with 1.2 more than likely, that's what it did when I installed 1.3HD the first time, it updated the 1.1 version, then I had to uninstall it and run the 1.3HD patch, then reinstall 1.1. Patch Patch Patch to much Patching!

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Maybe you need to patch Extreme first to HD version? Maybe than you would get an option to uninstall Crusader?


I have Crusader and Extreme both non-HD and I have only one option in Add remove programs: Stronghold Crusader Extreme. Maybe having different versions of the game "confuses" the system.


Also, I am going to have a look in my Crusader installation folder, to see if I can find the uninstall file.

Edited by EaglePrince

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Did you try to insert the disc and select "Uninstall" from the autorun?

Also, if you run setup.exe from the disc, it should start uninstalling process. It would ask you if you are sure you want to uninstall the game first.

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If I'm not mistaken, the 1.2 patch is in our downloads section, I think I uploaded that so you should be able to manually patch it no problem.


You're fairly familiar with the registry, have you tried removing the data from there associated with SHC, copying the game files to another location as a backup and then attempting a clean install?


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Yes I checked that patch and it's for SH1, so that did not help.


I have not tried a clean install, if I remember correctly it does not show an install only the one uninstall for Extreme.


I have tried with the disc, same thing it wants to remove Extreme but says I have to remove 1.2 first.


There has to be a way, I will find it! even if I have to reinstall Windows as a last resort.

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Yes I checked that patch and it's for SH1, so that did not help.
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Really? I can't remember where I got it from, but that clearly demonstrates my lack of knowledge in SHC. I'd created a new category in the SH1 section called "Miscellaneous" and moved it there, thanks for that. :)


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I have not tried a clean install, if I remember correctly it does not show an install only the one uninstall for Extreme.
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I think we all have only uninstall for Extreme. Hopefully it would remove Crusader and Extreme at once, after what you would be able to install Stronghold Crusader Extreme again (along with Stronghold Crusader 1.2).


ADDITION: I tried to recreate the problem by installing Stronghold Crusader HD, and not installing Extreme HD. In other words I applied HD patch only to Crusader. Unfortunately I didn't make it to recreate the problem. I was able to uninstall Crusader and Extreme with no difficulties, although there was one difference though - in "Uninstall a program" I had "Stronghold Crusader HD", not "Stronghold Crusader Extreme". Still, this should be solvable by clean install I think.


I do have another suggestion. I'm guessing that this is being caused by some problem while installing HD patch. Did you try to run Crusader HD patch again - this time it might add what it didn't add last time by some mistake or something.

Edited by EaglePrince

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I'm sorry to bother you, but since PCDania left us, I hope we could figure it out by ourselves.


Did you try patching Extreme as well? Also, I hope I'm gonna find out where can I find some uninstall file on my PC, so I could send it to you. Also, even if you "get stuck with Extreme HD", that would be no problem, as I would patch my Extreme as well, and we would still be able to play our games.

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Also, I hope I'm gonna find out where can I find some uninstall file on my PC, so I could send it to you.
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Please be cognizant of the rules regarding piracy and not giving game files to people - it's also against the terms of use of the game.


"Piracy" is the illegal copying of programs, software, films or other forms of media. "Cracks" are the modification of software to remove or disable protection methods or copyright. "Key generators", or "keygens" as they are more commonly known, are programs that attempt to generate serial numbers or other information required for software registration or means of validation. These will not be tolerated at StrongholdNation.


Any users found seeking help about any of those programs will have their topics closed and be issued with a warning. Any further activity from the same user to gain help or support may result in an account suspension. Private Messaging may not be used in an attempt to gain support or aid. Any users who abuse the PM may have their right to use it removed.

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I do realize that, but what I am assuming is that this file should be somewhere on Lord Vetkas PC... Also, I am assuming that Lord Vetka may not have that file only because something went wrong during the patching process.

Because of this, the only thing that is coming to my mind is that he could re-patch the game, so he could get that needed file, or whatever it is, or, if that doesn't work - he would have to get this file from someone else. I am sure he would be told the same thing at FireFly forum, but the only problem there is that place is pretty much inactive right now.

I had similar problem with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars. I was unable to uninstall the game from my PC in any way I could think of, and the only thing that I needed in fact was that uninstall file which, by some mistake, wasn't copied to my hard drive during installation. Luckily, when I figured out that this file being missing might be the problem, I asked my friend who also recommended me the game to send me his uninstall file. I put it where it was supposed to be, and than I was able to uninstall the game from ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS (I had Windows XP back than).


Also, I wouldn't call piracy simply by "copying", that ain't that easy. :) I could send all my files of some of my games to someone, but that way the game wouldn't work to the one I gave the files to. I would only try to find the missing file, and send it to him - without modifying anything.


Still, I do realize that they made that up in the way so they would be sure that no one would send any illegal item to anyone. It was easier to say "DO NOT COPY ANYTHING", although copying files itself doesn't help to anyone.



Anyway, I hope that re-patching Crusader HD would help.

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I do realize that, but what I am assuming is that this file should be somewhere on Lord Vetkas PC...
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It's fine if you check your PC and see if it's in the same place on his, the only thing that's not fine is when you give your files to him - or use illegal means. What you did or used to do really is irrelevant, and that wasn't on this site. You do know about the strong stance we have on piracy as I've had multiple conversations to you about it before - please do not persist in posting in support of piracy and against the terms of use of the game.


I would only try to find the missing file, and send it to him - without modifying anything.
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That's still against the terms of use of the game, as such I ask you do not persist in posting such things here.


You are welcome to PM me to discuss this further, but the decision won't be changed.


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I am sorry, I offered Lord Vetka that kind of assistance as I forgot that part of not sending ANY files. Sorry again!


Also, I hope you don't look at me as on someone who tries to promote piracy, use piracy, or anything like that. I do own those Stronghold games I play. I do admit though that I was complaining how Firefly only sells HD versions of Stronghold 1 and Crusader 1 :) , even though non-HD versions have many better sides (although I do like the fact of being able to play in different resolutions without stretching the screen), and most of players at GameRanger still play non-HD versions.


Once again, I am sorry, and I hope we are still able to help Vetka in another way. :)

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I hope you don't look at me as on someone who tries to promote piracy, use piracy, or anything like that.
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Not at all - just you have mentioned about it a few times. I know you don't mean any harm, and do mean to help users but it does get a bit troublesome when you offer to give them game files, installs.etc as it is technically illegal.


Now lets get back to helping @Lord Vetka :)


Are you viewing hidden files? If you're not, it may be a good move turning it on in case the installer is hidden somehow. I also believe that hidden files don't show up in searches, so that could be part of the reason.


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Found it! :) It is located inside this folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{8C3727F2-8E37-49E4-820C-03B1677F53B6}

This is for Stronghold Crusader Extreme.


I hope Vetka should be able to find it in the same, or at least in similar folder. The file is called setup.exe.


If that file is not at this location, it could be inside another folder under:

C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information


The file isn't hidden, but it isn't in Crusader Extreme installation folder. I found similar file for Stronghold 1 in similar folder first, and that's how I assumed it could be somewhere here.

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I do have hidden files showing, I looked for the uninstall where you pointed EaglePrince, but I did not find it there.


I have tried a few things to get it to uninstall, tried the setup from the disc, no luck, can't reinstall from setup, I do have the Extreme uninstall in the folder, but each time I try and uninstall it tells me I have to remove 1.2 first.


I tried reinstalling the 1.3 HD patch again but no luck, before doing that I moved my 1.1 exe out of the 1.1 folder and now can't find it either, I did take the 1.2 exe from the disc and replaced the exe, now when I start the game it does tell me that it is 1.2 now, but I have not tested it online.


I did download an uninstaller from the web, but it would not remove the file until I bought the darn thing,Arg!


I think I might just remove all traces of Crusader from my computer and start fresh.


I Thank You for the help guys!

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This one I found by finding Stronghold 1 uninstall file, and this one was in a similar place.


If you want to test it online, we could do it today if you want. Still, I remember I did think I could mess with .exe files to change have both, HD and non-HD version, but I did have some problems. In multiplayer I had problems just like I had HD version (version incompatibility). We can try it, to see if it works, I would be online.


I think I might just remove all traces of Crusader from my computer and start fresh.

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If what you did didn't work, I guess that's what needs to be done.

Edited by Lord_Chris
use quote tags, not italic tags

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Wow, it really seems like this thing is quite troublesome, what OS do you have ? If it's different to [user]lord vetka] then is it really that likely to be in the same place?


Just thinking also, could you have deleted the (un)installer at some point? I know this is probably going to the extreme now, but...


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Yes, I believe we both have Windows 7, mine is Windows 7 Professional.


Also, I think it is hardly possible that he deleted the (un)installer by himself, as it is quite hidden, and it's really hard to be found there. Maybe it has to do something with the discs themselves, but there shouldn't be any difference though.

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I do not remove uninstalls from programs, I believe this was caused by the HD patch, never had a problem before, now with the patch, I have no uninstall, I think the best way would be to remove all of my older Crusader games, clear every thing left over and start again, I will do that soon, to busy for it now with C2 out now!


I did download an uninstaller bit it will not remove the files until I pay for it, but, it does show me the files that will be removed, so I think I will run it and record the files it shows so I can clean every thing out, then a new start!


Thanks for the effort guys!

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Just to let you know, I have been successful in removing all traces of Crusader from my computer, now I have version 1.1, 1.2 and 1.2e installed and working properly now, that was a long slow painful job getting the old files out, I kept running different file tools until I could reinstall the games.


Thanks for your help!

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