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Opinions on my first mission (SHC2)
So after playing Eskania and finally figuring out how to make invasions to work properly I decided to create my own mission map. This map is labelled as 'mission' so it's not for multiplayer. You are on your own here. I want someone to play the map and give me opinions on the following: 1) Difficulty of the mission. Was it a total breeze for you or did you find it impossible to beat? Ideally I want the player to struggle in this mission and have a bit of a learning curve to it. 2) Technica -
Any tutorials on making scenarios for SHC2 map editor?
Hello guys, i've only been playing this game for the last two months and recently I started using the map editor. I made a few maps for custom skirmishes, but now i wish to make mission maps just like the lionhearts' 3rd mission on learning campaign. A guide on scenario editing would be really helpful. Thanks -
[SHC2 Map] Crac des Chevaliers
Hey, my new project is a real castle which was built by Arabs and then successfully sieged by Crusaders. The castle name is Crac des Chevaliers and it stands in Syria. I tried to built it as real as possible and took the pictures from google earth and different internet sides. The Map is an invasion based map. It is possible to play it against a KI player or a human player. Note: 'Host' must always be the defending side. The invaders are the Arab troops lead -
SHC2 graphic options and observations..........
The first thing i am curious about especially given that some are having performance problems is why isnt there an option to completely disable shadows? And also about MSAA i noticed there is an option to configure it in the XML files but not in actual game. I wonder if they knew it was a big perf hit and completely disabled it? I did try and enable different forms of AA via CCC as well as Radeon pro and couldnt tell any difference other then the water dissapearing on maps with water. -
My first map in SHC2 is completed.
Hello, Today is the day where I want to share my map I made. It just has my name because I couldn't think of a name. It's a 1vs1 map. I'm working on a SHC1 map now. Hopefully I can bring the map to you all soon.