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Map opinion

Map opinion  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which side you want to play?

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Hey, I started to make the map "Minas Tirith" for Stronghold Crusader 2 and I would like to hear your opinion if you want to play the attacking or defending side? :)

I prefer the defending side because I could create a huge army to attack but same time I have worries that the KI might be to easy (stupid attacking). Maybe it might be better to make it skirmish and for 2 or 3 players? (1 defending, 2 attacking)



First concept of the map. Textures, walls, ways, etc are not ready.


Edited by Micha!


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I vote for defending - because there are far more attackers than defenders and it will be much more of a challenge.


Regarding skirmish/non-skirmish: How about creating a map for each type and then you can request play testers to see which is better?

Edited by Lord_Chris


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That looks very good!


I do have one thing to say though: Why is there the wall around the fields? In the real Minas Tirith, it was just the edge of Osgiliath and then open fields until the gate of Minas Tirith.


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I voted defending, simply because I am someone who likes to focus on defence a lot. The map itself looks brilliant, but the point Chris made does make me wonder also about the theme.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Fair enough, I didn't actually know that - I do think it would look better without the outer wall though, I don't feel it looks right, but maybe after it's done it will look better.


I am definitely looking forward to seeing it completed, though. :)


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The Map is nearly finished. I need a test person to see if it's possible to play with 2 people. The siege units always team up with the KI so I want to see what happens with 2 human players.

Add me in Steam if you want to help testing the map: Micha! or micha201289


*EDIT* I think the map is fine to be released. I sent a request to the download section.


Steam text:


Greetings Lords,

after two days of "work" I managed to create a "Minas Tirith" looking map. I made it to be played as defending or attacking side. Also it is possible to choose between a KI or a human player to play against. It's not a 100% copy of the original but should be good enough.

I already played a couple matches on it and it's quite fun to do so. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to add more unit groups because the game started to stutter (first try were 1200 units). The units will come in waves starting at day 3 till 25. The goal as defender is to survive the invasion and after that to kill the Lord at the River.


!! important !! : The "host" must be the defending side, else the invasion groups will swap over. It's not possible to play the attacking side against a KI player (I couldn't manage to make this possible).



Map size: extra large






Download: http://uploaded.net/file/yq5iqngv


Locate (example): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Stronghold Crusader 2\assets\maps


Guide line for map design: http://www.skrippy.com/user_upload/5570/9021.jpg

Thank you for that :)

Edited by Micha!


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Thank you. I'm in the Steam group "Stronghold Crusaders 2 - World Builders" but badly it hasn't much activity.


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A very nice map, Micha!


You got a really nice comment on the FireFly Twitter page for it some days ago:

"Huge praise in the office this morning for Micha in the forums, who created Minas Tirith in the Crusader 2 Map Editor"


And I see that they are also now also featuring a video you made with Sergiu.


Great stuff :D

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Indeed. Got much compliments and got featued. To bad some people can't play the map because of lags.

I would have loved to add more content and details (stones, oasis, etc) but I thought it may increase the lags for some people.


Next will be to make a 2vs2 version to play it on coop. :)


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Great job! Nice to see you've included Rammas Echor and the dockyard. Makes a Tolkien fan, like me, proud. :)


I think it would be better to have the player defend, since I think it is harder to balance a map intended for an attacking player. Usually, in that case, there is only one weakness to the castle, allowing little replay-ability. While the AI may attack in the same few patterns, the player can at least experiment with different defensive strategies.


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Micha, I have been wondering. Could this map be played as a 2v1?

With the defending 2 players using the new co-operative feature of 2 Lord in 1 castle?


Would be fun if it did.

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Micha, I have been wondering. Could this map be played as a 2v1?

With the defending 2 players using the new co-operative feature of 2 Lord in 1 castle?


Would be fun if it did.

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Not yet, but I am working on a 2vs2 verison of the map. The 2vs2 version will have different units waves then the 1vs1 version. I wanted to wait for more feedback coming in for the map.


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