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Big updates!

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As some of you will already know, there have been some updates going on, as I've let slip a couple of times about this, but not really mentioned anything specific. This is the promised thread for that ;)


Downloads Section: This should hopefully be a lot faster (with the exception of one page I'm working on) and you now have the choice to subscribe to entire categories. To do this, go to the category you would like to subscribe to, and click the "Subscribe to this category" link. You will then get redirected back to where you came from and be told that you've been subscribed. Admin note: since we approve the files, the email gets sent out when the files get approved, so unless you don't approve files for category X there's not much point subscribing to it.




Note: This is taken from the Stronghold Crusader 2 Skirmish category. If you have not already done so, login or you will be unable to (un)subscribe.


This now means, that any new files uploaded in that download section will be sent straight to your mail so you don't miss anything! You can subscribe to as many categories as you like, there is no limit. Next to come, it subscribing to files. But that's not quite done yet.


Also available within the downloads section is the ability to see new comments or files since your last visit. You will see "[New Files]" for files, and for comments/reviews "[New Posts]". Once you click on these, you will be taken to a page where all new posts are listed for you.


Gallery: This has been phenomenally improved, and is now part of the main site. Found at http://www.stronghold-nation.com/gallery/ the URL is not the only thing that has changed (if you have bookmarked this, please change it to avoid "page can't be displayed" errors). You will notice that we have a gallery for every game, and there are a lot of sub galleries.


Also changed is how you submit images. You navigate to the gallery of your choice, and select the "submit image" option - you must be logged in for this to appear. You will then have the choice to select the category of your image, add a title as well as an optional description - and the image itself of course. Note that like the downloads sections, the images which you upload are renamed to the title you choose - therefore, only staff can rename images there, as well as remove them. If you would like to remove/rename an image or change the category of it, please PM a Global Moderator or Administrator to request this.


However, unlike the downloads section, there will no be approvals for images. You are free to upload whatever content that you wish, and it will not be approved, just like your forum posts. Please report any content via the PM to a Global Moderator or Administrator.


To view a gallery, you can left click the image or click the title. And the same for an image inside the gallery for itself. Once you view the image, you have several new options available, such as to download it, if it's yours, this is where you will update it, and if you click on the image you will also see it full screen. Other options also include the date it was added and the amount of views it has received over its time in out gallery.


And if your image is considered to be outstandingly good, it will even replace one of the images on our homepage's slideshow!


We are also considering starting a user referral system - users who refer X amount of users to the site and the user referred registers will get some kind of reward (unknown yet) So start spreading the word! :)


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Great update, you have been busy Chris. Quite a lot of new features. The subscribe to a category option is very good :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Great indeed! I have already subscribed myself for several categories. :)


I also like how you made gallery now, it think it is way better! There is a small preview, short description, and one can download the image to see it in full size.

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The gallery is definitely the part I'm pleased with the most. I'm planning to add the option in to subscribe to files for comments as well, but at least you can view what new comments have actually been posted on the downloads homepage now.


Another good thing about the gallery now is that the last image appears as the thumbnail of the album.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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File subscribing now works in the download central!


You can choose to automatically subscribe by checking the "Automatically subscribe to every topic you post in." option in the privacy section of your profile.


When adding a comment you now get the choice of checking the subscribe icon which will subscribe you to that topic - but you don't need to reply just to subscribe, there is an option on the file to do so too. Subscribing works in the same way as the forums; you'll be notified of any new posts to that fie by email. Also note by subscribing to category X, you will not get subscribed to all files in that category - just the category itself.


If you would like to know what people say about your maps, I would strongly recommend subscribing to your files because otherwise you will not get notified unless you check when you're online - though the navigation there is getting better slowly, it still can be hard and isn't as easy to see new posts as the forum.

Edited by Lord_Chris


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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That's a great feature, like you said checking every file once in a while is a pain, this will make it much better, Thanks Chris!


I will have to start using this feature, then I can bug you with stupid questions! Like to have the comments from my maps do I subscribe to each map or all maps, and from now on as I post maps should I subscribe as I upload them?

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The maps that are already posted you'll have to go on and click the "subscribe to file" link (which is above the minimap when viewing a file). Not exactly the best way to do it but better than nothing I suppose, if you like I could attempt a manual database query for you if I know what files you want to be subscribed to.


If you change the option I posted above in your profile then you will be automatically subscribed for any new files you add, otherwise you'll have to manually subscribe yourself to them as well.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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You can unsubscribe from posts here on the forum by clicking the "You are currently subscribed to this topic - Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of viewing a topic. Maybe a separate option could be better, I'll think about it.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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We've had a bit of bother with emails not getting sent out for file subscriptions - but it's fine now.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Now that the subscribe system has been up for a while now, I see a bit of a problem, I check the site every day and see all of the new posts, but I also get each new post in an email, not so good, I would rather be able to just get new messages from the down loads and turn off new subscribed messages from the forums.

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@Lord Vetka - you must have read my mind. I fixed this earlier today and was hoping someone would make a post so I didn't now have to triple post to let people know :)


The new option is Automatically subscribe to every download you post on. in the "privacy" section of your profile.


You can uncheck the old box and check the new one for downloads-specific emails.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Great, with checking every day I did not need to be subscribed to the forum posts, but the downloads we don't check every day so this will be much better, I changed the settings.


I do see that it could be just a bit better, automatically send an email when someone posts to your download files.


I say that because I don't make any posts to my files unless someone makes a comment and I reply to it.

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