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Pre-placing buildings in village estates using the editor

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The ultimate goal is to place a building that belongs to an estate in the editor. I've created the estate successfully - the game recognises the village as being a village. But buildings placed there belong to the player, and not the estate.


If it's an obvious error, please just shout "you're stupid!" and I will thank you heartily. But I've been on for three straight hours now, and nothing has changed. I've checked the team alignments. There are no scripted events. In the game the player can't place buildings in the village (or the opponents estate) so it's definitely recognising it as a village.


When no buildings are placed, the village does nothing.


Is this even possible to pre-place buildings for estates?


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It is possible to do as it works in my map. Have you made sure you've placed the estate territory marker and not neutral. They are both the same colour and are easily mistaken.


You must place all the buildings for the village as far as I know. For woodcutters ive had to place more estate markers near trees or the game will recognise the woodcutter huts as Player 1

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Yes, they are under a village, "Estate 9". But even though I placed the buildings for the village before the territory was set to the village, when I delete the buildings the colour underneath them is white - so it appears the transition between the castle to village should have been successful.


Regarding "Estate Markers": Which menu are they in and what exactly do you mean by them? If they're in the "markers" menu, I've placed the maximum amount and nothing has changed. I'm pretty sure they're event markers.


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By "Estate Markers" I was referring to the territory, I couldn't think of a proper term and that seemed appropriate, sorry if you didn't understand.


I cant think what the problem is. Could you send your map and I could take a look at it?



"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I've attached the file to this post.

real_map_11.shmapFetching info...


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Think I may have fixed the problem I'll attach it to this post after I've tested it :)


Edit: Seems it didn't work. I don't see the problem, I looked at my map and compared it with yours and there is no difference. I can't see what is causing the problem. If you notice when placing any building in a different area other than Player 1 (red territory) a red tile will be below the building, as soon as the building is hovered in Player 1's territory, the red tile will turn white. It seems the game assumes the buildings you place are for Player 1, this seems like a bug on Firefly's behalf and we'll just have to wait.


I did remove the buildings from the estate so when they do fix it, you will have a clean area. You would have to do this either way. Also I removed the 2 keeps and placed a spawn point as this allows the game to read how many players the map is for. If you look in Custom Skirmish your current map says the map is for 0 players, after using this, it should say 2 players.


I'll keep trying for you anyway :)

real_map_11.shmapFetching info...

Edited by Mathew Steel

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Clearly, there has to be some kind of tool that will allow you to place buildings for different factions and it defaults to the player. But where it is I don't know - that's obviously what's causing this error. I don't think it's a bug, especially if you said you could place buildings for estates in another map.


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True but bare in mind the map I used it for was a War Scenario. Either way, I'll keep trying :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I had trouble with this too but then I figured how to:


1. Mark the territory

2. Place buildings you want in it (don't forget the townhall so players can capture it and place min. 1 house)

3. Create the hauliers (carter post)

4. After this click "objects" bottom left-hand cornor in the editor and search for the hauliers. Then click on it and mark what it should transport (you find this setup on the right side of the editor -> text: objectoptions.)


Also you can change the affiliation at the objectoptions. So you can mark a land but place "enemy" buildings on it.

Can be nice to make a szenario like a town and enemy units are burning it at start, so you need to "restart" building it up :D

Edited by Micha!


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Welcome to the forums! :)


Thank you - that has now solved the problem, it belongs to the estate now. However, as a note for others: you don't have to re-place the buildings. Instead, select them in the "objects" menu, select the "object options" menu (on the right side) and you can change aspects of them from there.


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