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Mathew Steel

Contact Email

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I think it would be a great idea within the "messaging" section in "My Profile" you can provide a contact email. This will be useful for people, like myself, who have signed up with a different email to the one they would like to contact staff/members with.


What do you all think?

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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If you only want staff to view your email, then you should add an "admin note" in: your profile -> essentials


But I don't really think it's worth it, I may add it in elsewhere at some point but it's certainly not at the top of the list right now. Do also note that you can use the PM to contact users about other email addresses and if you dign up with email X, you have to be prepared that you will liekly be contacted through it.


You can also change your email at any time: profile -> essentials -> change email


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If you would rather people contact you at a different email then you need to change the email in your profile.


Click on your name and change the email address to one you prefer.

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