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Future Updates - message from FireFly

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I hope I am not stepping out of line by posting this, Chris. But this is a communication I saw from FireFly, posted on Steam :






Future Updates


We also feel this is a good time to discuss our current update plan for the months ahead. As we have said before Stronghold Crusader 2 is a hugely important game for us and a title we plan to support with lots of new content. Over the coming weeks and months we will be releasing various updates for the game, focussing at first on bug fixes and fine tuning game balance. Following on from that we have a number of exciting feature updates and DLC planned:


- Eight additional AI characters

- New maps for various game modes

- Classic Crusader 1 maps

- Steam Workshop Support

- Player requested features such as Strongwall


We could not be happier with the response from players, who have our sincere thanks for supporting the team over the past two years of development. We enjoy reading any comments that reflect fans? love for the series and those that give us ideas for where to take Crusader post-release. The team is looking forward to implementing some great suggestions and seeing what players can come up with in terms of user-generated content, from custom maps to castle designs. If these early gameplay stats are anything to go by Stronghold Crusader 2 has a long life ahead of it!


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I thought is was worth sharing with you, guys.

Chris, feel free to move this wherever you see fit.

Edited by Nigel

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Those are nice to hear!


By the way, have they said anything about bringing in laddermen or siege towers? This is pretty bad how assassins are the only unit that can be open a gate, or to climb enemy walls without destroying anything. Ladermen were indeed taking part in almost any medieval siege, I guess.

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Thanks for posting this Nigel, I'll make it a sticky.


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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