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favorite way of dealing with criminals

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In this tread I wanted to ask you guys what are your favorite punishing methods?


Do you like to put them in stocks, or to chop their had, and to deal with that criminal instantly, or some other way? :)


Besides that, what method do you think is most effective, and how to you place your guard posts to catch those criminals as soon as possible? :)

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I place one guard post next to my granary (so I don't waste peasants) and I place several Humiliation Mask's because they tend to generate a lot of honour.


They're all effective, it depends on what you would rather use and for what purpose - for example, you get no honour for the executioner's block, but you do get an instant rehabilitation.


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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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This has always been my set up for punishment since the start of SH2:


1-2 Guard's post next to the granary (depends on the amount of hovels).

2 Guard's post for every 8 hovels.

1-2 Torturer's guild (depending on how many criminals you tend to get)

Then I use 2 stretching racks or flogging post.


Of course the amount I place depends on my economies size and the tendency of criminals.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I do similar thing.


I didn't know about humiliation masks, that can be useful while I am trying to get higher ranks in game. Oh, and the executioners blocks - that why I like to use them. Instant rehabilitation, hehe. :)

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I like to put the Guards post close to the huts but between the huts and granary, and close to the court house, then I usually put in 3 gibbets, I find it creates a nice cycle of detention, now you don't have to worry about crime it takes care of itself.


I used to use flogging rack but you need a Executioners guild, keep it simple!


The thing about crime is that the criminals go from the huts to the granary and back, you want to have your guard post between the huts and granary and have him close the courthouse, think efficiency, don't make him run to far!


As for punishments that's up to you, do you want to deal with crime immediately or just let it run the course, like I said above 1 guard post, one worker! If you do it the slow way then you would have 2-3 buildings out of work all the time, not a big deal.


Popularity can be reduced by crime but it's to easy to get popularity to worry about it.

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Thanks for your replies! I didn't notice Mathews reply earlier, as we wrote our messages at almost the same time, and I wasn't looking carefully enough.


That is also what I noticed - they move between granary and huts. For this reason I used to put guards posts near granary, treasury, and near huts, but this one near huts is always too far from the courthouse. Because of that I started putting them near granary, treasury, and near the gate which leads to the huts.


Speaking about torturers guild - I wasn't buildings it lately as I wanted to spare some space, but besides that I also wanted to make things as simple as possible, as I'm still not as good as I used to be. Also, I don't say I was a great Stronghold 2 player before - the only fact is that I was slightly better than now. :)


Thanks for your advices. :)

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Hang'em high!

Burning and beheading or torture is too mean and messy.

I put guard posts at granary and hovels.

Just get them quick and get production going!

Altho' I would much prefer the option of banishment.

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Although my favorite method was to behead the criminal
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Psst! Beheading them wastes good torturers! They could be used for armourers instead :D


The fields have eyes, and the woods have ears.

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⁠— Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: The Knight's Tale

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Hmmmmm....For some odd reason, when I use non-captial punishment, my works tend to steal more. Captial punishment tends to work more effectively!

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Capital punishment is just a different word for death penalty.


The meaning behind it probably is, that death penalty is the highest possible penalty that exists: hence "capital".

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The highest sentencing possible, leveled by a King or Ruler. Eventually evolving down to the "power" of the people and centering around the "eye for an eye" theory. Granted our game peasants stealing apples doesnt warrant this but...... :D

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Well, I don't see how anyone wanting to steal MY food should get away with anything less.



... ok, ok, maybe I am slightly over-reacting. Just slightly maybe. :P

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Well... I like to see their heads come off even though the game itself doesn't show, I just find it very quick and effective, maybe a bit cruel too:D


I often place the guardposts and the courthouse near the Inn. For the torturers guild, I place them excatly in front of the courthouse so they can quickly be punished.

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My man! :D Although I haven't been doing like that for quite a while now, but mostly because I start playing as a free man, and later I just might be too lazy add those stuff for beheading.


But it's not just laziness actually, it used also the fact that that way I wouldn't get any honor. Which on the other hand could be compensated with few statues I think... :)

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