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ShellShock Computer Virus

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I would strongly recommend not buying online after what I've heard about ShellShock (the newest super computer virus) over the weekend.


What are your thoughts, opinions.etc on ShellShock?


You can follow the link for more info.


EDIT: Edited post to make sense in new thread.

Edited by Lord_Chris


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Well, I always like it better when I am able to buy something from a person, although that is not always possible sadly.

When I buy something in some store, then I have the bill, and I can go back and tell, if something is wrong. If I order something on internet, I am less sure they would help me, after I pay them, and after they have my money. I mean, chances would be greater, if I was purchasing it from someone from my country (although even than nothing is certain), while if I purchase something from someone abroad - than I'm only some customer from a small and insignificant foreign country. Maybe I'm just too paranoid about this. :)

Still, I do know you were telling about different issue - this is about some bug which could be misused by a virus, or something like that.

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this is about some bug which could be misused by a virus, or something like that.
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This isn't "just some virus", it's probably the worst exploit in Linux yet (which is what 99.9% of websites use). It's worse than the heart bleed bug a few months back, it is a vulnerability in Linux operating systems that allow hackers to inject software to remotely control the websites on that server, so it's pretty bad.


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The virus is not a problem that will solve itself. As it's new, anyone infected, will not be able to remove it with anti-virus (partly because you have most likely lost control of your computer) but also there is no removal code in any anti-virus for it. There has been a small patch released but the creator has admitted that it is not 100% effective. For now, I wouldn't risk any online purchases.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I know we are going more and more off topic and at some point it might be worth putting this into it's own thread.



But does it only affect online purchases? Or am I at risk if I am online in general (download maps, play MP games)?

Sorry if you think this is obvious - but I am not really so deep into the technical side of this - I need a simple yes/no answer, if there is one.

Edited by Nigel

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You're always at risk online - even on Google. One of my friends told me about people doing a test on Google, they reloaded it something like every five seconds for 24 hours, and for every X attempts, they got malware on their computer. The reason being that Google knows about the malware that people attempt to upload and are always checking for it - be clearly not every five seconds. I'll have to ask him about it again, I can't remember exactly now.


What I recommend is to (as always) use caution. The rules of the internet:


  1. Never use sites you don't know
  2. Before you visit a site, check it with phishtank. Some types of malware can download instantly just by viewing a web page. There are other places you can check the safety of website such as Norton safe web.
  3. Make sure you have a great anti-virus. While windows defender is alright, it's by no means the best prevention against malware & virus'. MalwareBytesPro is free software that even picked up some kind of virus in the registry on my computer - which Windows Defender seems incapable of doing.
  4. Use downloads with caution. Don't download things from other sites unless you trust the source.
  5. And most importantly: Never just 'hand out' credit card details to surveys.etc. They are always scams - especially from 'getmeatticket'. I won't post a link, if anyone viewing this thread searches it & anything happens, I'm not responsible.


TL; DR: Basically, to sum up, you are always at risk from malware on the internet, as long as you have a good firewall and anti-virus regularly running scans you should be fine. The shellshock virus only affects Linux systems, those people who have Windows X, don't worry. It mainly affects purchases, but in reality, everything you post (i.e. even your email).


If you have any more questions, or anyone wants to add any comments do and I'll split the thread into The Open Castle Inn. :)


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I'm sure you'd like to split this topic Chris so here we go.


Lord_Chris is 100% correct. Using the internet is dangerous. Whether you are playing a game online or simply checking Facebook for example. You are always at risk of some sort of danger. Abuse, cyberbullying, malware such as Trojans or worms, everything adds up to making the internet as dangerous as society.


With technology advancing, so anti-virus, with it viruses advance along with hackers or people who just simply try to cause havoc.


I agree with what Chris says and would like to reply to it:

1. This is basic knowledge that everyone should follow. But saying so, a so call "trusted" site such as mediafire has had a lot of problems with malware in the past and still does. Be careful!

2. Some anti-malware/virus have online scanning. Which scans websites before you click them, a good example is AVG. You can also, like Chris stated, check on websites to determine safety of other websites (of course use only trusted websites to do so).

3. Windows Defender, I don't agree. Windows Defender is a very low quality protection. Norton and AVG are average, they are favourites by many customers, but of course this is mainly because of salesmen providing false information. I recommend using Malwarebytes, the free version is great, I myself have the full version as it is only ?20 and does a great job.

4. Downloads, again are risky. Of course trusted websites shouldn't have any viruses or malicious files attached but you'd be surprised.

5. This is simple knowledge. You wouldn't give your card details to a stranger in person, why do it online? Again make sure the website is 100% trusted.


For now, I would stay away from any online purchases until the matter is resolved.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Thanks guys, for all the well meant comments.

I may be a bit naive but not to the point where I would use my credit card carelessly on the internet. Perhaps I am even over-cauceous about that. If I can talk to someone on the phone or buy something in a shop, I will always do that before considering an online purchase.



The shellshock virus only affects Linux systems, those people who have Windows X, don't worry.
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But thanks, Chris, this was exactly the sort of information I was looking for. And for once I am happy to be a Windows user. :)

I will also make sure I stay away from downloading maps other than from this site or SHH.


And yes, I think splitting the threads will be a good idea :P Thank you, Chris.

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I've split the thread, edited my main post above to make sense in the new thread & added a less off-topic reply to the other thread.


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What about making a purchase online using an already setup online bank service like PayPal or Net teller, they already have your information secured and I would think they would be safe to use to buy SHC2.

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The virus only effects Linux so if you're using windows I wouldn't worry. I should imagine steam servers are safe as long as you are sure that you do not have the virus yourself :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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No actually, I would take it all websites are vulnerable unless you know that their server is not Linux.


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I found a site that is selling SHC2 for 41.29 Canadian, it's "MMOGA.com"


I sent them an email asking about the virus and what setup they use for the site, to bad I could not get past the stupid captcha, easy to read and I got it right about 4 times but...anyone know anything about this site?

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Thank you very much, I do like the site myself and will more than likely buy the game from them, I will try and email them again and see how things go with the virus before making the purchase though.

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I don't know anything about it, but a quick look to me suggests it's clean (and not vulnerable - that I could see). But I would still use PayPal when ordering from them.


From what I can also tell, they're using Kayako for support so you should be fine.


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By the way, what do you think about having another account for those situations when we want to by something over internet?

I was doing it that way whenever I was paying something over internet. That account is almost always empty, and when I want to buy something, I pay in on that account just as much as I need, and after purchasing, the account is empty. Still, I should tell that I was able to open that account as a student, or as young person, or something like that, so I wouldn't pay any upkeep or anything.

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A lot of famous youtubers use MMOGA it's a very trusted source.


Lord_Chris it seems you didn't understand me properly, my apologies. I meant that it is less likely for Steam as they are a very good server, also if they were to get infected it's unlikely accounts would lose details.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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I meant that it is less likely for Steam as they are a very good server
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The actual vulnerability AFAIK is from all versions of Linux. And since steam are so big, that would likely make them a bigger target for people. The actual accounts wouldn't lose details, but they would get stolen.


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The only thing a separate account will do give you another account which is a good thing to put money into for online purchases, but it should be linked to an online bank service like an e-wallet, like PayPal, Net-teller, Instadebit, the account you use for internet purchases still has your personal info which will lead to all of your other personal information.


I checked the reviews for MMOGA and most are good, more for the games, there are people complaining about buying gold and having problems, they just run an affiliate service where you pay them and they give you a code to download from Steam, at a lesser price.


Call me cautious, but I think I will let a little time go buy before I make the decision of where to buy the game, maybe do a little more research.


Thanks for the help!

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I think Steam is the best option for games. It may not be the cheapest, but would you rather gamble spending ?30 or know you'll be safe and spend ?40? Think about it.


Of course like Chris has said nowhere is safe at this moment in time, so be cautious.

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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The pitty is, that the appearance of a virus like this can really hurt a small company like FireFly financially.


I mean, they have launched the game, have made all their advertising campaigns and now they are really depending on as many people to buy the game as possibly. The appearance of a new virus that puts people off purchases must be the one thing they dont want just now. :what:


Sure, the old fans will still by the game later (if it is good), but they will loose a lot of business from casual gamers, who would be interested now, but not in a few months time.

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I like G2A to buy most of my games but I don't know what server they run on buy they do games deals with paypal and paysafecard and they also theirown. but I trust and so does my friends. but I'll look into it and also I a windows user so I aint the virus so all good also my bet is give it a week and I bet the virus been patched. not every virus is perfect they have flaws

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It's only really servers for websites that use Linux (that I know of, though it has become increasingly poplar over the last few years).


They have flaws, and they aren't perfect, but I don't think it will be patched quite as quick as that, maybe in a month or two though.


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