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Skirmish Trail : show your success

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Well, you'll definitely have to let us know the outcome of this one @xiiMaRcLeoN! :)


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I too have recently completed the first mission of "Breath of the Infidel", it wasn't too difficult after setting up my defence, but still took a while :)


Also I know this isn't completely relevant, but I have just completed my 4/5 campaigns today too :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Congratulations, xiiMRcLeoN.


If you found this one not very difficult - maybe you have just become very good as SHC2,

or maybe you just hit upon the correct strategy for this mission :P



In any case, you are the first of us to complete the Trial.

I think that deserves a mention in the OP.

Edited by Nigel

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Slowly, but steadily I am continuing my long march on the Trail...

(somewhat held up by some good multiplayer battles)



I have started the second mission of the Breath Of The Infidel chapter, the "Iron Hills", but now the Sultana has left me for the Rat (the Rat !! Why him? What does he have that I dont??). Well, at least the Shah is on my side and backing me up.

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Against all the odds - MP games, mapmaking, real life, sandstorms - I have reached the end of the Breath of the Infidel chapter.


After a hard battle, two Rat brothers and the Caliph eventually fell under my attack in the last mission.

Here is a screenshot of one of my attacks on the Caliph. He was aready badly wounded but had still survived the charge. Onle last brave knight tried to take him on alone. But the Caliph, still backed by his archers, also defeated him and eventually I had to send in a group of freshly recruited macemen to subdue him.






This mission, Pit of Despair, was actually the first one that saw me defeated against the AI at the first try.

Quite funny to see the Rat enjoy his victory - jumpiing up and down and jubilating.

Well, I suppose as missions get harder from now on, I might see that more often :P

Edited by Nigel

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