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feeding people

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Hey, guys, I wanted to ask you some questions about economy in Stronghold 2, as I started playing it a little bit more lately. I knew most of those stuff before, but some of those I forgot, and now I am remembering them, while some I wasn't thinking about. This one is one I wasn't thinking much, because I was always favoring bread production to feed people.


What I meant to ask you is, are there any differences between between feeding people with meat, and with apples? What all of us can see is that hunters hut and apple farm cost same amount of wood, and that hunters take less space, but do they bring food faster than apples farmers, or they bring food equally fast. I could test those stuff, but I thought I could ask you for some advices, as you may know those.


Also, what are real advantages of bread? Does bread production employe less people to produce same amount of food, or do they simply need less oasis, and nothing else?


I don't mean to ask you to test it for me. If that is needed, I could do it myself - I just meant to ask you, if you already know some of these facts. :)

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What I remember is, that there used to be a lot of talk about meat factories: i.e. meat production beeing highly over-powered and players feeding their whole population with hunter's huts and making a fortune by selling excess meat on top of that.


It got to the point where mp games were beeing played as : no meat games.

I dont know if it was adjusted in a later patch, though.

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That's interesting... Well, what would be most logical, is that each feeding type to have its own advantages, so if apple farms and hunter huts cost the same, and since apple farms require more space on plain ground, it would be logical for them to set apple farms to produce food faster. But who knows - I shall test it. :)

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Bread slows food production down. If you think about it, wheat gets taken to the stockpile, taken to the mill, turned into flour, taken back.etc.


While in that time, an apple farmer may have taken one or two loads of apples to the granary. Also, bread takes up far more workers with little to no advantage over other food.


The main thing that is taken into effect is the variety of food. Not what types, just how many and of what types. This is exactly what the honour bonus from the granary is based on - how many types of food you have.


From what I remember happens (off hand) Apples are the quickest, second to Meat, Cheese and then Bread.


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Thanks for explanation!


Also, if I have 100 of food units in granary, when we consider the speed that food being eaten, it doesn't matter if there are 50 meet and 50 bread, or 100 bread for example? They would eat that food in same time, but it will bring me honor, if I have different types of food?


If you're not sure - than it is approximately same, right?


I just wanted to clear those things up. :)

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They would eat that food in same time, but it will bring me honor, if I have different types of food?
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The food gets consumed in the same amount of time. The only difference is the honour bonus - on normal rations I think off-hand it's 1 honour per food type given on a monthly basis.


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I see it has already been answered but here's my view on this anyway.


In SH2 bread just uses too many peasants for such a small outcome. Of course using 4 types of food gives more honour but in theory it isn't worth it considering the resources it will use. I, as well as Lord_Chris if I remember correctly, tend to use Apple Orchards, Hunters Posts and Dairy Farms. These are cheap and quick and although they may use a bit more peasants, they give more food and hence more honour. Hopefully this helped :)


P.S. In Stronghold Crusader 2, bread is the way to go :)

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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Yes but mainly because using 8 bakers will keep your bread over 2000 units so that's great :D

"Gofyn wyf am galon hapus, calon onest, calon l?n."

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All good answers, my method of madness is to place 2 apple farms and 8 hunters posts, they bring their own pheasants, and as I get more wood I will start wheat farms usually 3-4 then a mill and then 6 bakers to start with, this is good for a medium population, I might add in dairy if I have the room and want to make leather armor.


This gets my people fed and allows me to up the rations and gives me gold from several sources as I get going I would add in the Lords kitchen, the Lords kitchen does not feed your people, pigs are good for gold, get some wine going and gold is more than enough, along with wood stone iron and the many other things you can build to make gold.


This will not do in multi play, you need a lot more to have a chance, but a good start, get bread going in an estate will add to economy as well, watch players spam estates for goods when playing online.


I agree so far about bread the way to go in SHC2, another way to make easy gold is to make candles, they are self contained and make loads of candles, put in 6 of them and watch the gold come in.

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